Disable in windows 10 to copy/move files first into the RAM from SSD?

Discussion in 'PC' started by ArticStorm, May 15, 2023.

  1. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    VERY STRANGE brew indeed.
    I just did some tests where in copied a 4 GB chunk of data from optical to HDD (with write cache enabled). I then did some test with copying and moving data from HDD to SSD and back. Also did data moves from SSD to HDD (vice versa). Memory usage on the main explorer thread was sitting at @50K of memory usage. The data transfer sub-thread never went above 120K of memory usage. This is WITH write cache both turned on and turned off for the HDD. Total memory usage for the entire explorer thread never exceeded 200K of RAM at any time regardless of what I was doing at the time. All these tests were conducted running a ghostspectre win10 20H1 build... My test machine contains a Samsung 900 series 2TB SSD not running magician. I have heard that this bloating of the explorer thread has been known to occur with Samsung 800 series SSD's to some extent, wonder if that what is going on here?

    I have a win7 internet facing machine that does run a Samsung 1TB 800 series SSD but it pretty much required Magician to be installed in order to get it to work. Magician by default wants to make an internet connection but I denied it all outbound traffic via firewall. I have no such issues with that one either.
    Last edited: May 18, 2023
  2. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    it seems to work now, looks like windows put files into RAM before copying and compressing to the drive.
    This hasnt happened since i uncompressed the drives again (took 12h for both drives :()
    It was even more weird - downloaded a ~93GB file - had 191GB free, download canceled with 99.97% complete in JD2 as capacity was filled up.

    I have specific folders now compressed with for example synth presets, samples, but everything which really needed fast access is now uncompressed.

    I didnt try teracopy, but i am using TC 10.52 which has the queuing feature and it uses by default its own copy/moving method and since i use TC anyway all the time, its just fast.
    Havnt used explorer in good 20 years. (first time used in 1999)