DrumThrash - Drum Software Version 2.0.5

Discussion in 'Software News' started by AThrash, Dec 14, 2021.

  1. AThrash

    AThrash Newbie

    Aug 24, 2020
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    DrumThrash is a drum software for Windows PC that lets you create custom drum tracks. There are many new features in this version.


    What's new in 2.0.5

    *New - Option to create tuplets has been added to the Quantize toolbar.

    *New - Option to set custom divisions. Right-click the division box on the Quantize toolbar to open the Custom division panel.

    *New - Draw tool. Hold down the left mouse button when adding a hit. Keep holding the mouse button down. After a moment your mouse cursor will change to a draw tool, you will then be able to draw hits on the grid.

    *New - Hold down the [D] key to toggle the Draw tool. Release the key to return to the previous tool.

    *New - Hold down the [X] key to toggle the Draw tool. Release the key to return to the previous tool.

    *New - Hold down the [4] key to auto-fill tuplets.

    *New - The export window has been updated. Now you can export loop regions. Pattern and song list are now displayed to give a better visual representation.

    *New - Option to Delete All Patterns has been added to the Pattern list menu.

    *New - Recently used time signatures have been added to the Time Signature menu.

    *New - A new online help guide at https://www.drumthrash.com/help-guide

    - Updated - The DrumThrash Help Guide included with the software has been updated.

    - Updated - When opening the help guide i.e. clicking a help button the topic associated with the window will be displayed.

    - Fixed - A few minor annoyances in the export window were addressed

    - Fixed - There was an issue where the kit panel would run out of space at the bottom.

    - Fixed - A new updater to prevent connection errors.

    - Updated the User Presets dialog.

    - Added indicator on playback button when auditioning files.

    - Updated - Sample blender window is now resizable horizontally.

    - Fixed timeline loop not updating when changing a time signature during live playback.

    - Added an autoplay option when dragging DrumThrash pattern files to the Event panel.

    - Fixed color of random label in the controller panel.

    - Added images to menus.

    - Fixed labels not updating on the controller panel.

    - Fixed annoying tooltips from popping up when using the velocity labels.

    - Updated - Any reference to the term 'note' has been changed to hit to avoid confusion.

    - Fixed issue where dotted notes were not being placed correctly for different measure sizes using the nudge tool.

    - Fixed auto-fill for dotted notes.

    -Added Code Signing Certificate which does the following.

    •Protects users from malware and viruses by assuring the authenticity and integrity of downloaded code.

    •Trusted on all versions of Windows, preventing warning messages and errors when installing software.

    Visit: https://www.drumthrash.com
  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Price: $59.00 USD
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