Do we really need this kind of change to move forward ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stevie Dude, Jan 14, 2021.

  1. DarkestNight79

    DarkestNight79 Ultrasonic

    Apr 22, 2020
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    Fyi: 'slut' in Swedish means 'end'.
  2. alwin1

    alwin1 Kapellmeister

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Grown ass men can’t get over an unimportant online petition and the fact that other people don’t like their edgy teenie humour.
    That’s the only problem here. If that website wants to target all people and also women, it has to change the name.
    Just get over it, the market doesn’t care how you feel about it and it’s not like you are affected in any way. Why are you so fragile?
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  3. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    That's it, i'm away to be 'fragile' somewhere else instead - this now is just folly.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
  4. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    LoL u have my full support. Make audioz forum great again!
  5. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Gearsluzz(ss if you dont like z) is this ok?
  6. alwin1

    alwin1 Kapellmeister

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Don’t know what to tell you else. You care more about your own ego than about making other people feel better and more accepted.
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  7. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    What a curious thang to say. What, 'cos i'm male?? How very sexist of you to assert such lazy, stereotypical tosh.
  8. alwin1

    alwin1 Kapellmeister

    Jan 2, 2021
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    I already know that you are fragile and exactly like these people you claim to be against. No need to prove it anymore.
    Other opinions seem hard for you to swallow, buddy.
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  9. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe

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  10. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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  11. mark@WFstudios

    mark@WFstudios Member

    Oct 23, 2012
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    lets get this thread upto at least 50 pages guys.
  12. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    No problem - would you like that in one post or spread out a bit :winker:
    another silly rant to add to the equally silly rants collection ...:winker:

    Firstly I AM NOT arguing against the change to the name gearslutz. OK? get that straight first!
    Read it again 5 times if necessary!
    It IS possible to recognise 'pros and cons' to any specific issue and hang on to that cognitive dissonance without blowing a fuse.
    'As a personal only' opinion...
    "merely on balance, removing the word 'slut' from the name was a cheap easy benefit - I think worth doing."

    But forget the stupid squabble over gearslutz and have a broader, more general discussion - far more interesting,

    Take a clearer look at the FOLLY of the political correctness euphamism treadmill.

    This next bit is plagiarised from William Safire
    The following sarcastic remark from a woman living in a slum. (oops - I meant a 'socially deprived area')
    I used to think I was 'poor'.
    Then they told me I wasn’t 'poor', I was 'needy'.
    Then they told me it was self-defeating to think of myself as 'needy', when actually I was 'deprived'.
    Then as fashion rolled on, and 'deprived' became too judgemental, I became 'underprivileged' instead.
    Then they told me 'underprivileged' was overused, so I became 'disadvantaged'.

    I still don’t have a dime! But now I have a great vocabulary.
    The above quote makes the point obvious

    But more generally... the treadmill...

    [1] Last year's acceptable accurate word or phrase gets hijacked by offensive moronic bullies
    and transformed into this year's insult.
    (Aside: hey look, it seems I'm allowed to use the word 'moron' but only when I talk about bullies!)

    [2] Instead of targetting the bullies, we take the cowardly cop out route and banish the innocent words
    that are being used offensively.
    Except the bullies keep the words anyway and now have even more ammunition than before!
    We adorn ourselves with a newly minted (less accurate) socially acceptable word or phrase
    and then we all feel oh so virtuous with our very shallow achievement.

    [3] Then we go back to [1] and repeat on the forever treadmill,
    until the words become ever more meaningless and everyone, except the bullies,
    retreats into hypersensitively picking fights with all the people that have no bullying intentions whatsoever
    - and that's called progress????

    Sometimes the (allegedly) best of intentions are thoroughly misguided.
    And they all too often hide much shallower pseudo-virtuous selfish motives
    (which is really nauseating to anyone that sees through it)

    And, far more importantly, these shallow pseudo-virtuous steps miss the real problems by a mile.

    Sorry - nowhere near the requested 50 pages - will rant harder next time. :winker:
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2021
  13. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    The only teenie thing i find here is that they have to change their name in order to blah blah. They have been doing fine the past 15 yrs or how long is it that they 've been around. The name is funny and catchy and you either are a slut for gear or you aren't, so off you go. If you are amongst those "other people who don't like their edgy humour" and feel offended by the name don't follow them.
    And this is audiosex as well. We fantasize huge gangbangs with gazillions of audiogear. It's who we are, men and women alike and it has nothing to do with the pedestrian textbook meaning some trolls-making-petitions-because-they-have-nothing-better-to-do try to give it.
    To end this, if you or any other for this matter, are offended by names like gearslutz or audiosex or goddam "Fat Bottom Girls" by the Queen, or lyrics like "I will drug you and fuck you on the permafrost" (Permafrost by Magazine), i am sorry but you don't deserve to be called an artist. Us here, we are free from linguistic restrictions and narrow mind caused bottlenecks. Such ideas trying to pass as "feministic" are sadly responsible for the mental castration of our youth. At the very best it's trolling, at the worse is concealed far right politics.
    But hey, rejoice, i hear there's an opening in your neighbourhood's Christian Choir.
    End of rant.
  14. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    no shit its about money. or rather the threat of losing money if gearslutz were to get cancelled. you said most ppl have problems with the name. actually this is incorrect. gearslutz boasts roughly 1.8 million users. less than 5k signed the petition but we'll call it 5000 for the sake of round numbers. guess what percentage that is?


    that is less than 1/3 of 1%... the fact is that the actual "most" ppl (by that im just referring to the other 99.7% who regularly use the site and didnt feel the need to sign the petition) didn't give 2 fucks what the website was called. but the vocal and offended 0.27% were able to scare a business into changing its name.

    but again, and i hate to have to repeat it bc i thought it was clear in my comment that you quoted, the reason im bothered has almost nothing to do with the specifics of this situation itself.
    see below
    you also mention that "ppl can express they're different opinions even if i dont agree".. sigh... no shit. im a fan of that freedom. also mentioned that in my original coemment that you quoted..
    see below
    as far as this bit..
    i for one am not easily offended but if i was and there was a website that had a word in the name that did offend me greatly then this is how i would handle it... are you ready?... can you guess what im gonna say next here?


    and thats how i think most well rounded adults would also handle it. id simply say to myself, "yikes i dont like how that makes me feel, ill simply avoid that from now on". easy right?

    but whats way way more important than how i WOULD handle it (and i cant express enough that this is the important bit).. is how i WOULD NOT handle it. which would be to see a website or any other fucking thing with a word that i dont like in its title, and say to myself "that word makes me feel bad. i think i should be able to make them change it bc of my hangup". and then go online and start a petition to try to bend the practices of a private fucking company to my personal comfort level!

    LIKE DOESNT THAT JUST SEEM A LITTLE EGOMANIACAL AND SELFISH? or am i just losing my mind? i mean fuck...

    and for this bit
    sigh...i dont even know man? are you saying i do care or i dont care?.. i cant really tell from one sentence to the other... i mean i obviously care ab the situation, just not the bits of it that i guess you care ab. and again, i dont give a sloppy fuck ab what gearslutz or gearsz call themselves. hopefully that is crystal at this point. what i do care ab is their, or any other business for that matter's, right to be called whatever the fuck they choose to call it without the fear of having to change it bc 1/3 of 1% kindof wince when they hear/see it.

    o and ab this
    frankly, get off your fucking high horse guy. who are you to assume I dont have the moral character to empathize just bc im not directly affected by something? this is the inherent issue i take with ppl who generally take your type of positions on these things. you ASSUME you're a moral authority and to disagree with you means to be incapable of compassion or empathy.

    fuck that

    i just reserve my compassion and empathy for those who ACTUALLY suffer rather than those who are so intelectually soft that they mistake "being uncomfortable" for actual suffering.
  15. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    jules actually's changing the name and moving forward.
    meanwhile, the edgy keeds at audiosex are still debating this.
    50 pages, here we go!
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  16. alwin1

    alwin1 Kapellmeister

    Jan 2, 2021
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    How triggered these people are. Lmao. No one cares about the name change anymore.
    Who are the offended snowflakes again? I lost track by all that constantly 10 page crying from the „ we don’t get offended like these pc snowflakes “- crowd and I will not bother to read that 1k word cry manifesto above.
    Just get over it, life goes on
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2021
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  17. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Says the guy who has been all over this thread posting. What was that other one you said " one guy posted a petition and he's been compared to nazi" ? It's because it is nazi trolling of course. Triggered? Try me. I have to try not to be offensive so i will NOT say shut the fuck up noobz. Shoo shoo.
    PS: Now that i think about it, their best bet would be to change gearslutz to gearporn. Or should it be gearhoes. Perhaps gearholics ? Meh it's fine as it is...
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2021
  18. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    It surely does, though all this has certainly been instructional to establish what you are. :wink:
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2021
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  19. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    straight from startrek

    Sex for the nose
  20. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    If I were the owner I'd change the name as he did. Since, you know, he's gonna get bashed no matter what he does. As this and other threads prove.
    So why not, to get some donations of the PC side in exchange at least. And the name won't be a (pointless but still) problem anymore.
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