Deliberately reposting poorly cracked software on sister site?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pratyahara, Aug 2, 2021.

  1. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

    I agree with everything you said and I am aware of it. But there are some peculiarities in this case that are not addressed at all.
    First, one can not post the same defectively cracked software five consecutive times, not knowing anything about it being defective, and never checking it out. Especially since in comments of each of such posts people pointed that out and complained more than a dozen times.
    My screenshots prove that poster knew that the software he was posting was defective and posted it anyway.
    The software in case (Ivosight Soundop) on sister site is definitely poorly cracked - not the case when people simply don't know how to use it, i.e don't use a firewall, etc.
    So I've got a feeling there is no good will to overtly disapprove such practice because it's about a poster with reputation of a massive poster.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2021
  2. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Next some ppl will post trojans and miners hidden in poorly cracked softs ... and others will tell us "at least they post something !"
    Can i post uncracked Cubase 11 with pictures of my a** in the interface ?
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  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Posting malware is a completely different thing, and it have been detected and eliminated th few times it happened.
  4. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

    And what about possible under cover advertising of a software?
  5. MusicManSix000

    MusicManSix000 Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Let me cure you of your amazement so you are not so surprised all the time (I notice you are constantly amazed when people don't appreciate rude untalented crackers).

    Moria has been spamming failed cracks and following up with some of the rudest snootiest comments I have read "delete your daw idiot" "don't download my warez, has virus" etc. People politely explain what went wrong and he becomes a jerk.

    Why are you so amazed that people don't appreciate jerks spamming failed cracks and literally trolling the users of this site with asshole comments? I am disappointed in you as a moderator and your decision to defend him while pretending like those who dislike this behavior are somehow ungrateful.

    Please don't spam your auto-response regarding "what have you contributed!?" You have a reputation of doing that (read past posts), and frankly its lame.
  6. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    First of all, my amazement comes from the title of this thread. Moria is not deliberately posting not working cracks, obviously. So yes I'm amazed how people demand and judge things that they know nothing about.

    About Moria's comments again you speak about things that you don't know half of it.
    I have several times moderated and warned Moria for his comments.
    I disagree with the way he react to some comments. My last message about this to him was yesterday, so before you judge, ask some question.
    On the other hand, some members assume that something is due to them while they have no clue of the amount of hours a cracker have to spend . Also people are complaining about imperfect cracks, but when we try to find testers there's no one. So yes, I think the one who actually DO something must be respected.

    Some members comment in a constructive way about problems with a crack, but other just criticise and demand.

    - if Moria or who ever break the rules by his comments, please report to me.
    - if you want more polished cracks posted by Moria, contact him and offer yourself as tester.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2021
  7. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

    1. I started a thread supplied with a proof of deliberate (and it happened to be continuous) posting of masked demos of a certain software by a certain poster.
    2. It's been happening repeatedly for months, with dozens of complaints from different users each time, still with no reaction from people in charge on sister site. No such post was deleted, and no warnings were given to the poster.
    3. The software was posted with cracked exe only, while in order for it to work a dll was due to be cracked too. So the crack was definitely poor (incomplete). Therefore it was not a case of lack of users' knowledge, experience, etc. Nor lack of 'gratitude'. Because telling the truth can not be a case of ingratitude.
    4. While it stood for months as a shame for sister site, a well known Russian disk jockey cracked it properly within a day on a demand from some user on a Russian general purpose warez site. So the necessary cracked dll appeared about two months ago, but it has not appeared in a proper package on sister site yet, just advertised by some user.
    4. So I am amazed at tolerance to such things shown by the people in charge on sister site, seeming they are just trying to push aside and obfuscate this issue.
  8. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

    In any of the archives persistently posted on sister site, yes.
    And instead of rhetorical questions you can easily test it yourself if their posted versions are chopping on save (=demo mode).
    Referencing to other sites or gleaning from internet is off topic.
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