Do you believe in aliens? I am an alien ! We all are ...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PersonneAudioZ, Sep 19, 2021.

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  1. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    There's no Facts to talk about,
    no proof of Anything relating extra terrestrial life,
    therefore there's No Topic?

    The most one could argument is something like:
    Titan moon of Jupiter is full of Hydrocarbons (like our petroleum).

    Hydrocarbons are Organic compounds, it's organic Chemistry.

    Therefore is there some Organic life (like bacteria or whatever) generating all those hydrocarbons in Titan?

    That's the only type of assumptions we can make,
    based on the factual? observation of the effects of life on another planet...

    But then again have you heard this Titan argument in any text book, or official paper/publication?

    I'm probably a fool, and that's a bogus theory for whatever number of good reasons,
    I don't know..

    But even if we found indisputable proof, do you think it will be shared to the rest of us?

    If they somehow contacted aliens, or found a physical proof of an alien spacecraft/whatever,
    do you think it will be shared to the rest of us?

    Knowledge is Power, and if there was ever any Real Solid Proof, it would probably be kept under good wraps..
    (You know that, the Vatican archive is not exactly a public library.. :wink:)

    But yeah again, on a philosophical sense -> life is Intrinsic to the Universe..
    You can be sure there's life all throughout the universe simply because there's life here.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2021
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  2. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    We need more imagination and more spirituality, we have to get closer to nature and not get further and further away from it.

    The Apollo Moon Landings by Marcus Allen

    From his experience as a professional photograph Marcus Allen points the lens at NASA's photographic record of what is stated as being Mankinds greatest achievement - Landing a man on the Moon and returning him to Earth. A feat undertaken by the U.S. military between 1969 - 1972. Marcus demonstrates a plethora of problems with the photographic record that indicates only that the record is falsely being promoted as the authentic record of that historic period of the US Space flight history. Marcus Allen presented "The Apollo Moon Landings" at the 5th British Exopolitics Expo held at the University of Huddersfield on September 28th 2013.
  3. stoiximan

    stoiximan Platinum Record

    Dec 8, 2013
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    I am pretty sure we are not from planet earth.WE use to live in another planet and we fucked that planet too like we do here on earth so eventually that planet blew up and our cells ended up here and we started over.This will go on forever until we fuck up the whole universe:):):)
  4. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    The interesting thing about UFOs, about this Videos that are surfacing lately..

    Is that, whatever they are > they seem to be breaking/bending the laws of Physics..

    It's as if those objects can Detach themselves not only from Gravitational effects/fields.
    But also from the Inertial effects of Mass, which in our understanding are Intrinsic to our Physical world.

    There's no technology that we know that can make an object accelerate that way,
    and whats more, make a closed turn without reducing speed or easing that turn somehow..

    Any regular life form in that flying thing will be completely Smashed by the physical/inertial effects.
    And needless to say, we don't know how to detach from them.

    Therefore it's either:
    -Someone doing a Prank with Video/Image editing tools..
    -An Holographic/Energetic Projection..
    -A seemingly "magic" Technology/vehicle/craft made by Someone here in Earth.
    -The physical manifestation of an spiritual/extra-dimensional being..
    -An unknown local form of life that lives on the atmosphere/low orbit/the confines of our solar system,
    which comes down here for whatever reason, quite often at the sea, or mountains/volcanoes..

    -Some kind of vehicle/drone/probe from another planet/civilization/life form.
    (Or even an extra terrestrial life form in itself,
    but that makes it be closer to the fourth and fifth options, the spiritual being/interplanetary form of life..)

    What else?

    And of all the options, which one is the most probable/feasible?
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2021
  5. The cleanest prophet

    The cleanest prophet Ultrasonic

    Sep 9, 2021
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    ive often felt we come from elsewhere

    our level of advancement in the ability to change the environment in which we live is just far ahead of any species on the planet. It just seems rather odd that one species is just so far beyond all others on the planet, pretty much like we don’t belong.

    maybe we were just defected animals, so other advanced species dumped us on this planet, like a jail. That’s why there’s never peace on Earth. We’re not capable and that’s why we got put here.
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  6. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    With the Internet and access to free knowledge, the power of the powerful and opinion manipulators is waning. There used to be belief systems and religions based on oppression. You interpreted the word of God as it suits you. Those times are over, too.

    As before, there are many lies and falsehoods, we keep our ability to criticize and initially believe nothing and question everything. The television and newspapers in particular are full of propaganda. The self-appointed senior teachers want us to believe that you just have to follow the elites and work hard, then you would become a happy and rich person.

    @Ŧยχøя, if we take a look at man and how he developed intelligence. He copied everything from nature. Strangely, this planet is equipped with all raw materials, so that with sufficient intelligence and research we can produce products, including computers. Nature also multiplies itself. The apple already contains the seeds for the next apple tree. The color of the sky is striped blue and not purple and the grass is green and not black, so that we can feel comfortable and relax in nature. Even at night, if you look at the sky and then see the stars, you feel spiritually connected to the universe.

    Our own body is not a mechanical work - it is a living organic work. However, some people treat us as if we were machines and cost factors, i.e. numbers that are interchangeable. If you look at the earth and life, it is really not a miracle and you will not understand it.
    Therefore everything is possible - also other dimensions and in-material states, such as inexplicable flying objects and forms of propulsion and spirit beings.

    In an age of universal deceit, telling the Truth is a revolutionary act. Whoever controls the past, controls the future.
    -George Orwell-

    It is easier to fool people, than to convince them that they have been fooled.
    -Mark Twain-
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  7. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    If we're tossing quotes around to justify our beliefs...
    Physicist Richard Feynman once said...
    “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.”

    Fantasies are wonderful - BUT.... so is reality - and it matters more.
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  8. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Aeons ago, when the earth was covered in water, an alien spacecraft flew by looking for intelligent life.
    Finding none, it jetisoned its garbage and flew away.
    The chemical reaction between the garbage and the water began the process known as "life on earth". :woot:
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  9. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    That would be PanDumpstia.. :guru:
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  10. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    or maybe just a used condom :dunno:
  11. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    funny that people still can't prove the earth is sphere up until today, the only "proof" is all that NASA photos with fisheye lens, and proves nothing as light travel at constant speed and to cover such a long distance it will definitely create a curve, even an amateur photographer understand this. We all just have to accept it as a fact because the idea that it is potentially a lie is too frightening and the concept of flat earth is laughable.
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  12. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Imagine there was plastic in that shit. The environmentalists would never recover OMG :rofl::rofl:

    PS. move to humor pls?
  13. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    ISS - Alexander Gerst's view of the earth
  14. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I was visited by "aliens" when I was 6 years old and it scared me very much.

    My aunt Ida had given me a pair of slippers for Xmas that year in 1965 that looked like frogs. They were green with big froggy eyes and a long red tongues that I imagined caught insects really well. I loved them very much and refused to take them off of my feet when I went to bed that night. When my dad put my 3 yo brother and I to sleep that evening, I guess because it was Christmas and all, he told us his version of the three kings fable, they following a bright star in order to give their gifts to the baby Jesus. It was the first time that I had ever thought about the night sky and begged my father to let me drop the foot end of my trundle bed (a trundle is a bed whose legs can be folded down so that it can fit under the other part of the bed, the fixed leg part so that it can be stored away and doesn't take up space in a room) at my feet so that my I was able to peer out if our 8th floor apartment window in Birchwood Towers in Forest Hills, NY and see the few stars that there was to see in the not so dark night sky of Queens. My dad turned out the lights, and after a few minutes of talking to my little brother, he fell asleep and I continued to look out of the window. A few minutes later I noticed five people standing between my brother's bed and the window. They had just appeared out of nowhere from one moment to the next. I thought of them as "giraffe people" as they had long thin necks, smallish heads and large dark eyes. It's funny, I remember thinking that they were having a cocktail party, I guess an expression that I had picked up along the way, they in conversation and looking at me, but I didn't understand what they were saying to me. I became really, really scared, petrified and began shaking. I put my pillow on my head and inched my blanket up until there was only a slit that enabled me see them and so hoping that they would not see me. I was too afraid to call out to my parents and hoped that the five would leave. I was worried about my little brother because he was much closer to them than I, but they had their attention focused on me. The next thing I knew was that I woke up the next morning. I played out my bad time the night before and was still felt scared. When I got up and out of bed I noticed that my right frog slipper was no longer on my foot and so took off the blanket to find it as I figured that it had fallen off in my sleep, but it wasn't there, and in fact it was nowhere in our apartment. It didn't ever turn up (I once lost my hamster Fang for two days and we eventually found him cozy in the insulation of the forced air heater in our bedroom). I told my experience of the night before to my parents but they didn't believe me. We never ever found that slipper. The only explanation that I can think of is that either I was abducted and lost my slipper along the way or that they took it to either goof on me so that I wouid remember what had happened for some reason.

    I was also visited one other time when I was I guess 36 yo in 1995 and living in Topanga Canyon in Los Angeles while doing a meditation that was actually meant to summon "visitors".After being given a book by a Swiss man named Billy Meier (who actually turned out to be a fraud) in which the meditation comprises visualizing colors in one's mind's eye in a certain sequence I thought that I'd give it a try. I used to meditate a few hours daily and after practicing and internalizing the sequence got down to business the next day.

    My tiny shack which was about 12 feet long and 6 1/2 feet wide had a door on either side and I put my bed on 5 foot legs so that I had somewhere to store stuff. One door was to the left of the head of my bed and the other about 4 1/2 feet directly in front at the foot. I jumped up on my bed, lay down and began.

    One of the meditions that I did once a day is called Yoganidra in which I basically shut off my body and was able to rejuvinate myself and feel better even if I was ill wuth a fever. I couldn't move any part of my body after shutting it off limb by limb. The only thing that I could use or move were my eyes, but since deep in relaxation during Yoganidra had not much use for sight with my eyes closed. When I decided to rouse myself I would first start with my left pinky, and that took a while. Then I could begin moving my hands, arms and after about 5 minutes I could gain control of the all of me.

    After totally chilling out my body and becoming immobile I began the Meier meditation. After a short while the door next to my head opened for a moment and then closed again, and then something started banging around the floor of my tiny house, something like one of those kid's toys that hit an object and immediately change direction. I of course couldn't move and began working to get that pinky to get going, but by the time I couid the door again opened and it was gone, the door closing after it left. That was totally freaky, but the next day decided to give it another try.

    Thix time after I was under and gone, again the door opened, but this time I felt the presence of somebody standing next to where I was laying. As I still had control of my eyes, opened them and looked to my left, and standing there were two of the same looking giraffe people that I had encountered when I was 6. The weren't tall, their heads only visible from the chin up and could only have been about 5'2" (about 158 cm). Again they talked in a language that I didn't understand. I wasn't really feeling good about what was going on as I was basically paralyzed from the meditation and frantically started trying to get my pinky to move and hopefully soon the rest of my body, but before I could the door opened and they were gone. I didn't do that summoning meditation again.

    They didn't return my slipper either.:dunno:

    I haven't been visited again but throughout my life have seen craft in the sky, many times not soley by myself but with others around, and one time at least 40 people where I grew up in Valley Stream saw a ship fly like 2,000 miles an hour from a standstill and make a right angle turn and be gone in the blink of an eye.

    We are not alone..
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2021
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  15. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Oh dear Goddess no.

    Erastothenes could measure the circumference of Earth in ancient times to surpisingly accurate results. Columbus et al knew the Earth was round though they got the size wrong.

    For modern times you could look at geodesics esp. when applied to flight plans, and things like GPS/Galileo/GLONASS, all of which rely on the mathematics of round earth.
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  16. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I saw the movie; Signs in 2002.
    Aliens can't use doorknobs which is how I know I am not one.
    I could turn those sumabitches so god damn good.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2021
  17. Mr Happy

    Mr Happy Member

    Mar 22, 2021
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    We're living in a simulated reality. presented to us by the mainstream media.
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  18. glassybrick

    glassybrick Producer

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Don't know, does interesting it for y'all, but i have xenomorph at home as pet
  19. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Maybe UFOs are time travelling Google drones mapping out the past.

    Don't worry about being probed, they'll blur your face out.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2021
  20. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Stories about Columbus and round earth are notoriously unreliable. He allegedly circumscribed the globe in a clipper ship.
    But this got written into some history books as Columbus circumcised the planet using a clipper ship
    and many people have been striving to make complete pricks of themselves ever since. Many succeed effortlessly.
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