Don't Blame Young People.

Discussion in 'Music' started by black.afrika.zulu.x, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Brainworx Boom?

    Native Instruments Transient Master?

    Sir, your Luddite rebellion is futile. The robots are coming and they WILL replace you! All those hours you spent tinkering with a kick drum will be done by a computer in a few seconds! Deal with it.
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  2. Aceha1

    Aceha1 Kapellmeister

    May 8, 2016
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    I blame the young people.
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  3. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    1- DAWs have not been programmed by real musicians from the scratch. This is the biggest reality and no one can reject it and OP has legitimate rights to remonstrate against that.

    2- Learning DAWs doesn't help to your musicianship and doesn't reinforce it. It's another reality. Learning them just facilitates your production process of course costs time and money.

    3- DAWs aren't smart at all a thing that in the artificial intelligence era seems a need.

    I think we should wait for the next generations to appear when the cream of musicians and programmers collaborated with each other to make a wise product.:dunno:
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  4. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    i'm not the one complaining, maybe because my kicks and sound is as i want it and as my label wants it, now run along little boy
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  5. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    It's all gotten way too complex. Some dig the chaos, but I cannot produce any music within the madness. I recently decided to scale it all down . . . limit myself to one DAW and a few plugins. In fact, I might even look for a studio to record vocals and live instruments and then edit as needed from home. I still remember my Tascam 4-Track . . . I created many songs . . . crappy quality, but the demos were good!
  6. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    that's what people tend to forget, you dont need 500 plugins, 20 daws and loads of hd-space, all you need is something that goes hand in hand with your workflow, a few effects that give you the results you're looking for and that's it. when only focussing on more more more and oh yeah more you loose sight of what matters, getting results
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  7. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    like infected mushroom is doing, but still needs a human factor for dailing in to get the wanted results
  8. Peter Krav

    Peter Krav Producer

    Jun 23, 2017
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    Ableton is a wise product it has been created through collaboration of musicians and programmers! All daws created like that
    You have no idea what you are talking about. Make a research
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  9. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    If we suppose you're right then what does not wise mean? What would happen if they didn't collaborate.:bleh:

    I think by wise you mean somedeal workflow facilitator for small range of established electronic genres not covering vital needs of musicians in compositions and piece writing in existing and non-existing styles.

    They must suggest pieces when your own piece doesn't work. If they were designed by real musicians such capabilities would be embedded and while you were stuck in any step, you would get lots of different ideas via DAWs. :bleh:
  10. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Musicians are in sectarian strife with DAWs and if they had any power would crucify programmers and their adherents but unfortunately they're not in fighting trim now.:rofl:
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  11. Peter Krav

    Peter Krav Producer

    Jun 23, 2017
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    Why do you think they don't cover vital needs? You need to learn it first, if you knew your daw you would not write such things! You don't know all capabilities of your DAW.
  12. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    The priesthood will always fight to protect its "secret knowledge".
  13. Daz

    Daz Guest

    I agree with the OP, it's frustrating, all of the DAWs I've tried are not responding to voice commands :snuffy:

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  14. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    How could this take a week to compose? It's an eight bar loop on repeat. There is no thought about arrangement nor changes of timbre. There are no alterations in dynamics.
    But hey.... PEACE + LOVE
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  15. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Let's see you do it then.
  16. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    It's 120 handcrafted bars long, what is this "loop" thing you speak of?
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  17. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    This took half a day to compose, arrange, perform, record and mix.

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  18. tooloud

    tooloud Guest


    Gerhard Langeling, creator of Emagic and now Logic Pro is a keyboard player. So as you say, no one can reject it? I reject it.
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  19. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    DUDE, Here's my honest, generous and gentle-spirited critique:

    good arrangement, but uninteresting sounds...great ambience, but no character...great programming, but no groove!

    This is not an attack on your art, you're certainly talented and passionate...but I suspect your creativity is overwhelmed by your technical wizardry. I like the song...and WE WILL collaborate.
  20. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Paul McCartney's "Yesterday" didn't rely on interesting sounds or groove and it is the most covered (and one of the most revered) songs of all time. These are not criteria for evaluating a song. I do thank you for your compliments.
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