Drums programming - Intervals

Discussion in 'Education' started by pamjadi, Dec 3, 2015.

  1. pamjadi

    pamjadi Newbie

    Mar 24, 2014
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    I have always known there are many knowledgable artists here. So perhaps I can get a little help with my questions that I really appreciate having them answered from you guys.

    I have been lately studying some theories and gaining up my knowledge.

    2 main things I'm having no answer yet to:

    1. Drums programming in Dance music or any other genre. Is there any kind of rule or anything other than listening to other tracks to be able to make great drums? Like what makes a great groove?

    2. In regards to intervals, Why do we need to know them? OK the distance between to notes in a scale is something eg a perfect fifth, but how knowing that gonna help me? Other than the Names?!

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