Dune 3 opinions

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by hexer1337, Feb 13, 2021.

  1. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Meanwhile im still rocking Dune v1, dunno i somehow like this version more, since its not so BIGG, also the GUI is pretty much in just "one page", what i like and in v2 and v3 lots of stuff is in sub-windows.
  2. TryHard

    TryHard Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    That's a fair point.

    Also, a fair point.

    If I were to offer one additional criticism of Dune 3, it's that it doesn't have the best preset menu system. Just a very basic pop-up drop down list, which If you have many preset banks / packs ... has to scroll down by clicking and holding the mouse at the bottom of the visible list and waiting for the basic popup list to slowly scroll downwards.

    Also, no functionality to search by 'tags' for instrument type etc. Just the popup list and manual navigation through subfolders. Definitely some room for improvement there compared to many other comparable synths.
  3. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Very nice sound engine.
    "physical modeling" sound, organic.
    About settings, i mostly use presets on this synth.
    In a "workstation" spirit.
    There are few synths i respect.
    Dune (whatever version) is one of them
  4. MassesAreAsses

    MassesAreAsses Member

    Jan 5, 2021
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    Me too I just got around to playing with Dune 3... except I don't have all the Add on Presets that I used to, does anybody know where to get some?
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    @ cexcean: Some of the soundsets from Aiyn Zahev for Access Virus TI are really nice also. +1, Definitely a really good designer :wink:
  6. joem

    joem Producer

    Dec 17, 2011
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    yea dune 3 is awsome love the wave table editing fuctions now and the ability to add wav files in the thrid osc.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2021
  7. thedarkbird

    thedarkbird Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2020
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    Dune is one of those industry standard synths that has been praised all over the internet for years. So, you know, hard to go wrong with.

    One of its strengths is that you can do up to 512-voice unisons (8 layers x 2 unison OSCs x 32 voices), and still be (relatively) manageable for the CPU. Big, wide, insane sounds, that's the Dune ballpark.

    I very much like its analogue filters. You can really get some old-school detuned analogue sounds out of this synth. Dune is associated with modern sounds but it really is a do-it-all synth that could mimic a Prophet 5 and you wouldn't know it (so to speak).

    Strong FX section as well.

    But it's first and foremost a traditional synth: wavetable functionality is limited compared to Serum/Avenger/Vital. You can edit/import wavetables though.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2021
  8. Quakeaudio

    Quakeaudio Producer

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Zeta Reticuli
    Amazing Sound! Dune 3 is great!
  9. TryHard

    TryHard Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    I tell you what guys... there is this one truly baffling quirk I discovered by accident with one of the factory presets of Dune 3, which I wonder if some of you might try to replicate to see if it exhibits the same weird behaviour on your installations:

    All you need to do is load the following preset into Dune 3:

    ...\Documents\Synapse Audio\DUNE 3\Soundbanks\DUNE 3 Factory\Keys\Autumn Water ARK

    Then, simply save that untouched preset into any other custom or user folder.

    Next, toggle between those two presets, the original and the copy (located in a different folder)...

    No matter what I try, the copy 'always' exhibits a different behaviour ... the volume is VASTLY quieter than the exact same preset when loaded from its original factory folder location.

    It makes absolutely no sense why simply loading the same preset from a different custom folder (still within the main '...\Documents\Synapse Audio\DUNE 3\Soundbanks\' should alter its volume?

    Not only that, it also does this when simply copying the original file to a different folder via Windows File Explorer (therefore eliminating any possible modification by Dune during saving as a potential factor).

    For anyone wondering why this is even an issue when you can simply continue to load it from the original location, it was because I wanted to also add it to my 'favourites' folder for quicker access.

    Anyway, I hope someone can test this out and see if you notice the same odd volume alterations.

    (Oh! I'll just add that my Dune 3 is legit and so definitely not due to any bad patching/cracking, etc.)

    Cheerz :)
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  10. cexcean

    cexcean Producer

    Jan 16, 2020
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    yeah I have them : 6 sets

    They are cool but Funnily what set did Blow my Mind is not even listed on his site. Its what he did for KV331 Synthmaster 2

    I also really dig the set he did for Razor and Ultra Analog

    His U-He sound design work is really nice too


    speaking of the Virus - check out Cherry Blossoms, Galactic Vibes soundsets (warped and morphing soundscape stuff)

    also Sasha, DJ Teitso, Sunny Lax and Alan Marcero (smoother softer sides of the Virus)

    and Richard Devine ( experimental)

    Ultimate X - has good drum soundsets to start with but Im not really into their synth sounds

    : sorry for going off Topic.

    my apologies

    it shan't Happen again
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2021
  11. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Go for Hive 2. Much better.
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