Did the Teams lose interest in OSX?

Discussion in 'Software' started by krakdhaus, Sep 22, 2017.

  1. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    they are taking it seriously and i couldn't be happier with the direction the go
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  2. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Oh those Canadians.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2017
  3. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    I just read through most of the messages.....at this point in time, even my coffee needs a coffee! :woot:
  4. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Well, they're taking it seriously if you dig paying four grand for an 11 pound iPhone that you can run Logic on.
  5. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    You said @Thankful neglected to mention "xyz" and I don't see how someone can neglect to mention something that isn't relevant to the original topic -- which you just admitted. That's all.
  6. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    do NOT do that
  7. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    maybe, teams are just making use of their skills, because after january 2020, when Win7 support ends, Microsoft will totally force everyone into UWP, Store and 10S sh!t, which means dead end for any chance to alter anything
  8. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    You mean 'don't read through all the messages?'
    well...it's just like smoking or drinking, whatever....you know it's bad for you but you just can't quit....just like farting, I've quitted that but then I gained weight!
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2017
  9. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Check your data, it's already 7% and it's been growing for some time while Windows is losing its market share [source]:

    [Nov 2007 - Jun 2010] Mac 4.49%, Windows 94.56%
    [Jul 2010 - Feb 2013] Mac 5.97%, Windows 92.97%
    [Mar 2013 - Oct 2015] Mac 7.28%, Windows 91.21%
    [Nov 2015 - Aug 2017] Mac 7.05%, Windows 90.87%

    Depends on who you count as "musicians". If you count in kids who buy Launchpads to download ready to play Ableton projects and put out crappy videos of it on the internet... well, then you get a huge Windows share. However for pro audio, and I don't mean in the buzzword sense... pro audio as in the high-budget projects... movie/game soundtracks, sample libraries, all the top pop stuff, stuff like the Olympics anthems, mixing dialog with music for movies... all these people use Mac computers daily and won't trade it for anything else. Because it's familiar. Because when they have to move to a different facility, they're right at home. And no matter if it's an iMac or a Mac Pro, it's all familiar. For Windows... you get to a studio and you don't know whether you'll get Windows XP, 7, 8 or 10 and you might have some wtf moments
  10. Jeen

    Jeen Producer

    Jan 2, 2016
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    look at the making of the new superior drummer3 making of;-) with george massenburg ...again only Macs are used ...
  11. GodHimSelf

    GodHimSelf Platinum Record

    Jan 3, 2014
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    As we say in my country, they sat under the banana palmtree and let Microsoft evolve to a very decent OS.

    Not only on a computer level but also on a mobile-phone. They had the least profitous release sell of iPhones ever. They (barely) upgrade the laptops every year. They increase the price every year.
    They change OS every year. They stopped inovating and are bringinging hell to the developers. They are missing stability and reliability to bring a false idea of innovation to computers that are stale (upgrades...) to sell increasingly more restrictive OS and machines. Apps may stop to work suddenly due to a weird upgrade. Hardware will stop working with upgrades (my lovely vrmbox stopped working in a matter of a year). I can even use my Focusrite Clarett on a W10 computer with no difference.

    It's only natural that seeing this will make users (and ©®@©ke®$) to move to a more stable UPGRADABLE option. As told by another user, it also easier to crack (I can only follow instructions, so I can't stand beside that).

    All I can tell is that my next studio computer will be W10/11/12. I come from 5 years of OS and I think it's enough. I'm done.
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  12. Jeen

    Jeen Producer

    Jan 2, 2016
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    yes very pertinent , i know that's the dark side of the Apple moon...sadely , the Iphone-ios policy has been extended to all products...
    hackintels have increase this policy but it's not efficient to eradicate Hackintels wave ....and will not stop with new MacPro ,
    less usefull and hardware-upgradable than old aluminium MacPros ...
    But with the new usb-c interface , maybe Mac-Users and Hackintels-Users will have some hopes for some years of stabillity lol
    Personaly i not impacted cause i have 4 Macs (1Macpro 2008, 1HackPro , 2 Macbookpros '2011-2012°) ,
    for this time i manage obsolescence with adapters and many os and soundcards etc
    i don't know if Windows is now more safe and stable it's pretty hard for me ,i left win side many years ago (XP-win7 )
    but i can give you the doubt benefit :cheers:
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2017
  13. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    interesting, I have somewhat exactly opposite experience, and I'm planning to leave Windows completely until Microsoft comes up with Windows 11 or something like that,

    I've been doing computer support for a long time (more on specialized multimedia side of things), and I actually got tired of fixing Windows all the time, caused by "stupidity" of how Windows is done,
    as soon as initial Win10 Insider builds rolled out, I realized the harsh truth that Windows 10 is absolutely no step forward, I mean, Microsoft cannot make a good OS if it's burdened by 20-year old stuff such as registry, NTFS, svchost, boot procedure...generally speaking almost everything is wrong about Windows when considered nowadays modern times, no matter how fancy GUI they come up with,
    then once Microsoft pushed out Windows 10S, I realized Microsoft is using whole Windows 10 as a "transition-phase" system to move away from Windows as we know it - and it actually makes much more sense, to make entirely new OS from scratch, but major requirement is to provide users with familiar (third-party) software (but closely controlled+monetized by Microsoft directly) so that's why whole UWP+Store thingy has rolled out so early out of sudden, it even seems Microsoft is about to develop own set of creative tools (rumours about open dev jobs for audio daw, then the closer Adobe "2-way" integration/collaboration of Creative Cloud, Stock, Office 365 etc..) it's very likely Microsoft is actually heading Apple and Google "path" at some context (way to make money is from additional services and ads+telemetry, not one-time-buy products),

    on the other hand, I was able to setup a custom hackintosh (luckily my Windows 7 rig was totally compatible without replacing any components, even the 4.3GHz overclock of 6-core i7-5820K), and realized how much more efficiently things are done in OSX while having exactly same hardware (direct comparison makes wonders), I admit I'm running El Capitan which is 2-years-old version (High Sierra releases today), but there's nothing to complain about in terms of functionality or features (speaking of system features, I only installed HyperDock, SteerMouse and TuxeraNTFS),
    indeed the MacOS release cycle is something entirely different than Windows, but it's questionable if prosumer/professional should upgrade something which "just works" or just stick to general 4-5-years estimated "hardware lifecycle" and then build up entire replacement from scratch - this is a much broader topic for discussion,
    obviously it's unfortunate every major version of MacOS basically means nightmares of software and hardware compatibility for both devs and users, but from the point that almost half of the world is running 6-year old Win7 SP1, I see no problem of running not the most recent version of MacOS - indeed a second edge of the sword is that devs may not keep the support for older OSes, but that really isn't a problem of MacOS or Apple,
    luckily I'm in situation where my pristine condition MBP 13" 2012 (i7, 16GB ram, 500GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Reaper) is a recording workhorse and for mixing+mastering and virtual instruments the hackintosh (i7-5820K, 32GB ram, HDSPe AIO, Reaper) is running rock-solid, so I am by no means troubled by fact Apple failed to provide a desktop workstation product since 2012 (let's not even bother talking about 2013 trashbin), yet I would like to see an Apple-branded "worthy" product as soon as possible...
  14. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    of course its not a problem to run old OS if specific Software demands for it, just use what works
    i am still using 2 windows XP rigs for cnc machines, it works, and theres no gain upgrading so i stay
  15. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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