Dreadful donation experience

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Andrew, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Between worlds
    I'm making this thread primarily for those who wish to donate to AZ through Coinbase.
    One evening I've decided to finally send a donation of 10€ to AZ. Coinbase just became available in my country, so I though let's give it a try.
    After I filled everything up, I was taken aback since they only accept bank transfer and not the usual CC/PayPal. So there I went, blindly sending them 10€. Two days after the payment was made, my bank charged me 9.5€ as SHA processing fee. After a week or so, Coinbase rejected my payment for undisclosed reason. So naturally my bank issued me 3.5€ fee for incoming payment from abroad. I am 100% positive all payment details were correct. An inquiry on their forums was met with no attention from them.

    So there I am, lost 14€ for a donation that was supposed to be 10€.

    Sorry SAiNT, but I'm spent. Can't donate through means of Bitcoin, since it's too much hassle and hidden fees everywhere. My brother thought Bitcoin was great idea, but he lost over $2000. :(
  3. BDrake

    BDrake Noisemaker

    Jul 9, 2014
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    Yes I don't trust that type of transaction. There is too much involved. If there was a Paypal set up I would give money. Instead I contribute by sharing my purchases to the community. When I read all that you have to do to "contribute" plus be charged for it? I gave up so I understand and I'm glad you confirmed my suspicion.
  4. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    don't you just hate the fecking banking systems, they rob you any which they can (and then rob you some more), the whole world has been totally shafted by them :snuffy:

  5. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    :sad: *no* :sad: *no*

    The usual stuff with banks ... first they nearly ruined the whole world economy (2008), then they got social wellfare payed via taxes by ordinairy working people! Now they operate like nothing happened at all!
  6. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    yes f**k the banks

    Come put your hard eared money in a bank and we will give you 0.00000000000000000000000001% interest.
    So you want to lend some money, sure that will be 90% interest on that sir.

    F**k the Rothschild's and their banking system.

    The only thing you can bank on is that they make s**t load of money off you and me for doing nothing.

    As for Bitcoin personally I think the Rothchild's are behind that, they know people don't trust the banks any more. So they come with a currency that people think the banks have nothing to do with.

    Because you don't get to be at center of the financial world for 200 plus years without being cunning as a fox.
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