EVE SuperGrid

Discussion in 'humor' started by Evorax, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    BREAKING: EVE Audio to introduce the SuperGrid!

    From the same engineering team that brought you The Grid tweeter protector, now comes the amazing SuperGrid!

    The SuperGrid is not only an amazing woofer protector for your monitor speaker. It has a diverse range of functions.

    For example, you can use it to cook on your next camping trip. Forgot your portable grill? Not a problem! The SuperGrid is strong enough to grill meat and fish, and its holes have been especially designed by our engineers so that you can even boil basmati rice without fearing that the tiny grains will slip down to the fire.

    Meat, fish, poultry, silver cones? Not a problem! The SuperGrid was built to withstand temperatures of up to 900 degrees Celsius. It is built from the same kind of technology that NASA uses in their spacecrafts. So you can be confident that your SuperGrid will handle pretty much everything. Even in space!

    And although we originally designed the SuperGrid to be a woofer protector, we're finding out that customers are using them for all kinds of protection.

    In Central Africa, for example, young kids take their SuperGrids to school everyday to protect themselves against attacks from wild animals.

    In Southern Europe, the SuperGrid is quickly becoming an invaluable tool against sunburns on the beach. People there even stopped purchasing sun lotion: they just take their SuperGrid with them, and the perforated micro-angles of the SuperGrid will easily reflect the ultraviolet rays back to the sun, thus helping planet Earth against global warming at the same time.

    Even in Australia they have ditched their lifelong icon - the boomerang - for the slightly modified SuperGridoorang! Its special aerodynamic design guarantees that it always comes back to the rightful owner (please ask for an invoice in your name when purchasing the SuperGridoorang, otherwise it may not come back to you...).

    If the SuperGrid can do all this for you, imagine what it will do to your sound!!

    Well, actually, it will do nothing. It is designed to be acoustically transparent and not intrude in your mix.

    So remember, buying the SuperGrid may not do anything for your sound, but it will help you save the planet!

    Happy April Fool's Day, EVEryone!!

  3. Blister

    Blister Newbie

    Feb 15, 2012
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