Do we really need this kind of change to move forward ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stevie Dude, Jan 14, 2021.

  1. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Totally. But...

    It literally is. You are inarguably wrong.

    This is the whole point of freedom of speech. You may think subject of this thread a tasteless example, but if nobody ever said things that upset other people nobody would have even conceived of freedom of speech, much less written it into law. As long as what someone else is saying doesn't impinge on your rights (and no, you don't have the right to never be offended or insulted by anyone), nobody has the authority to tell them they can't say it. It only becomes a legal issue if it is used to harass someone or incites violence.

    Moreover, the act of treating women like some vulnerable group who need constant protection from indiscreet words is in itself inherently misogynistic. I'm triggered.

    You're calling other people immature, but are you really sure the immature one isn't you? You're the one who is taking the position that your personal moral code supersedes the actual law.
  2. Jake Jlinngall

    Jake Jlinngall Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2019
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  3. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Yup... laughing maniacally, you also licked her face and sniffed her armpits. :woot:

    Be grateful you didn't come back as an actor. :drummer:
  4. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    The relationship between that crime and this punishment...?
    This convo could get really deep for you...too deep...
  5. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Let's get back to basics:
    All citizens have equal social dignity, without distinction of sex, ethnicity, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions.
    Justifying forms of inequality is completely outside civil behavior.

    Think about it: you have a mom, a grandmother, maybe a sister or a girlfriend. Would you like it if someone insulted them? If a bully just to have fun, called your mom "Slut" would you consider this act as freedom of speech? Would you shake his hand for his open-mindedness? A man who insults a woman is a coward, but whoever justifies that act is a coward in the same way.

    Yes, slut is an insult, an obscenity specifically tailored for women: this lack of respect has been pointed to Gearsluts owner that immediately changed the name of website, if you were the boss you would have done the same: end of the story.
  6. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    No it's not. It is a word to describe something, as in the dictionary definition I quoted below.
    Whether or not somebody called my mother a slut, whether or not she was, so what? Some people will say any word and try and use it as an insult. Doesn't stick or mean anything.
    And if she was a slut, as in the dictionary definition below, I'd have to agree with him.
  7. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    According to what SEEMS to be your own principle, calling people "CREEPY" SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED.
    Considering what you have said in this thread, how dare you do anything that might make anyone feel insulted or offended?

    Think about your principle and how it is in conflict with both nature and reality.
    We should NOT just accept nature's bad aspects, and we have done well in adjusting to and working around things in nature that we do not like.
    THAT is what has given us civilization. But that is ONLY POSSIBLE by ACCEPTING that certain aspects of nature can NOT be ELIMINATED.
    We must accept certain limitations, and those limitations guide us in what to work around or adjust to.

    Good societies accept human flaws and seek to create institutions and practices that turn them to social benefit.
    Accepting that people will try to feed themselves and their own families first and only then will help others, try to set systems accordingly.
    Do NOT have the government take the food from everyone and then give it back according to some bureaucratic calculations.
    If you think i am being silly ...

    The misguided idea of trying to conquer nature often ends in the destruction of natural habitat.
    The misguided idea of trying to eliminate human flaws often ends in the elimination of humans.

    Maybe you feel OK about that second scenario...
    But if you think YOU are not flawed ... wait until they come to eliminate YOU.....
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  8. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    The fact that they changed it does NOT indicate that they CAN'T name it whatever they want.
    Obviously they WANT to rename it and they did, for whatever reasons.
    BUT there is NO LAW saying they MUST.
    What prevents them from naming it whatever they want?

    Enlighten me.
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  9. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Motherfucking <MIC FUCKING DROP> :guru: :bow:
  10. recycle

    recycle Guest

  11. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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  12. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Which category is the word slut in? None.
  13. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I bet you anything that if i called your mom a gearslut she would think i'm speaking Norwegian or something. At least mine would, God rest her soul.
    Yes, under any democratic law, he has the right to say anything he pleases. Whether this is good or bad this is entirely up to the one who is the recepient of the particular word. You are confusing people's rights for what's morally good or bad. They are NOT the same thing.
    You stubbornly don't get it. I thought you were past puberty lol. Lemme spill the beans for ya.
    Slut is an insult, or at least most perceive as it as one. Gearslut is nothing. It's a made up fantasy word. Need i say more?
    What is Fukemall? That's right, Fukemall. I'm seriously considering it as my next nick. Do you find it insulting ? But it doesn't mean anything, i just made it up. Just because it contains some word(s) people give a certain meaning to, it doesn't mean this is the same. Or perhaps i should go with Fuckeron. More Hispanic sounding hehehe. Hmmm...
    You are like that "journalist" at whose interview Tarantino almost walked out. Jump to 4:05 if you want the bottom line.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
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  14. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Really? "Social dignity"? WTF?! Where is THAT phrase written in law or otherwise enforced.
    And "IN LAW" (or some other form of threat) is the ONLY way something actually "IS" when it comes to what is allowed, or "must be" in society.
    We DO have laws regarding how people are to be treated BY THE GOVERNMENT as far as sex, religion, race... but the "personal and social conditions,political opinion, language .... You are just making shit UP about how YOU THINK things SHOULD be.
    And when you are GOD, they will be, i suppose.

    Forms of inequality are natural. Ask Mother Nature, or whatever god you like about the justification that my cousin was born without legs, or that my friend developed a brain tumor, or the millions of examples of HORRIBLE inequality and unfairness and injustice that NATURE gives us. We CAN stop all that... we can cut off EVERYONE's legs ... or cut some section of brain from EVERYONE... or just be efficient and NUKE the whole fucking planet.
    Yeah ...THAT is how to get rid of human flaws.
    It's some evil shit isn't it? Isn't destroying the Earth justified in order to eliminate such evil?
    When you think you are in the moral right , for example, in a fight with the devil, surely ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is permitted to WIN.

    Our job is to limit the bad results. IF we accept that humans will not evolve out of greed and racism and so many other flaws for a long time, we can try to create practices and laws that limit the bad aspects.

    I am all for being nice, and i DO treat others with respect, and I do not think that respect even needs to be earned as some misguided people seem to believe. Even in nature's "brutal" default, life is respected, as life is the way of nature and respect is the default.
    You do not fuck with other life unless you need to eat it or defend yourself. That is the general rule.
    Within species respect is given by default, in particular to babies. They have done nothing to earn it , yet they seem to get it somehow.

    Well, nature says if you don't respect each other , ESPECIALLY YOU BABIES, you will be extinct. Nature does not fuck around.
    But nature makes mistakes.. ALL THE TIME. and nature doesn't really care.
    Because nature is a mother suckling her baby, and nature is the Andromeda galaxy colliding with the Milky Way and wiping all life from this part of the universe.
    So, if you think nature is unfair and we should try to stop it.... you will probably make policies that kill millions of people trying to stop the inequality and unfairness, as we have seen in the 19th century.
    But if you think nature is unfair and we'd better ACCEPT that and work around it, then you will likely make good policy and things will improve.
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  15. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    If those fine sounding words were read to any poor 'citizen' in any country on this planet, i'm certain 99.9% would derisively scoff at such genteel naivety.

    Indeed. They're called politicians and all shades of scoundrel go in for it - mostly 'cos there's mucho prestige & $$$ waiting if you're skilled at selling apologies to plebs...
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
  16. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Let's break it down to the essentials.

    Slut is not an insult. The N-word is not an insult - it means black and has been associated with beauty for thousands of years. And if you compliment a woman, for example that she wears a beautiful lipstick, that's not an insult either.

    Here is the turn:
    Pointing out a woman's lipstick can be taken as an insult or insolence, because it could be linked to a sexual ulterior motive.
    Calling a person the N-word can be taken as an insult because the person may feel reduced to the color of their skin or devalued as a slave.
    And slut, well, it refers to a person's physical appearance.

    How these words are perceived by a person depends on the circumstances and the perceiving person. They can be meant and understood as an insult - but they don't have to be. They just describe something - that is what words do.

    Gearslut, on the other hand, is none of these things and can only be understood in one way. It describes a person who always has to have the latest toy, without ever appreciating the value of the object.

    I call my black friends my nigga, call my arab friends habibi and call my redhead best friend foxy.
    This is not an insult, but a way to show love.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
  17. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    "There is no freedom in the case of insults." ?
    Do you mean to say that there are laws against insulting others?
    If so you are wrong, as there are laws guaranteeing the right to insult others, so long as you do not incite violence, commit fraud, and the others you mention.
    So long as you do none of those, you have a right to insult everyone and make everyone cry and even make untrue claims and lie outright!
    Yes, it is crazy and hard to believe, but the fact is that ATTEMPTS TO RESTRICT SPEECH ARE VERY DANGEROUS judging by results, and therefore the arguments are strong AGAINST restricting free speech, however much my grandma may cry, or my sister or my mother or my daughter.

    It is anyone's RIGHT to call my daughter a slut and i will defend their right.

    (Now in the case they are lying, i may beat their ass, but i will give them opportunity to present evidence.
    Now the laws are clear on this: I have NO right to beat ANYONE'S ass. So if they lie and i do, I will have to do my time / pay my fine.)

    Of course I will have to check if my daughter has been getting nasty with more than a couple of guys...
    And if she really IS a slut, i will have someone to thank for pointing it out.
    And THAT is why it is more dangerous to restrict free speech. Especially if is is unwelcome bad news ...

    So, let's be clear...
    What exactly do you mean by "There is no freedom in the case of insults" ?
  18. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Not that this is what it means, but hey.
    If somebody who sleeps around wants to believe it means that in this day and age, so be it.
  19. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    There's nothing worse than a reformed whore.
  20. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    What is your subjective experience of this self-supposed truth then?
    It doesn't come across as a nice statement to me.
    And how does it fit in topic?
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