Daws on iOS ( Garage Band, N-track, Cubasis 3, Auria Pro …)

Discussion in 'Mobile' started by LilCe, Dec 12, 2021.

  1. LilCe

    LilCe Newbie

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Hello everyone.
    Now im just checking some daws at ios. Then i had some exp like this :
    . Garage Band is good. I can create something on this app. I liked quick punch record of garage band. But dont have aux track, cant link track for sidechain, dont have output track for add some fx mastering audio, cant import video for work same time
    . N-track : have aux track, quick punch untested, cant link track for sidechain, have output track, cant import video for work same time
    . Cubasis : have aux track, output track, quick punch is ok, can link track for sidechain, cant import video for work same time
    . Auria Pro : have aux track, output track, dont have quick punch, can link track for sidechain, can import video for work same time
    Im finding a DAW on ios can work fine with aux track, quick punch, output track, link track for sidechain, import video. If u know DAW can do like this. Pls cmt me. Tks

    One thing more. I work fine on my hackintosh with logic pro x. My hackintosh is i5 coffee lake, 16gb ram,rx 580
    Now im thinking about move to ios( sound lib and plugin fx is better now ). I can see ipad pro 2021 have power with m1 cpu, 16gb ram.
    So can u compare power my hackintosh with ipad pro like that. Can i move my work from macOS to iOS ????

    happy with every answers. Tks. Sr about my bad eng
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    n-Track Studio 9
    n-Track software not only supplies computers with audio programs, but also tablets with iOS for quite some time. n-Track Studio is basically free of charge, but if you want to do more than just "gimmick" it, you can hardly avoid a subscription payment model. A single buy-once option is available for just under 30 USD, the subscription is between 1 - 5 USD per month.

    There are unlimited audio and MIDI tracks, 64-bit audio engine, step sequencer, loops, samples, effects, amp emulations and IAA support. With 64 bit audio support, n-Track Studio is also relatively alone. You have to answer for yourself whether you need this. Certainly a nice to have for some applications. Sample rates above 48 kHz require a compatible interface, but go up to 192 kHz. Official and for many therefore the best iPad DAW.

    For me, the operation is fluffy by hand, it looks appealing and you can actually do anything with it. If I weren't already in Cubasis hands, I would probably move here. Without a subscription, of course.

  4. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    I love my iPad and I think iOS is superb and very capable, but I think these DAWs are a little bit pointless if you have a desktop or lappy set up. Don’t get me wrong, I have seen people do amazing things with them, but to me the work to get to the point of what you could achieve on a “proper” computer is just not worth the effort. I tried cubasis, but when using the full version it’s just so much hassle to do simple things. I dare say that an iPad Pro and keyboard makes it easier, but then when you configure that up so you can add an interface, midi keyboard etc… you could get a lappy that would run full versions.

    I think in a few years, this might all change as the lines are blurred and devices can run full programs and maybe the method of interfacing IO is sorted, but for a top machine, I would say you are better spending equivalent money on a desktop or laptop. That said, GarageBand I think is absolutely superb and I have created a few ditty’s on it that to get ideas down.
  5. Plainview

    Plainview Rock Star

    Mar 9, 2020
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    can someone explain why ios music apps is so superior to the android counterparts , its like night and day
  6. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Android did not support USB audio until Android 5. Even Android 5 and upward has very limited support for USB audio devices, there are also some damn issues with latency.
    The only custom usb driver that I found really working on Android is built by Extream Audio Evolution: they have a 2 track recorder app and a multitrack as well

    Info: http://extreamsd.com
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  7. LilCe

    LilCe Newbie

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Tks everyone. I tested some daws on iOS ( garageband, n-track, cubasis, auria pro). And now i need to stop. Im finding a daws can handle project like i did on computer with my hope is can use ipad pro like my computer. But now i couldnt found daw like this.
    Look at the feature and hope something like this :
    - auria pro have quick punch record for loop record
    - cubasis, n-track have import video
    - garageband i can feel this app for musicians. This app dont have advanced mixer ( dont have master track, link sidechain, send aux … ). But this app can make music easy like logic pro.
  8. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    yeah, i think ultimately this is true with a huge exception, the fact that people and art are not logical, there are a lot of external factors that come into play in art and therefor ios can trigger you to do stuff you wouldn't in a regular daw.

    because ios and apple was the cradle of music apps, and apple kept an eye on quality. and the hardware and software sync has always put them in front of the game, im sure its going to level up but its going to take time
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2021