D16 Repeater install

Discussion in 'Software' started by vuwituyo, Feb 11, 2021.

  1. vuwituyo

    vuwituyo Newbie

    Feb 11, 2021
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    So i've installed Repeater from team hexwars and in the instructions it tells me to

    - Run plug-in and click "Activate" button, then "Load File"
    and browse generated *.d16auth keyfile.

    However, when I click activate it asks me to login, then prompts me for a serial number. It doesn't allow me to drag and drop the keyfile into the plugin nor does it have a load file button?

    Could someone help me out please?

    I normally masturbate at least once a day. An average nub rub usually begins as soon as Hubby’s truck pulls out of the driveway in the morning, and generally lasts between ten to thirty minutes. But when I have time, and Hubby is not home, I love to have what I call a Naked Play Day. These mastrubatory events can be elaborate. I often begin by preparing myself for a hot date: I take a bubble bath, shave my underarms, legs and pussy, then fix my hair and make up before I even break out the toys. I might even get a little drunk and flirt outrageously with strange men online as I lounge naked, touching and teasing myself. I sometimes have theme days, and occasionally stage a naughty photo shoot.

    Sometimes my goal is to see how many times I can cum in X number of hours. Other times it's just to have fun and pleasure myself. Most often my goal is to try and squirt. I do not squirt every time I cum, and it's a challenge to do by masturbation alone. (It’s all about the g spot for me.) But when I edge and tease and deny, it makes me cum really hard, and I am sometimes rewarded with a trembling spray or gush of unparalleled ecstasy https://4kpornindex.com/ .

    Recently, Hubby was out of town hunting so I planned a Naked Play Day. I woke up horny and hungry that morning, so I decided to multi-task and edge while I made a food run. I took off my t-shirt and panties and slid out my large box of toys from under the bed. I grabbed the lube, and ***********ed a small vibrating butt plug, replacing its batteries. I then moved in front of my full-length closet mirror and admired my naked body while I slapped my thick round ass a few times. At 43 I still look damn good. I am a little chunky now, but still firm and supple. I am tall, busty, have soft smooth skin, and a perpetually wet pussy. Life is good.

    I rubbed my breasts and twisted and tugged on my nipples, then lightly rubbed my slick pussy. I hiked my foot up about boob level and rested it on the wall so I could better see and access Miss Puss. I dunked my fingers in and out of my wet vagina for a few moments, spreading my wetness all over my lips and clit until they glistened. I sucked on my coated fingers, savoring the light, slightly salty taste of my juicy core: I love the taste of my pussy. Standing again, I picked up the butt plug and lubricated it with AstroGlide, pointed my ass towards the mirror, and gently pulled back one cheek to expose my anus. I watched my inverted reflection from between my spread legs as I eased the slick plug in and out of my little rosebud. I added more lube and repeated this process until my hole felt all sexy and slippery. I turned the vibe on and let my asshole suck the plug in place.

    My plan was to wear the vibrating plug in my ass for a quick run through McDonald’s drive thru and then come right back home to begin my Naked Play Day in earnest. I was just so horny, and feeling all sexy and a little slutty, that I decided to be extra naughty and go braless under a tight vintage t-shirt for my food run: something I rarely do in public because my boobs are huge and my nipples are super prominent. Going commando, I threw on some old yoga pants: snugging them up to give my camel toe a wedgie. Next, I pulled my long chestnut brown hair into a ponytail and threaded it through a Bama ball cap. Lip gloss and sneakers completed my Milfy / upscale trailer park trash look. I knew nobody was gonna see me, but it was thrilling to be so brazen.

    I headed out in my old truck for an Egg McMuffin. I started grinding my ass back and forth on the seat to the beat of the music as my butt plug buzzed away. I periodically rubbed my clit through my thin pants and clinched my hungry pussy muscles. The crotch of my pants was getting wet. I was singing along to AC/DC’s “Touch Too Much” when thick, white steam started pouring out from under the front of my hood. I quickly eyed the gages and saw my temp needle was all the way to the right past Hot. Oh fuckkkk. I pulled over and coasted to a stop off of the main road.

    I could hear my truck pissing something underneath the engine and the steam kept billowing out from under the hood. This was not good. Hubby was over an hour away and could not quickly ride to my rescue. So I started thinking of who I could call to come and get me, especially considering my current state of naughtiness, when I heard a throaty big block engine coming up fast behind me. The green 1970 Mach 1 with black racing stripes geared way down and I locked eyes with the driver as he passed me. He looked like a guy who had gone to high school with me. He finally stopped, then backed down the road, parked in front of me, and climbed out of his car.

    I was pretty sure his name was Travis and it seemed like he used to hang out with all the heads in the smoking area back in the day. I went to a huge high school and we did not run with the same crowd. He got to my window and was assessing me with a slight smile. He was tall, slim, with salt and pepper hair, a scruffy beard, thick sensuous lips, and piercing blue eyes. Damn! I did not remember him being so fine https://hotmyfreecams.com

    Immediately, I crossed my arms to try and cover the twins, then bent awkwardly to try and push the button to roll down the window at the same time. I gave up and lowered my arms so I could open the window and turn off the loud music. I was blushing my ass off. Travis looked highly amused. I could have died.

    He was giving me a good long look, lingering on my tits before meeting my glare: “Looks like the homecoming queen needs some help. It's been a while. You sure are looking good Kayla. I think your truck is overheated.”

    I rolled my eyes: “Ya think? Hey Travis. Can you give me a ride please?”

    He laughed, “ Oh, yes Mam. I've been wanting to give you a ride ever since I first saw you wearing a pink sweater and pigtails back in middle school. Sure hun, I’ll help ya out.”

    I sighed and shot him a look as I rolled the window back up, then grabbed my purse and keys. I dreaded letting him see me like this, but better him than my nephew, one of my gossipy friends, or a neighbor. I needed to get my wild ass home!!

    He held my door open, and as I moved to slide out, Travis sucked in a quick audible breath as his eyes found my wet spot and visible camel toe. I tried to ignore him and slid on out. He was following me back to his car when he asked, “What is that buzzing sound?”
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2021
  3. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I am not sure what your trouble is there. I used R2R, and sent you a PM regarding it.
    Just replying here to 'bump' the thread. Maybe someone actually knows the issue...
  4. MetaCastle

    MetaCastle Guest

    Sounds like the installer is newer or you missed a step try activating with world wide web cable unplugged from you machine
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