Discussion in 'DAW' started by mrfloyd, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    For a very long time polyphonic after-touch was a feature reserved for the rare and expensive master MIDI keyboards. Times have changed and some new affordable controllers emerged with this feature, such as Xkey (which I use) and the new Xkey37. There are some other affordable controllers with poly pressure out there. Price wall has fallen.
    Unfortunately even mono (channel) after-touch feature isn't available on many affordable keyboard controllers and it seams that nowadays so many musicians and recording artist aren't aware of what they are missing.

    For those who might not be aware, polyphonic after-touch allows you to continually modulate each note by applying pressure after you pressed (played) the key. The notes you are playing are already under your fingers and with poly after-touch you don't need to jump to your pots and wheels to apply changes and besides each note will respond differently to its own finger as opposed to most other physical controllers or even channel (mono) after-touch which will all modulate all notes equally.

    Therefore it is extremely expressive tool, much more than mod or pitch wheels and certainly more interesting than automated modulators in synths and DAWs.

    Many popular VST instruments support poly-after-touch however not so many DAWs do. Most will support mono pressure only.
    For example my proffered DAW, Studio One, will recognize it and you will be able to enjoy playing it but surprisingly it will not allow you to record poly after-touch let alone edit afterwards.
    Reaper will record poly pressure yet its behavior seams to be erratic with some VST instruments but as a DAW it isn't for me. Some say Cubase supports it but I am not returning back there. We all have such personal likes and dislikes so it would be great to have a list of all DAWs that support poly pressure so that anybody could pick the one he likes (once the poly pressure is rediscovered).

    The question for you guys is:
    Which PC DAWs (class of 2015) do support recording and editing of polyphonic pressure messages and which ones you'd recommend as best for this job?
  3. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    To answer my own question:
    Bitwig 1.2 will bring poly-aftertouch with per note editing.

    I decided to buy it and use it besides Studio One. Hopefully Hamburg guys will add it into future version of S1 as well.

    I tried Bitwig 1.18 and if you like me have problems in Studio One with Korg Legacy Cell (sometimes it wouldn't load or GUI wouldn't be visible) it is good to know that in Bitwig it works fine. Besides, Bitwig will load Virsyn 32bit synths just fine. I couldn't get them working with jBridge in S1. (they do work in S1 32bit though).
  4. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    I'm brand new to using aftertouch, but after a few months of saving I managed to buy a used Ableton Push. I know Live is capable of polyphonic aftertouch - I don't know much about editing the aftertouch after recording it. I'll check into it later. I imagine it's just another automation parameter.

    Edit: after searching on the Ableton forums a bit it does appear that aftertouch is editable through clip envelopes. I'm not sure how that works with multiple notes at once though. So perhaps it wouldn't work for you.