DAWs: Why Do They Not Play Well With Win 10?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by superliquidsunshine, Oct 4, 2016.


Which do you use?

  1. Win 10

  2. Win 8

  3. Win 7

  4. Other

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Win10 has practically nothing new except Telemetry and should be considered a dangerous spyware by all means. People who think win 10 is a new OS are fooling themselves. "Blah blah, i have no issues" etc. Your privacy isn't an issue? What kind of people give up their fundamental right so easily?
    My 10 yo Core2 quad 2.66ghz on a gigabyte 775 socket mobo with 8 gb ram, has been tested under Win10 for a good 3 months and behaved as good as it can get with this idiotic Os. If you can list the new features (that are not just bloatware or straight up MS lies) that benefit the end users in terms of performance and are not present in Win7, i will stand corrected. Thanks a lot
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  2. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    We need some wise tech guys who will pull win 7 apart and with that code rewrite an OS exclusively for DAW users, with ultimate optimization and one that will work with any drivers be it, 7, 8 or 10.
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  3. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Do you really think somebody is going to do this for us just because we don't have faster machines. Even DAW makers and plugin makers are not thinking to shift to linux.
  4. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Old Europe
    i never had big troubles using audio apps on any system including archaic systems.
    from my hands on experience it's always the user at fault.

    making them switch from one OS to the other won't fix anything.
    modern cracks are also a bit too much for power users in my opinion and often with zero or poor documentation.
    i'm ok with that but plenty of normal users will fuck up as they lack the minimal required knowledge.

    these cracks were never meant for leechers and normal users, thats exactly why they wont give you documentation or support, it's up to you to make 2+2.
  5. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    @Ankit and the rest fanboys. You can disagree as much as you like. You only make my case stronger. Hiding behind anonymity and pressing buttons and uttering nonsense is no proof to any case. Linux isn't the case here. I didn't see you bring anything constructive to this discussion, or any proof/evidence so you can justify anything. I hope your music is better than your argument. Go on then, press dislike this time.
  6. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Old Europe
    Linux for audio is a dead man walking as there's no commercial interest on linux from the top companies like NI, Steinberg, etc
    sure you can run Bitwig and other stuff but good luck missing all the best VST plugins.
  7. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    You can still use Win10 and tailor it to your needs as long as you know what you're doing. Ive built dozens of systems and used every Windows os since Win95... all of which have their pros and cons. Nearly every update came with someone bitching about how it was going to be the end of civilization... yet here we are lol. I think people who are reactionary to os updates usually tend to fall under two categories: A) People who don't know what they're doing when making updates, or B) Just want to bag on Windows/Mac/Linux/etc.

    You can easily customize your settings in Win10 to disallow monitoring and information being sent from or to your computer. In fact, every new format of the os allows to do so at the very beginning of an upgrade or new install. If your paranoia still needs convincing, you can use an LTSB version of Win10 Enterprise like I do which is automatically set to not publish updates to your system and comes bundled with some enhanced security features. You can also choose the level of security you want to use... either provided through MS or via third party applications.

    Win10 is extremely flexible and even more so than previous versions of Windows, especially with stripped down LTSB versions, and as a developer I cant think of a better Windows os than Win10. Ive had no stability issues and the increased performance is night and day from Win7, Win8 and Win8.1. Add to the fact that Win7 is now deprecated since support ended in 2015 and extended support ending in 2020, it just makes sense to move forward.
  8. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Apart from the code rewrite, that statement is an accurate summation of OSX... 5 years ago.

    I can't deny the bloat that comes with Windows 10 but in all fairness, besides 8, no other MS OS has been designed to (out-of-the box/natively) work on touchscreens and aside from the telemetry/spyware crap the majority of that bloat is the framework to optimize every aspect of the OS for touch-capability including the MS Store, it's apps and Cortana. It's just bloat. You can always trim bloat.
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  9. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Please check votes and recent youtube music production videos. Can't give you more proof or evidence. :wink:
    Do not get hurt by a single disagreement. You can dislike all my posts. I don't care because it's what you think and I respect everyone's opinion.
  10. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    No offense taken,np. But, the votes here so far, show that about 56% is not using win10 and win7 users are still more. You were saying ? ...
    Youtube production videos? Dude, i teach desktop music creation for a living among other things. And no, i do not make youtube videos for crying out loud lol. Spare me the nightmare of every 20something year old trying to make a buck through the tube. I was born in 1966 not yesterday.
    Most websites like Cnet or Musicradar etc declared Win10 is MS getting it right. Are they speaking the truth or are they MS ass-kissing bitches and to some extent paid advertisers like Cnet? In one case i read a guy who mentions alt+tab as one of the great new feats in Win10. Seriously?
    The truth is never told by people who have something to gain by hiding it. Wanna know the blunt truth ? Read this. I 'm done. Cheers
  11. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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  12. nastybobby

    nastybobby Kapellmeister

    Oct 27, 2015
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    I have an old (but very good quality) PCI sound card. I know there's zero problems on 64 bit Win7 and there's still no problems on the same OS after building a new PC last year using a MOBO with legacy PCI slots.

    Just bought a new tablet that's dual boot Android/Win10 and I haven't the first idea how to use Win10. I can't even work out where the menu to copy/move files/folders is? I wouldn't be confident in being able to customise/optimise it for music production. I'm sure the options are there somewhere, MS seem to want to dissuade people into not tinkering with it from what I've seen of it though. Or am I judging it too harshly and everything is available when you know just where to look?
  13. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Yep. Thats why I think its funny how people get so obsessed with this subject. Slim down versions of nearly every os have existed in some form or another, and discerning users know how to work around or eliminate what they don't need.

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  14. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    A very nice quote from the article taskforce posted:

    :rofl: ...that made my day.
  15. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Tap the HOME tab in File Explorer to see the Copy to/Move to options or tap and hold the file/folder for right-click context menu.
  16. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    The only funny thing is how people, probably you too by what you write (correct me if i am wrong), are ready and willing to give up their fundamental constitutional right of privacy and freedom of will for something so superficial and insubstantial as the latest Os by MS. Congrats. Has any of you read the disclaimer of win10 you signed? Do that and then tell me it's no big deal. No sure... Democracy is not a big deal right? All these wars fought over democracy through the millennia is nothing right? Why just let Ms read our emails, datamine our complete and unique to each info, and share our paid bandwidth to distribute their bloat? Let's have Ms fuck our wives too (or husbands). After all, it will be improving the windows customer experience (sic). Geez. Ignorance is bliss...
    This is the last time i 'll say this. You may do some tweaking on other feats but so far,
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2017
  17. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Maybe so but you can bypass it by keeping the PC offline and still be able to use it as a workstation. You can't eliminate telemetry in cellphones, cable-boxes, consoles or social networking sites either. You're right because freedom of choice is a right we should all have but objectively, your view seems slightly skewed because Microsoft isn't the only one to do this.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2017
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  18. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Don`t be so harsh with the words; many do not understand what it means to share Your privacy and the implications of it... and many just don`t care.
    It is their opinion that should be respected...
    It is futile to try to educate someone on that matter nowadays ... I mean after so many competent articles on that matter all over the Internet, whoever chooses any OS, is completely responsable of his actions.

    Ignorance of any matter is not tolerated in court, so when, and if problems comes, it will be their own fault.
    I hope nobody gets any problems because of their OS choice, and probably no problems will arise so soon, since that would rise an alarm flag for all the rest, but it is very clear what MS wants to achieve, so, sooner or later someone will use all that collected data, and I believe that many heads will fall ... probably heads from us common people (as always).
  19. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    I have news for you brotha, there is no "constitutional right of privacy and freedom" in this day an age. Do you have a cell phone? Do you have email? Do you use the internet? EVERYTHING you do that involves digital information is not private, no matter how much youd like to convince yourself otherwise.Thats not to say you cant take precautions, but privacy in the 21st century is about as private as the sun.

    Dude, its an operating system for your personal computer. That you use to make music on, check email and make mindless rants on forums like the rest of us. Its not the pentagon. I think you'll be fine. :like:
  20. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Agreed. Yes i am sort of biased on this. It is because in my long history of music computing i switched from Mac to PC in the 90s just because Windows was so open and machines could be customized to will. When i realized after testing that with win10 you have no real control on your comps if you have to be online too, i became very very angry because the very reason i switched has practically become obsolete. To my defense,i wouldn't be so furious if it wasn't Ms who's by far the largest desktop systems holder in the world:
    Btw, i read most of your posts when i have the time, and frankly speaking, you know your sht inside out and are always willing to help the others. Props for this. I 'd share a drink or blunt with peeps like you anytime, and thanks for calming me down.
    My friend, excuse me if i have been misunderstood. I should have made more clear the "ignorance is bliss" part wasn't referring to anyone else but me. Meaning i wish i didn't know so i wouldn't care. Thank you too for calming me down. Yes, i agree, many heads will fall, and it is the commoners that always pay the heaviest price. But they don't seem to get it. Wth, so be it. Still, Ms is counting lawsuits all over the globe for their intrusive telemetry and hidden updates to previous Os owners. We 'll see where this goes, though i fear they will come out of this with very few losses, after all they possess tremendous power by data mining every online Win10 comp and it's only started. Windows having about 92-23% of the world desktop market means the worse scenario is, they will be able to extort governments to do their biding in the not so far away near future. I just hope it will never come to this and they will stick with software and mouses lol. Ok mobile phones too.
    Y'all take care