Does M-Audio ProjectMix I/O work with Windows 11?

Discussion in 'Studio' started by Bunford, May 10, 2024.

  1. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Offered one by a friend, but I use Windows 11 and have no firewire on my system. However, the flying faders make it appealing, but don't want to take it for the sake of it!

    My use case, ideally, would be primarily as a DAW controller for my mixing and automation, if I can get it to work. Does it need drivers? Do they work with Windows 11? Or is it a standard protocol Mackie Control device and doesn't need drivers etc?

    If I can get it to work, I would then like use it to ADAT into my Audient ID14 MkII for an additional 8 inputs, and then would probably sell off my MOTU 828 FW Mk2, which I'm currently using to ADAT into the Audient ID14 MkII.

    Anyone still using the ProjectMix I/O? Anyone using on Windows 11? Anyone using with Ableton?