Equalizers (Mixing/Mastering)

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by mild pump milk, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. ToniFrance

    ToniFrance Newbie

    May 25, 2016
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    Hi...as per my observation the EQ list is being classified, a lot of changes every day. I am going to post the final version of document on May (possibly first week, now I have no enough time because of my usual work, but it will be released as soon as possible).
    It's being checked (new equalizers added, some of eqs has been removed, new classification columns in the tab, sorting by "quality and popularity
  2. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    I'm thinking of trying just dynamic eqs for my cuts or "pre" compressor eqs/insert eqs. Given that they will only "cut" at that frequency like a compressor if that freq exists at the time...making it more transparent and avoiding phasing issues even more?

    Idk, all I have is ONE freakin eq, Msomething, and saw a free Nova plugin that does that, I thought I had many more...you guys know off hand all the other "dynamic" eqs like that?

    And why aren't you guys using dynamic eqs for cuts on the inserts of tracks?
  3. Sokito

    Sokito Newbie

    Dec 15, 2016
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    Thanks a lot ! You are cool! Thanks for advice about wawes instalation on Mac os x
  4. Sokito

    Sokito Newbie

    Dec 15, 2016
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    Thank you very much for the advice hot to install Waves on my Mac os x....Bounce!
  5. lexeed

    lexeed Platinum Record

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Glad I saw that. I felt so alone.
  6. Digital Crush

    Digital Crush Member

    Dec 23, 2016
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    Kush Hammer Dsp
  7. The most utterly transparent EQ I've ever used.
  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    This thing is a f-ing beast.
  9. TW

    TW Guest

    try this and you can forget 98% of all the mentioned eqs ...
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  10. Calmond

    Calmond Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2016
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    Lots of pertinent points in this thread! Love it! The musician in me tries not to get bogged down with the means to my sonic end, but the nerd in me always wants to learn and talk about different audio tech! :yes:

    Still interested to see a list of "bad" EQs - the ones with horrible aliasing or are badly coded. I remember a thread like this on GS but no comprehensive list was made.
  11. Calmond

    Calmond Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2016
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    Which algo EQs sound just as good as Nebula/Aqua EQs, in your opinion?
    I feel like I kinda get close with PSP E27 and Boz Hoser XT EQs, but to my ears, Nebula EQs seem to sculpt sounds in a more organic and musical way - like they become one with the original sound.
  12. I think the PSP E27 is pretty good. I took out the Lindell 6X 500 to see if it would compete as I really would like to pare down the insane amount of plug-ins that lurk on my SSD and just keep and use what I feel are tools that I just cannot work without. For me cutting frequency is just about fine with every EQ out there, but when it comes to boosting it is another thing entirely. I hear scratchy things, fingernails on blackboard bothersomeness kinds of things from many in the Himalayan region of the boost. Just can't have that. The old 32bit Nuendo SSL is one of my favorites for pushing the lows It is soooo very sweet. The Fab is my go to when I want to visualize the curves.
  13. Calmond

    Calmond Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2016
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    Right! The boosts really separate the wheat from the chaff.
    Whats your take on the Lindell? I've yet to try plugin...
  14. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Replacing emulated ones, maybe. Digital clean ones, because analog like stuff is far from clean surgical stuff. And speaking about analog ones, one is not enough to replacing, it's so because of different curves, filter types, q, colour, other features like phase adjustments, fully parametric freedom to adjust frequency up to 0.01 Hz precision or even smaller, etc.

    Speaking about algorithmic emulations of gear. I recently watched video about pulteqs emus, guy tested on flat impulse with Waves q clone, results were next: waves and softube doesn't properly emulate pulteq, psp is much closer, but still not so close, Pro-Q2 may simply emulate it by matching or manual approximations, because it is fully parametric and you can adjust it as you want, so equilibrium works this way and there are pre-made curves of classic stuff, but there is question of colour,vibe,saturation, because these digital eqs are ideally clean. So they can simply emulate any gear, but in superclean way. So, in music history and engineering world people were heading to clean sound, no tube saturation, no tape noise, precise sound, but now we are lacking of it, we are looking for that old sound to bring it back. Back to future. Full throttle to past.
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  15. TW

    TW Guest

    I never said you can replace all. And everyone here knows there are diferrent eqs for different tasks. However if you cant mix with i.a. a 1 syrgical - fabfilter pro - 1 good couloured like the navy - and a good one for your mix bus like NI passive or MS eq from brainworx there is something wrong with your mixing.

    Thats the problem of today. Too many choices. I mean the first post...

    "Here is the list of top mixing/mastering grade software equalizers"

    and then a list of round about 160 EQs?!? really 160 top mixing/mastering eqs - XD Which is esentally every eq with a name lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2016
  16. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    There is nothing wrong with my mixing))) once I produced, engineered, mixed and mastered some tracks on very cheap speakers, don't remember name, but they are fine and without room treatment. Plus beyerdynamics dt770 pro. I tested them in some studios with very expensive monitors, and engineers were shocked by good results and when I said how it was done. And they were shocked as well by my knowledge and skills, I was about 17 or 18 years old. Results are still very excellent.
  17. Jorge Cano

    Jorge Cano Noisemaker

    Apr 26, 2016
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    These two are my go-to EQ's all the time, personal favourites:

    Fab Filter Pro-Q2 - Great CPU performance even at the late stages of the mix, easy layout, mid-side.

    Sie-Q(Soundtoys) -
    Amazing curves, Gives lows a very pleasing warmth, the drive knob is magic (any vox sounds thick almost instantly), works wonders when you need a bit of analog colour.

    I find that sticking to few Eq's helps with the workflow, less time deciding which ones to use and more time actually Eq'ing, but that's me.

    Definitely got some new Eq names here, gonna go out and try a couple.
    Thanks for the list, great work!

    Last edited: Jan 23, 2017
  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    this is insane ! option paralysis!

    i, myself have about 6 eq's for everything and each is divided onto categories on fine grain detail, middle of the road , or broad strokes then in categories then if they transparent or analog etc.

    your list is a bunch of plugins that just do the exact same thing as most of the others a bunch or repeats eq is eq you only have a few charactor qualities like i listed above what level of detail it works at and how transparent.
  19. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I compiled a nice cheat sheet of analog modeled EQs that are avaialable as plugins. It Includes the Model, Number of Bands and Filters, Range (dB), Frequency Cutoff Points, Noteable Details as well as some Tipps and Tricks and an extra section with a list of plugin Vendors.

    Enjoy: http://www47.zippyshare.com/v/4njI7eBi/file.html

    EDIT: I created a dedicated thread for Analog modeled Plugins with an updated Version of this list:

    Last edited: Jun 18, 2017
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  20. jvne

    jvne Kapellmeister

    Oct 3, 2012
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    Thanks 5teezo, with your analog modeled list of compressors/limiters cheat sheet and this one... we're gonna make a book soon ;)
    Very useful

    Cheers mate
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