Equavescent Beta2 version 1.2.0

Discussion in 'Software' started by lbarratt, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. lbarratt

    lbarratt Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    Equavecsent2 has been keeping a low profile while testing lately.

    We feel it is now working fantastically and would like to present…………

    Equavescent Beta2 version 1.2.0 @ www.barrattaudio.com/products This link is to a functioning free trial, similar to how the Reaper trial works.
    This is a new design, algorithms and build from Beta1.

    Equavescent uses proprietary algorithms to create a radically innovative equalizer.
    These algorithms improve upon traditional equalizer maths.
    The results speak for themselves.
    The algorithms remove micro modulation errors often found in digital equalizers.

    Benefits include:
    • a clear lack of digital granulation, especially in the high frequencies
    • clear and tight analog-ish low frequency curves
    • equalized signals sound more in phase with themselves, creating a smoother analog-like transient
    • the stereo image is considerably more defined when this equalizer is used on stereo sources such as whole mixes
    • positioning of signals in a stereo field is far more distinct

    Equavescent is now a resizable interface with no gimmicks. Everything on the interface has a purpose.

    Tip- Equavescent can subtly clean up some of the errors in your recorded ADC path, until our own converters are released. In the meantime, add the highest frequency 12 dB LPF to your desired tracks. If you are at 44.1kHz or 48kHz dial some of the ultra highs back in with one of the width/q bands.

    Lachlan Barratt

    “finally a digital EQ I can use on a classical recording” -Lachlan Barratt barrattaudio
  3. DAWinci

    DAWinci Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    Hehe, a "functioning"(!!) free trial (notice the "clever" play on words here, exploiting a well known "fully functioning free trial" phrase and people's short attention span).
    It would be quite worrying if it wasn't a "functioning" demo, don't you think?
    Also, Reaper's trial is an actual "fully functioning" one, unlike this, so you might as well have mentioned any other piece of software there for it makes no difference; this demo's limitations are not the same as Reaper's because it has occasional audio drop outs, while Reaper is genuinely fully functioning.

    Anyway, this must be the ugliest GUI I have seen this year, really. Please consider updating it to something that looks a bit less like kids' homework.

    For the end, quoting yourself in a marketing blurb is a new milestone in ridiculous marketing.

    Considering it sounds nice, I'd like to see this cracked soon.
  4. lbarratt

    lbarratt Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    Hi DAWinci ,
    There is no audio drop out. No need to crack it. Check your leads and speaker connections. Maybe it's the patchbay.
    Quoting myself was a joke. As I have said on other forums, at some stage I plan to employ a reputable mastering engineer to say it and then I will edit this quote to have his name at the end.
    I am having a graphic designer looking at the GUI at the moment. What really matters to me is the sound and functionality. There are so many EQs out there and it would be a useless EQ if it didn't sound nice.
    I am highly honoured that you want to crack it.
    Thanks for listening
    Lachlan Barratt
  5. DAWinci

    DAWinci Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    This is what I'm referring to (check attached image), you're saying this is not the case anymore?

    Attached Files:

  6. lbarratt

    lbarratt Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    Hi DAWinci,
    That is a very old quote. The new version has drastically reduced number of impulses and is only 100mB. The original version had every combination and permutation of impulse, where as the new version has one new set of fantastic impulses based on a new refined algorithm.
    Lachlan Barratt
  7. DAWinci

    DAWinci Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    Well it's nice to hear we don't have to download a 1GB datafile anymore.
    But you didn't answer my question about audio dropouts on the demo; are they still present in the new version?
    If not, I recommend you tweak your promo blurb a bit.

    Regarding the GUI, some people like bright (white) ones, but most people, including myself, like darker, "PRO" looking GUIs.
    Perhaps it would be nice if you offered two versions during install, so that people can choose if they want a dark, or a bright one.
    I recommend you take FabFilter ProQ, DMG Equick, DDMF IIEQ PRO, Flux Epure etc. as decent examples on how to create an attractive GUI for a modern EQ.
  8. lbarratt

    lbarratt Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    Hi DAWinci,
    At this stage Beta2 has no audio drop outs.
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