Deal: Save up to 67% on Softube plug-ins

Discussion in 'Software' started by Deceptive, Jan 13, 2022.

  1. Deceptive

    Deceptive Audiosexual

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Deal: Save up to 67% on Softube plug-ins and software instruments

    The following plug-ins and bundles are on sale at Plugin Boutique:

    Tape & Tape Echoes Bundle*: USD 89.00 (55% off)
    Model 72 Synthesizer System*: USD 79.00 (50% off)
    American Class A*: USD 99.00 (66% off)
    British Class A*: USD 99.00 (56% off)
    Celestion Speaker Shaper*: USD 89.00 (10% off)
    Overstayer M-A-S*: USD 199.00 (20% off)
    Drawmer S73 Intelligent Master Processor*: USD 45.00 (49% off)
    Chandler Limited Germanium Compressor*: USD 149.00 (40% off)
    Harmonics*: USD 59.00 (60% off)
    Valley People Dyna-mite*: USD 49.00 (67% off)
    TSAR-1R Reverb*: USD 39.00 (56% off)
    Summit Audio TLA-100A Compressor*: USD 79.00 (60% off)
    Tube Delay*: USD 39.00 (56% off)
    Prices and info
    You’ll find the full list of discounted Softube plug-ins at Plugin Boutique*. These deals are good through January 31, 2022. Prices may vary slightly depending on your location.
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    What is their protection scheme?
  4. softice

    softice Producer

    Sep 19, 2021
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    Last edited: Aug 12, 2022
  5. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I understand your logic.
    Personally, I recently took the decision to use as few plugins as possible.
    I use cracked plugins to deeply try before I buy, but before doing this I must ask myself if I would buy it of course.
    And one of the first criteria even before trying it is the protection scheme as there is no unique plug-in (almost) I don't buy from companies that put their protection before their customers comfort, as I cannot be confident about the rest of their policy, updates etc...

    In short, I wouldn't buy Softube plugins, so i dont even try them.

    This is by no way a policy that would apply to everyone. It's just my decision.
  6. Barmaley (covid edition)

    Barmaley (covid edition) Kapellmeister

    Oct 26, 2020
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    From your logic it follows that you should buy Sonnox. They are not cracked and the prices will like. :)

    What convenience do you say about? Ilok is the most convenient, the work is instantly transferred to any machine, in any place. And you do not lose authorization in the breakdowns of computers, the change of operating systems, the forgetfulness of users that there was authorization there. You can take a job with you on a picnic, on the aircraft, even visit to the mother-in-law and toilet, and then go back to your workstation again or in the studio.

    And how convenience receives a user visiting the sister site without authorization? Where he does not press receives an advertising banner, banner, banner and banner again.
    And what convenience gets downloader at speed 50kbit/s?

    If the company has cracked all plugins, temporarily, no need to destroy the company to the end. Company make a lot of wonderful things, much more than all distributors cracked software.
  7. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I just dont use anything that needs to load a driver or dll for protection.

    And no it doesn't need to be Sonnox. I have vsti form Cherry Audio, Parawave and a long etc... Just load a license file and that's it. There are so many plugin to chose from, that I have absolutely no reason to chose a plugin protected with a method that take off power to my system.

    But as I said, it's my actual personal policy, it's not a theory about how the world should be.