Elon Musk unveils Mars colonisation plan (2016.9.27)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ArticStorm, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    feeling excited to listen to his speech here. what are your impressions?
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  3. GODSanAI

    GODSanAI Kapellmeister

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Dude's a huckster. Don't believe the hype. Without government subsidies his companies would fail. Tesla bleeds money every quarter. Solar City deal is shady (conflict of interest) not to mention foolish as they also bleed money. Stay optimistically skeptical.
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  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    without people having visions, we would still live in caves. btw he put a reference in the talk about how NASA with their trust in 2008 helped Space-X to survive. btw Tesla made lots of patents public, so nobody has to pay for using them. so i dont think that Elon is foolish in any way.

    another remark, how much do you know about Mr. Musk? have you read the biography? or do you only believe what you read in the media?

    Somebody has to step out and has to deliver a plan/vision for this, if not we will be here in 2100 and nothing has changed.
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  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    The guy is selling a Disney directed cartoon,if Kubrick was still alive he would probably direct it.
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  6. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    What do I think? I really don't care as long as Elon Musk will be a part of his colony.
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  7. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    ok make something better not to mention build a rocket engine on your own from ground up.
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  8. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    @ArticStorm don't mind the people. For them, the future has nothing to do with space. I wonder how many know that Musk has successfully shipped several satellites to space AND landed the carrier rocket successfully, to be used again. It was obviously the first step for the Mars project. And each of those flights of course was payed by the customers. There's more to it then just a dream.

    The time plan, however, seems to be extremely short. There are still a lot of issues to solve. There's nothing about how exactly the settlers shall live and survive. How exactly the colony has to be like. Etc.

    Can it be done? Of course. There's no scientist in the world who would disagree. With current technological status quo it is doable. Will it be done? Sooner or later. So why not Musk? Should it be done? I'm not sure. It sounds a bit like "let's not face the earth's issues, let's flee instead."
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  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I think he just wants to charge .001% ers $200,000 for a flight of fancy that the rest of us groundlings will never touch...
    I see no value other than sheer egoism/greed in this... ( if it ever gets off the ground AND comes back again ) prove me wrong
  10. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Man couldn't even land on the moon, so how are they going to get to mars? :mad:

    Holy crap, Steve Faoki has disagreed at least 3 times!
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2016
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  11. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I miss Kubrick.

    Mission to Mars = NASA + Christopher Nolan.
  12. GODSanAI

    GODSanAI Kapellmeister

    Dec 6, 2015
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    I never said Musk was foolish, I said the Solar City deal is. His shareholders don't like the deal either as some are suing. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/artic...rger-could-be-delayed-by-shareholder-lawsuits
    Granted its common for shareholders to sue against acquisitions they don't like, and generally the courts side with the companies. However, in this case Musk owns over 20% of both companies, his cousins are founders and CEOs of Solar City, and they are on the verge of default. The deal is essentially a bail out for Solar City. For those reasons the courts will likely be more discerning in this case.

    Nothing is wrong with people having vision. I'm just seeing a pattern here. Someone dies in an auto pilot crash and Tesla needs more money, BAM master plan part deux. Space X rocket explodes, BAM here's my mars colonization video. Misdirection at its finest. Not to mention that they also covered up the U.S. autopilot crash with the NHTSA for 2 months after the fact, while making a 2 billion dollar stock sale. http://jalopnik.com/tesla-did-not-disclose-autopilot-death-before-2-billio-1783123902 While technically "legal", it sure creates an air of suspicion at worst, and a complete lack of ethics at best.

    Its also a known fact that Tesla is money incinerator. https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcompany&CIK=0001318605&owner=include&count=40&hidefilings=0
    Here are all their filings with the SEC. You can see for yourself.

    I believe he needs to focus on the reliability of his rockets before he tries his mars colony thing. There are many engineering and logistics hurdles if one were to attempt to colonize mars. Not to mention how EXPENSIVE it'll be. Who's going to pay for it? What is the payoff benefit/ROI? Just to be able to say we did it and get a trophy?

    Jim Chanos on Tesla makes very good points.

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  13. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Elon musk is an actor.......

    Good morning to you all :)
  14. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Is that a serious question? answer: the American taxpayer of course!! ... who is already subsidizing Tesla car company..
    when few Americans can even afford them.. dream on Musky, extreme hubris and disconnectedness

    oh and nevermind the national debt of the USA ( and honorable mention Deutsche bank's
    supposed $72 trillion derivatives exposure ) I'll be surprised if his dream will be
    realized in my lifetime, with a worldwide currency/economic collapse just waiting to happen

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2016
  15. GODSanAI

    GODSanAI Kapellmeister

    Dec 6, 2015
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    It was a rhetorical question ;) You're preaching to the choir brother...:mates:
  16. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    mine too compadre... :winker:

    it is the answer to the question that's the shame and the joke...

    the global elites take us as nothing but fodder for their feckless fancy...
    I could add many more F's but I don't want a warning :bleh:
  17. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    The skepticism that is mostly coming from Americans in this forum is exactly the same as it happened after the EU announced its plan to build the Large Hadron Collider. America is the centre of failure and decline as it happened with the Roman Empire. Where xenophobia is growing out of proportions, where you can find the most uneducated and pure moronic people per 100,000 capita on this planet, looking at other fast developing areas in the world with bitter envy not even realising that the US is not the best country anymore. Just look at its present presidential candidates. Lol… Yes, dear Americans, this is what you get after dismissing a wonderful person like Dr. Ron Paul labelling him “naive" although he was completely right on everything throughout his entire political career. He even offered excellent solutions while all the others only bubbled up populistic empty words so as the present candidates. But this is what the American people need and believe. "Circus and Bred” just like in the Roman Empire, freedom destroying new laws in the name of safety while the mob is cheering in euphoric agony. USA, the only “developed” country still not using the SI system, doing everything to slow or even stop any effort of sustainable development, environmental friendliness in the name of fast profit. The only country where Monsanto is king, where GMO is not only not banned but defended by allowing hush - hush labelling techniques to deceive its own consumers. Where the military spending is higher than the combined military spending of the entire world. Same for the incarceration rate per capita. Where people spend over thousand times more for the same quality health care the rest of the world relies upon. Where life expectancy is declining while in other developed nations and even developing nations life expectancy is not only already higher, but also increasing. Where the zombie workers still allow and cheerfully accept only 10 days of paid vacations in a year while they spend the most time at their workplaces then go home watching TV, eating GMO popcorns sitting their slimy fat asses in their worn-out couches yelling occasionally like “Yeaaahh, let’s make America Great again!” and “They took our jobs!” saying similarly close to as it is in the episodes of "South Park”. Lol… A perfect breeding ground of envy naysayers and extreme scepticism… etc.

    Elon Musk being a South African and not a US born fat idiot already brings me more hope than any of your ultra moronic religious leaders dear US of A. Let me put it this way: Elon Musk at least is doing something, trying really hard while you all just sit around drowning in ultra scepticism and hopeless stupidity trying to bring down the rain on everything that is called real advancement. Yes, dear America, you deserve what’s coming at you while the rest of the world is leaving you far behind, you brought this on yourself.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2016
  18. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Wouldn't bother me if he went back to S. Africa either... see what venture capital he could get there...:wink:

    funny you are taking a huge dump on the country that's supposed to be financing your wunderkind

    if you think the rest of the world will be insulated while you enjoy the watching the USA
    slide into the abyss.. then I'd say apparently you have no idea of the precipice everything is teetering upon

    on the Ron Paul stuff.. you're good to go...except gosh.. he's an American

    on the SI stuff.. miniscule... ever heard of conversion factors?

    LHC.. couldn't care less where the thing is.. you got the Higgs Boson.. now what's next fella?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2016
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  19. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    Think about your xenophobic words for a second. He immigrated to the US realising how badly fucked up this country truly is thus while he is already living here took the effort to create PayPal, TESLA, SpaceX… etc. Yes, an immigrant “alien" as your stupid archaic at best human rights bashing xenophobic immigration laws call it.

    Is he being financed through venture capitals? Yes. All the better! He is at least doing something with the huge amount of money America stole from the world and, yet it still doesn’t change the facts, not one bit that I brought to attention in my previous reply. Then again that’s all you guys have, money and even that is concentrated only among 1% of your imbecile population.
    Funny? Let see who is going to be laughing at the end. Even with your idiotic wars in the middle east that is now affecting Europe with the huge influx of refugees while only increasing terrorism in the world I believe you will get the worst of this at the end just as you deserve it.
    The American society is not even a society, but the collection of idiots trying to be a society while mistakenly thinking the entire world is only following them. Oh, the American Dream.
  20. nickveldrin

    nickveldrin Member

    May 31, 2015
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    Wow, i was a bit surprised to find all of the distrustful and hateful words on here regarding the colonization plan.

    I sat through the 90 minute speech and came away from it actually inspired by his vision and what he wanted to accomplish. You may have a handful of people in society that are big dreamers and have big visions of what they'd want out of life, but just a fraction of those would ever make it into a place where they'd be able to take action on those dreams and visions. Elon has already proven himself as one of those people.

    I think his ideas are grand and we'll likely have casualties and problems along our way to realizing a two-way transport to Mars, but he has the right approach, and if i would be 25 years younger, i wish i would have had the opportunity to go. Maybe my children or my children's children will have the opportunity to step on a world not of our own some day.
  21. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest


    Are you Russian by chance? I am picking up vast wafts of cheap vodka.. even here in stinky old xenophobic America ,
    that still welcomes all sorts of wretched refuse from the world..and makes the rest of us PAY for it...
    also your Musky man's technological conceits...

    So I am a xenophobe..? New one on me. You just sound like a straight up America hater... too funny actually..
    it's not even the pot calling the kettle black..you are the pot and the kettle товарищ

    @nickveldrin consummate bullshitters are often mistaken for visionaries

    history is littered with them..
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2016
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