Do I need 2022 version of 2017 BFD Expansions?

Discussion in 'Software' started by TheBaker6595, Jun 13, 2024.

  1. RachProko

    RachProko Producer

    Sep 25, 2022
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    I always had issues scanning content with BFD3. At one point I had the exact same content installed on 3 different pc's and also had it compressed to bfdlac format and they would all show different totals of kits, presets, articulations etc... Also scanning multiple times would show differences after each scan. Currently I'm on InMusic v3.4.4.31.
    Will the 2022 versions make a difference? I don't know, but BFD3 has a history of being buggy software. I personally doubt it's going to be much better? But I haven't test this, so who knows?

    My 2 cents...I think Toontrack SD3 is a much better and more stable product? I still need BFD3 for old projects but I'm slowly but surely trying to get rid of it by using SD3 on my new projects!
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