Discussion in 'Software News' started by mild pump milk, Aug 13, 2015.


Is this huge thread really useful for you? Do you really want to see any news about REAPER5?

Poll closed Sep 10, 2016.
  1. Yes, I want to see all updates, betas, roadmap, other info about REAPER5, extensions etc.

    47 vote(s)
  2. No, f*kc that! Enuff! Stop collecting 100 pages for this thread! It is hard to read and useless

    5 vote(s)
  3. I don't care, I use REAPER 2.0 and older! and it is much more than enough!

    0 vote(s)
  4. Never! I want to see updates only for StudioOne, Cubase, Live, ProTools, FL, MOTU, Logic and Bitwig

    2 vote(s)
  5. hmmmmm....dunno

    5 vote(s)
  1. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.16pre1 - February 11 2016
    + API: add TrackFX_GetIOSize(), TrackFX_GetPinMappings(), TrackFX_SetPinMappings()
    + Action window: improved auto-wide layout
    + Action window: prevent scroll of action list after action assign/delete
    + FX: reduced memory use for plug-ins with large state data
    + Freeze: fix stability issues when performing complex freeze operations [t=172593]
    + JS: make @serialize faster and use less memory
    + JSFX: add support for disabling metering, options:no_meter
    + JSFX: waste less screen space for graphical scripts without visible triggers or sliders
    + MIDI: added option to always prompt when importing MIDI with simple tempo information
    + MIDI: optimized handling of very long looping MIDI items
    + Media explorer: prevent prompting for tempo map import of MIDI items when using tempo matching
    + Project file writing: prevent writing newlines into project files
    + ReaPlugs: reduce undo state memory use
    + Recording: option to use alternate keyboard section also affects MIDI devices [t=121935]
    # JSFX: improve gfxspectrograph and gfxanalyzer UIs
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  2. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    something strange in changelog, first 5.16pre, then 5.15n, now 5.20pre...in hard progress.
    Seems to be NOTATION coming soon????????????????

    v5.20pre1 - February 12 2016
    + Freeze: fix stability issues when performing complex freeze operations [t=172637]
    # Preliminary notation support
    # gfxanalyzer: fixed window type display

    v5.15n7 - February 9 2016
    + Mouse modifiers: "Paint notes or chords" is now "paint notes and chords"

    v5.15n1 - February 4 2016
    # ctx start/end and repeat marks are treated as displayed metadata, rather than measure flags. this makes them easier manage, hit and edit. it also allows us to add new metadata types that are not tied to the notation metadata backing store (ex. lyrics, clefs, key signatures).
    # rewrite of notation metadata ctx menu and mouse editing.
    # rewrite/simplification of hit test function.
  3. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    YES! I was right! Notation Editor coming soon in 5.20

    v5.20pre3 - February 14 2016
    # Notation: added bass-8 clef
    # Notation: don't bias left when snapping to grid (unlike piano roll behavior)
    # Notation: fix broken beat grouping in some time signature / tempo combinations
    # Notation: fix potential hang when adding a note to the end of a measure
    # Notation: rename "move active position" actions to "move pitch cursor"
    # jsfx: improve gfxscope

    v5.20pre2a - February 13 2016
    # Notation: fixed beams which went missing in pre2

    v5.20pre2 - February 13 2016
    + gfxanalyzer: added changes from Tale
    # Fix potential integer divide by 0s in ScoreDrawStaff [p=1636851]
    # Notation editor: autoscroll when playing back
    # Notation editor: fix play cursor positioning when using unsynced transport
    # Notation editor: implement handscroll
    # Notation: add option to hide notes that are more than two ledger lines away from the staff
    # Notation: draw selected note box beneath tied notes, accidentals, dots
    # Notation: fix size of accidentals for grace notes
    # Notation: fixed crash when ctrl+drag copying notation or lyrics
    # Notation: support default mouse modifier to insert note, then drag to extend or change pitch
    # gfxanalyzer: fill under spectrum graph
    # super8: fix latch mode toggle
  4. Ash

    Ash Rock Star

    Oct 27, 2015
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  5. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre4 - February 15 2016
    + FX: floating FX windows no longer take focus when restoring from project/screenset/etc
    + JSFX: added graphical_dynamics gate/compressor/expander
    + Resampling: fix for heavily-looped, resampled items [t=70178]
    # MIDI editor: add actions to insert note or move pitch cursor to nearest C, C#/Db, D, etc
    # Notation: add rests for missing notes in a tuplet
    # Notation: allow inserting notes when clicking to the left of the first grid line
    # Notation: resolve interference with previously installed system notation fonts
    # Notation: fix phrases not being saved
    # Notation: improved behavior when inserting notes at the end of a measure
    # Notation: fixed coloring notes by pitch
    # Notation: more space between staff rows
    # gfxscope: reverse polarity for consistency
  6. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre5 - February 17 2016
    + Docks: improve docked FX chain behavior when switching project tabs
    + Docks: improve docked MIDI editor behavior when switching project tabs
    + ReaPlugs: improve gain display of ReaEQ/ReaXcomp spectrum analyzer
    + ReaScript: increase image/font handle count limit for gfx_* in Lua to match that of EEL
    + Rendering: always skip processing of muted tracks when rendering and using full-speed render [t=56169]
    # Action window: fix refresh of key binding list on add/delete for OSX [p=1639020]
    # Action window: fix shortcut overwriting updating list [t=172909]
    # Notation: fixed drawing key signatures on alto clef
    # Notation: fixed time selection editing
    # Notation: limit zoom level to 24 measures per staff row
    # Notation: support for 2 voices per row (affects stem direction, chording, and beaming)
    # Notation: support multiple key signature changes within a MIDI media item
    # gfxanalyzer: improve frequency labels
    # gfxanalyzer: reduce memory use while preventing rare glitches at 32k FFT size, slightly more correct windowing
    # graphical dynamics: add sidechain support, optimize drawing, improve grid display, improve zoom
  7. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre6 - February 19 2016
    + Graphical Dynamics is now General Dynamics
    + JSFX: eliminate more constant conditional expressions, improved code generation
    + JSFX: fix possible PDC related glitch on playback start
    + JSFX: fix possible PDC related glitch when increasing latency during playback
    + JSFX: fix possible incorrect output when changing wet control on JSFX with PDC
    + JSFX: fix potential deadlock when opening pin mapper
    + Main window: improve vertical scroll behavior when resizing arrange view [t=172819]
    # general dynamics: zoom/pan via right mouse button
    # gfxanalyzer/gfxscope: disable denormal noise, allow viewing down to -450dB floor
    # graphical dynamics: RMS support
    # graphical dynamics: add feedback detector mode
    # graphical dynamics: add gain attack/release controls
    # graphical dynamics: lookahead support
    # graphical dynamics: reorder parameters for logic, breaks presets/configuration state
    # graphical_dynamics: overhauled UI, added help text and smoothing support
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  8. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre7 - February 20 2016
    + JSFX: added synthesis/spectral_hold
    + JSFX: improve PDC synchronization when scripts decrease the amount of PDC during playback
    + Render: fix handling of non-latin characters when inserting wildcards [t=173064]
    # MIDI editor: when opening an item in an existing editor, always use the existing view mode
    # Notation: actions to insert dynamics, text notation
    # Notation: add an option to disable autodetection of triplets
    # Notation: add rests separately for high and low voices
    # Notation: display project measure offset
    # Notation: don't autoscroll on paste
    # Notation: don't draw articulations in the middle of a chord
    # Notation: dynamics and text can be freely positioned
    # Notation: fix beaming for pairs of shorter notes within a system of longer notes
    # Notation: implement snapping to tuplets
    # Notation: improved autodetection of triplets
    # Notation: improved drawing phrases that contain offscreen notes
    # Notation: separate context menus for notes, staff, tuplets
    # Notation: tuplets can be inserted and edited separately from their component notes
    # general dynamics: fix ability to decrease lookahead amount
    # gfxanalyzer: add integration option
  9. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre8 - February 21 2016
    + JSFX: improve PDC handling of decreasing amounts, wet/dry
    # Notation: add action to insert lyric
    # Notation: enable floating toolbars
    # Notation: enabled vertical positioning of dynamics and text notation
    # Notation: expanded staff hit area
    # Notation: improved handling of overlapping notes
    # Notation: per-track display transpose
    # gfxanalyzer: improve integration time/behavior, add other tweaks from Tale
    # gfxscope: improve labeling, hold labeling, add mousewheel support
  10. FerdinandIIIDeMedicis

    FerdinandIIIDeMedicis Kapellmeister

    Feb 6, 2016
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    WHAT THERE'S NOTATION IN REAPER NOW?! :woot: Holy shit that's awesome, that's the only thing that was missing from reaper (as far as my needs were concerned), goodbye Digital Performer and your eternal stuck notes. :rofl:
  11. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Notation has been introduced in first 5.00 betas, but a bit lately it was removed because it was first bad implemetation (I tried it), and now they returned to make it perfect! A lot of new features, options, improvements, fixes etc. Wait for some days or a couple of weeks to see and try it! Other changes as we see are JS effects, analyzers and much more! But the headline feature is NOTATION
  12. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre9 - February 23 2016
    + FX browser: include selected JSFX in the Cockos view
    + Glue: avoid generating filenames from take names that are too long for filesystem
    + JSFX: fix envelope step sizes for enum parameters with extended ranges
    + OSX: fix mouse issues after certain popup menus (such as docker menu)
    + Panning: optimize pan law calculation, improve rounding
    + Take FX: fix possibly incorrect samplerate used for automation purposes when rendering
    + Take FX: improve synchronization of automation with delay compensated plug-ins, use old synchronization when loading existing take FX chains
    # General Dynamics: fixed RMS/PDC issue
    # Notation: draw articulations above/below note stem for voiced notes
    # Notation: dropdown to set voice for inserted notes
    # Notation: reduced maximum measures per row to 16
    # spectral_hold: large overhaul
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  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    wondering how many people work on reaper? its impressive how fast they bring new pres, betas and new final version.
    and in all i see really good fixes, not like when ableton brings new betas.
  14. noise.maker

    noise.maker Platinum Record

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Addicted to Reaper. Especially for mixing audio tracks. Faster than competitors, and with SWS extensions its a beast. :yes:
  15. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    One more update today

    v5.20pre10 - February 24 2016
    + Accessibility: improve fader/knob descriptions for VoiceOver and MSAA
    + Marker/region manager: avoid seek on sort by column [t=173282]
    + Mixer: fix undo point addition when moving FX via mixer [t=173271]
    + Mixer: improve mouse cursor feedback when alt+drag used to move FX/sends [t=173098]
    # IAccessible: support get_accParent for real window parents of VWnd controls
    # JSFX: clear plug-in name cache on upgrade
    # Notation: display quantization improvements
    # Spectral Hold: improve dry controls, fix dry mix
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  16. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre11 - February 25 2016
    + API: add TakeFX_*
    + API: extend TrackFX_* to allow access to Record Input FX and Monitoring FX
    # Accessibility: descriptions and values for many faders in misc windows
    # Accessibility: expose info for JSFX sliders
    # Accessibility: improve accessibility support in ReaPlugs
    # Actions: Nudge track volume actions do not change last-touched-track state
    # Arrange: fix display update on item drag+copy [p=1643788]
    # IAccessible: accNavigate better supports WDL_VirtualListBox items
    # Notation: angled beams
    # Notation: support for coloring selected notes by voice
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  17. Ash

    Ash Rock Star

    Oct 27, 2015
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    And thanks @mild pump milk to keep us updated.:mates:
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  18. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Two pre-versions:

    v5.20pre13 - February 27 2016
    + API: add Envelope_FormatValue
    + API: add TakeFX_GetEnvelope
    + API: fix CreateTrackSend() for hardware outputs, improve validation/return value [t=173455]
    + MIDI humanize: fix bugs when used from the list editor, better support for humanizing multiple contexts
    # Accessibility: fix unformatted percentage value display for certain sliders
    # MIDI editor: Add action to select all notes in measure
    # Notation: fix scrubbing in page view
    # Notation: phrase drawing improvements
    # Notation: support keyboard zoom/scroll actions

    v5.20pre12 - February 26 2016
    + API: add TrackFX_AddByName()/TakeFX_AddByName(), deprecating TrackFX_GetByName()
    + ReaTune: remember the exact key set by user, rather than just the valid notes
    + Recording: option to use alternate keyboard section also affects OSC devices [p=1643892]
    + Windows: properly display F13-F24 in actions list [t=173394]
    # Accessibility improvements for parameter modulation, dynamic split, env prune, env point edit, transient detection, click source, input quantize windows
    # Accessibility: MIDI editor swing slider improvement
    # Accessibility: improve MIDI editor quantize/humanize windows
    # Notation: apply Gould Rules to angled beams
    # Notation: fixed accidental markings in non-standard key signatures
    # Notation: optional octave notation display
  19. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.20pre14 - February 28 2016
    + Media import: detect and use identical files in project path
    + Media import: detect junctions/symlinks when determining when to copy files
    + Project save: detect and use identical files when using save-as with media copy
    + Project save: detect junctions/symlinks when determining which files to copy to project path [t=173508]
    + Recording: fixed recording to .mid files (broken in 5.11) [t=173491]
    + Undo: improve added undo point on project undo history load [t=173486]
    # Notation: fix potential crash with very short notes in looped items
    # Notation: fixed drawing phrases in media items that have been split or shortened
    # Notation: fixed errors when dragging notes to extreme low or high pitches
    # Notation: option to display notes that are far off the staff accounts for octave notation
    # Notation: rhythm pattern for any time signature defaults to grouping/beaming every two beats (but user can manually set any pattern they want)

    v5.20pre13a - February 27 2016
    # Notation: fix layout for notes that are tied to tuplets
  20. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Possibly, first is 5.16. Then major update with Notation

    v5.16rc1 - February 29 2016
    New in 5.16rc1:
    + API: add Envelope_FormatValue
    ends/hardware outputs: fix tiny glitch at playback start when using newer pan modes and a non-0dB pan law [p=1645671]
    + ID3v2 reading: fix potential crash reading long UTF-16 strings
    - API: fix TrackFX_GetIOSize/TrackFX_GetPinMappings for JSFX without pin definitions

    Collected from 5.16/5.20prex:

    + API: add TakeFX_GetEnvelope
    + API: add TrackFX_AddByName()/TakeFX_AddByName(), deprecating TrackFX_GetByName()
    + API: add TrackFX_GetIOSize(), TrackFX_GetPinMappings(), TrackFX_SetPinMappings()
    + API: extend TrackFX_* to allow access to Record Input FX and Monitoring FX
    + API: fix CreateTrackSend() for hardware outputs, improve validation/return value [t=173455]
    + Action window: improved auto-wide layout
    + Action window: prevent scroll of action list after action assign/delete
    + Docks: improve docked FX chain behavior when switching project tabs
    + Docks: improve docked MIDI editor behavior when switching project tabs
    + FX browser: include selected JSFX in the Cockos view
    + FX: floating FX windows no longer take focus when restoring from project/screenset/etc
    + Freeze: fix stability issues when performing complex freeze operations [t=172637]
    + Glue: avoid generating filenames from take names that are too long for filesystem
    + Graphical Dynamics is now General Dynamics
    + ID3v2 reading: fix potential crash reading long UTF-16 strings
    + JSFX: add support for disabling metering, options:no_meter
    + JSFX: added graphical_dynamics gate/compressor/expander
    + JSFX: added synthesis/spectral_hold
    + JSFX: fix envelope step sizes for enum parameters with extended ranges
    + JSFX: fix possible PDC related glitch on playback start
    + JSFX: fix possible PDC related glitch when increasing latency during playback
    + JSFX: fix possible incorrect output when changing wet control on JSFX with PDC
    + JSFX: fix potential deadlock when opening pin mapper
    + JSFX: improve PDC handling of decreasing amounts, wet/dry
    + JSFX: waste less screen space for graphical scripts without visible triggers or sliders
    + MIDI humanize: fix bugs when used from the list editor, better support for humanizing multiple contexts
    + MIDI: added option to always prompt when importing MIDI with simple tempo information
    + Main window: improve vertical scroll behavior when resizing arrange view [t=172819]
    + Marker/region manager: avoid seek on sort by column [t=173282]
    + Media explorer: prevent prompting for tempo map import of MIDI items when using tempo matching
    + Mixer: fix undo point addition when moving FX via mixer [t=173271]
    + Mixer: improve mouse cursor feedback when alt+drag used to move FX/sends [t=173098]
    + OSX: fix mouse issues after certain popup menus (such as docker menu)
    + Panning: optimize pan law calculation, improve rounding
    + Project file writing: prevent writing newlines into project files
    + ReaPlugs: improve gain display of ReaEQ/ReaXcomp spectrum analyzer
    + ReaScript: increase image/font handle count limit for gfx_* in Lua to match that of EEL
    + ReaTune: remember the exact key set by user, rather than just the valid notes
    + Recording: fixed recording to .mid files (broken in 5.11) [t=173491]
    + Recording: option to use alternate keyboard section also affects MIDI devices [t=121935]
    + Recording: option to use alternate keyboard section also affects OSC devices [p=1643892]
    + Render: fix handling of non-latin characters when inserting wildcards [t=173064]
    + Rendering: always skip processing of muted tracks when rendering and using full-speed render [t=56169]
    + Sends/hardware outputs: fix tiny glitch at playback start when using newer pan modes and a non-0dB pan law [p=1645671]
    + Undo: improve added undo point on project undo history load [t=173486]
    + Windows: properly display F13-F24 in actions list [t=173394]
    + gfxanalyzer: added changes from Tale
    # API: fix TrackFX_GetIOSize/TrackFX_GetPinMappings for JSFX without pin definitions
    # Action window: fix refresh of key binding list on add/delete for OSX [p=1639020]
    # Action window: fix shortcut overwriting updating list [t=172909]
    # Arrange: fix display update on item drag+copy [p=1643788]
    # General Dynamics: fixed RMS/PDC issue
    # JSFX: clear plug-in name cache on upgrade
    # JSFX: improve gfxspectrograph and gfxanalyzer UIs
    # Spectral Hold: improve dry controls, fix dry mix
    # general dynamics: fix ability to decrease lookahead amount
    # general dynamics: zoom/pan via right mouse button
    # gfxanalyzer/gfxscope: disable denormal noise, allow viewing down to -450dB floor
    # gfxanalyzer: add integration option
    # gfxanalyzer: fill under spectrum graph
    # gfxanalyzer: fixed window type display
    # gfxanalyzer: improve frequency labels
    # gfxanalyzer: improve integration time/behavior, add other tweaks from Tale
    # gfxanalyzer: reduce memory use while preventing rare glitches at 32k FFT size, slightly more correct windowing
    # gfxscope: improve labeling, hold labeling, add mousewheel support
    # gfxscope: reverse polarity for consistency
    # graphical dynamics: RMS support
    # graphical dynamics: add feedback detector mode
    # graphical dynamics: add gain attack/release controls
    # graphical dynamics: add sidechain support, optimize drawing, improve grid display, improve zoom
    # graphical dynamics: lookahead support
    # graphical dynamics: reorder parameters for logic, breaks presets/configuration state
    # graphical_dynamics: overhauled UI, added help text and smoothing support
    # jsfx: improve gfxscope
    # spectral_hold: large overhaul
    # super8: fix latch mode toggle
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