Elon Musk unveils Mars colonisation plan (2016.9.27)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ArticStorm, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I couldn't refute it if you told me monkeys fly out of your butt too... but I'd never believe it !
  2. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    here we go, the entire conversation:

    fraki then said about that part
    so he asked you to eplain and you resorted to QM (my only problem with your claim)
    so after he asked you to explain how QM permits conscience after death you went with:
    so you didnt want to teach us, and someone pointed out:
    and you told him :
    doesnt this mean he has to read Krauss to be enlightened on THAT topic? i just asked wich book can enlighten us on that claim...
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2016
  3. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    the guy is gonna keep jumping like a frog..and obtusely ignoring the obvious...

    troll mode engaged... :trolls:
  4. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    Again, commositore you are not reading carefully. I have never stated that theoretical physics is actually linked to multiple dimensions. All I have basically said is that theoretical physics is based on math and with it multiple dimensions are proven. Do we have evidence for it. Yes! Math is the actual evidence for it where we do not know anything better to prove it with.
    Nor I ever stated that Quantum Physics is evidence for my statement! I have never said that! All I have stated is that Quantum Physics is the basis of it! Huge difference, but considering your constant streak of flawed reading I am not surprised at all.

    With your logic Big Bang can be considered non scientific yet Big Bang is probably the best scientific theory we have presently to understand the origin of our existence.

    And again your overly pragmatical way of thinking is closing your mind in a box stopping you to think outside the box while it also making you a naysayer in connection with Elon Musk and SpaceX. That is why you will most probably never going to be an inventor nor a pioneer in science or in anything for that matter. Then again it is your problem not mine.
    For example when the telescope was invented many scientists in that era were similarly sceptical about it as you are today. Even after seeing it, trying it out the same way you see the already ongoing practical experiences that SpaceX demonstrates in front of your own misreading eyes.
    Then again you can be pragmatical as much as you desire and cover yourself in many crippling dead end details, ultimately it is your scientific arrogant narrowness and fortunately not mine nor was it the trait of Nikola Tesla nor the character of Elon Musk.
  5. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    Exactly. All I have stated is to read some books of Krauss to have some knowledge in QM that provides the basis starting point to my statement, but again I HAVE NEVER STATED THAT QM IS EVIDENCE FOR MY STATEMENT AT HAND! Or if I did again please point me to that statement and I will rest my case for sure.
  6. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    Seriously! If this is the best you can reply on this then you have just destroyed any credibility of yours as a human being. In fact your name "Herr Durr” coupled with your idiotic profile picture also only reflects your utter malfunctioning persona blabbering around in this forum that is in fact based on music while you yourself is not even a hint of a musician, but you are in fact the real TROLL! :)
  7. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    so as i asked before, wich book?
    Or at least explain what is the basis starting for your claim in QM, i really hope it's not unitarity principle.. dont bother explaining, i studied physics so you can give a super short answer just pointing the principle you mean.
  8. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I just went to Mars and back, I even returned before I started, and I have to tell you it's not really worth it. Don't mind the storms, there are worse ones here on earth. But, the people there insisted it would be their planet and we had no right to redo our history over and over again. They said something of suing, mentioned a central space administration office, where we didn't register our plans and all that. And then they asked if we didn't learn from 42? I don't get it, but it seems we're not welcome.

    Oh, and I made some music today.
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  9. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    Which book? The book that hit you on the head while you were a little boy watching yourself peeing in your own bed. Moron!
    Read about Biocentrism then if you completely understand QM. Especially the works of Dr. Robert Lanza. He talks about those QM principles and phenomenons you are asking for. Specifically the Double Slit experiment, Quantum Entanglement… etc.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2016
  10. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    except they aren't...
    we actually do, scientific method (and with it empirical evidence, is pretty important for science (surprising eh?)
    already a strawman? we actually have pretty solid evidence for our current model of cosmology Mr PRO expert, i'm surprised you don't know..
    And by the way Big Bang has absolutely nothing to do with origin of our existence if you mean life or even universe. Big Bang didnt create life nor it created our universe, our current model doesnt state an origin for our universe wich existed as a naked singularity (read Penrose conjecture) before inflation started (with Big Bang)
    Not really, they on the contrary copied it from a similar device, my connational Galileo did it by copying his telescope from previous devices, you could have made a much better example with Relativity from Einstein and for example Sagnac trying to refute him, or Einstein trying to refute QM and ending with strenghtening QM as a result..
    But it's still a dumb statement, being skeptical is the basis of scientific method
    yeah, deadly radiations, lack of energy, such trivial details uh?
    interesting choice, the guy who was so close minded who didnt want to even accept Special Relativity and ironically opposed strongly QUANTUM MECHANICS... yeah but you are a pro expert
  11. flashback23

    flashback23 Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2015
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    hello hello, MOOOODS!!!!
    we need the retard police in here asap, they are at it again!!
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  12. Erik_Menton

    Erik_Menton Producer

    Jun 16, 2013
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    again, no title i see
    you have read it, can't you cite those principles instead of sending me to read a book that your Lawrence Krauss described as (i quote)"IT LOOKS LIKE A PHYLOSOPHICAL ESSAY" , so not scientific.. and Lanza isnt a physicist for your own info..
    Good, let's start, how the double slit experiment lead to conscience after death? Same thing for an effect that regard particles (because quantum entaglement is about particles not entire human bodies)
  13. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    more than a hint.. I just prefer not to subject others to it.. not that it's all that good or anything.. is it a crime to be humble ? :winker:

    @flashback23 hey .. I know that dude.. Mitch Hedberg amirite? :rofl:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2016
  14. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    Would you care to share some of your music then Mr. More Then a Hint of a Musician? All I see is 1257 Messages of yours while your profile is even a bit younger than mine. Or are you so humble that is actually crippling you be one?
  15. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    what do you want? Neil Young cover.. ? I don't do EDM... call me out if u wanna..
    will you eat some Rocky Mountain oysters too after I satisfy you ? :wink:

    come to think of it .. I've never seen nor heard any of your "music" here either..
    but I have seen you rant and rave enough in this thread for a year's worth... :lmao:
  16. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    why go to Mars when they are already here?


    teaching us how to live in peace and harmony
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  17. flashback23

    flashback23 Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2015
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    @Herr Durr, you got tri21 in your sig so you can call me mummy for all i care

    edit: but it's bill hicks, the late, great king of comedians
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2016
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  18. Weasel

    Weasel Ultrasonic

    Jul 30, 2016
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    An absolutely pointless massive waste of resources. Anyone who says otherwise is an ignorant of current facts. Yes we should "take care" of our problems on Earth right now, period.

    With better technology sure, maybe in the future, travel won't be so wasteful and there'd actually be a point.

    Get better technology here before going to Mars instead of wasting money and resources on such pointless shit in its current state. This does nothing but HINDER advancement because of the waste for NO REASON other than childish curiosity.

    I fucking hate Elon Musk had such opportunities in life and he's blowing it on bullshit when that money could be spent much better on investing in proper technology. What a fucking disappointment and drag.

    Look, for instance, how about we develop real autonomous robots to build us colonies on Mars and have a self-sufficient automated system BEFORE we waste resources on sending humans there? How about we invest in cybernetic augmentation technology first before we send humans? Sending augmented humans will be much easier than humans made to live on Earth only. How about we invest in researching physics and so forth for better space travel instead of BLOWING IT on this pointless shit? What can sending people to Mars actually produce to advance it?

    It has NOTHING to do with proper reasoning or technological advancement. It is a drag to advancement in fact. It's just stupid human pride.
  19. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    if i was like 5 years old, i would think this sound great. but i think that i acquired enough knowledge of society already at 10 to know the worst that could happen is to start colonizing other planets or "god" forbid discover living organisms and then having private corporations to handle it.

    we have at least a hundred years left before we sort out the very basics of a humane society.

    so, i can stand the stupid u.s movie industry for a while more but if you ask me, no thanks for fucking "businessmen" and their atrocious mentality polluting life in space.
  20. Auxiee

    Auxiee Member

    Aug 3, 2022
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    I watched all of Elon musks videos on youtube . now I am an expert in rocket companies and the virtue signaling ambassador the world needs! rawr