December 19th, 2015 - One of the biggest AudioWarez days ever?

Discussion in 'Software' started by charliekerper, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Interesting viewpoint, but would you be more inclined to hire a security guard that had let no one into the bank vault, or one that has let one or two people into the bank vault?

    Planned obsolescence isn't a failure, it just isn't particularly proactive. People are still "upgrading" when they get a new iPhone. Avid gets nothing new in return for having to replace all the iLok code with something else and explaining to their user base that they have to get a new dongle or download a new update or reauthorize their account, etc.

    The physical dongle angle is interesting though. I personally don't think it would be worth the trade-off in reputation, but speculation is speculation, I guess.

    I guess iLok just needed a fresh new set of eyes to take a look at it. A lot of things like that just require a novel approach or different attack vector. Sometimes there is suddenly a Eureka! moment when there was previously nothing but a brick wall, much like a riddle.

    Edit: As far as cracking conspiracies go, I'd have to heavily argue against it being an inside job, given the precipitating circumstances and presumed entity involved.
  2. TwinBorther

    TwinBorther Kapellmeister

    Aug 25, 2015
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    I'm way happy with Slate Digital with that I call it a nice day
  3. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    If this hypothesis is actually possible, Pace is the central piece, not Avid or any other developer who chose to use ilok2.

    Anyway, we'll have to wait and see what they try to push next before dismissing this hypothesis...A subscription model? Voice recognition? Fingerprint scan? Facial identification? Who knows...Let's wait and see.

    I bet Pace has something big up their sleeves. :)
  4. franknitty69

    franknitty69 Newbie

    Feb 24, 2013
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    12/19 was huge lol. reminds me of 'junami'. this weekend in sept 2007 where barclays bank, formerly, juniper, changed their approval standard resulting in a large wave of applications and approvals.
  5. bigwords

    bigwords Ultrasonic

    Oct 5, 2015
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    I respectfully disagree with some of this, RM. Firstly, I do agree that ilok2 fulfilled its objective because it took so long to get cracked. But I don't agree that "everybody knew that this would eventually happen." In fact, if you listened to people throughout the 'goodies' community, it seemed as though it was the exact opposite. There is evidence all over this forum, and within the comments sections of entries on the sister site, that an ilok2 crack would "never happen." That sentiment was so prevalent that it created an atmosphere in which just mentioning ilok2 products, in conjunction with a possibility of them getting cracked, was outright ridiculed and spurned. There have been essay after essay about why it would "never be cracked," and why people will "never see it cracked," and so people should "give up" on the hope they'll see it cracked. This, of course, was simply wrong; and if you always knew it would eventually be cracked, you were right, RM, but you were certainly in the minority.

    I also disagree with the notion that there will be "another five years or so of unpirated software" via new ilok protection. This sentiment assumes that crack teams like AudioUTOPiA, R2R, and any other "pixies" out there will not be able to tackle the challenge. From what we've heard from the "pixie" responsible for cracking ilok2, it took about 14 days to defeat ilok2. This suggests that if this pixie was around early on, ilok2 would've been cracked ages ago. Remember, the pixie was wondering what all the hoopla was about this ilok2, which turned out to be no challenge at all for her/him. This person wants a challenge, so provided we believe what the pixie says about his/her own sentiments regarding a challenge, I'm sure this person is looking at all the protections that are ostensibly "impossible" to defeat. And this could mean there's a good chance there won't be another easy, uncontested five years of a new, uncracked ilok.
  6. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    My only issue with your statement had nothing to do with forbidden words or free speech! It had to do with lack of respect for a fellow member who only used his right of FREE SPEECH to give his opinion of an inanimate object, nothing more or less. In contrast, your statements like " cheaphead opinion" and "some self-absorbed cheapskate who wanna act pro through his lame a*s hating and bashing" was very much a personal attack on him by you. So I still maintain my opinion that he or anyone under the same circumstance didn't deserve your shit!

    As far as your ratio goes, I couldn't be any less impressed...if ginning up your ratio is what's important to you then go for it, but like you said stay positive. As far as "forum-age" leverage goes, if you hang out here long enough you may be surprised to learn there are quite a number of older guys/gals here (not just forum-age), including me! With that comes a reasonable expectation of respect as long as it is also earned by not bashing everyone that has a different opinion than me. And no I don't imply tyranny, fought against that in a war a long, long time ago!

    So, carry on young soldier, just try not to step on your dick too much as ya go! :)
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