Cymatics: Put them out of business like 8dio

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by subGENRE, Nov 29, 2016.

  1. OneChainz

    OneChainz Newbie

    Dec 5, 2016
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    I don't know if this was aimed towards me, but I wasn't shitting on presets/loops etc. I was just stating that I really want to learn sound design so I can, I guess, find my sound?

    I like being able to create some bass or lead of some sort that get people asking "How?". It's an innovation thing I guess?

    But thanks for clearing up the Serum/Massive question
  2. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Nah that second part had nothing to do with you. Just part of the conversation that's happening in this thread

    Serum and massive are basically subtractive synths. Wavetables are their own thing (both are wavetable synths), but they're basically synthesis shortcuts, so once you work out the idea behind them it's all the same. Serum has some FM in it. Pretty basic FM though, you don't need to know much to use it. Harmor is its own thing. It's additive synthesis, which has a whole background to it that's a bit more complicated than subtractive synthesis. And Harmor in particular takes a while to get used to because many of the controls are Harmor-exclusive and Image Line isn't into making things easy for you. For all that, it's a monster synth and worth taking the time to learn if you decide you like sound design.
  3. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    @aymat "rub one out..." he says :D
  4. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Their new Avenger synth is badass!!!!! I waited all year for that thing. It was worth it.
  5. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I never cared for cymatics but I was just looking at their site & holy shit! $197 for a few ableton projects? These guys need their frigging heads examined.
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  6. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    About those Ableton projects

    So everyone using these Ableton projects are already going to sound like Cymatics sounding like Getter or whoever they're ripping off these days. Your copying a copy, get it?! Just change a couple midis they say. This is the main reason why there is barely any originality in EDM anymore. I blame the lazy laptop millennials that flooded the EDM scene with carbon copy music. One button wonders looking for instant gratification. Nobody wants to put in work and pay their dues anymore.
    PSA: Come on fellow DJs/producers, do yourself and all of us EDM fans a favor and please start learning some music theory and how to program your synths. That's what it takes to stand out and be noticed, other producers will spot out the presets from a mile away.... rant over
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2016
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  7. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Wow! Cymatics' business and customer model seems like a dictatorship. Disagree with them and they ban you with no questions from their social media, even if you have previously been foolish enough to buy their overpriced products.

    Today Drew Cymatics posted on Facebook saying:

    Zomboy's 2014 stuff is still shitting all over any dubstep made today!!!!

    I chose to reply and said:

    This is everything that is wrong with today's music and music companies. You just shit over people doing what they like doing, even though they probably don't give a shit about your opinion. And then you also hold up 2014 Zomboy as if it is some kind of gold dust where in reality it doesn't bear any resemblence to dubstep's real roots and was just the latest in the line of impersonal and unemotional nonsense EDM genres with no history, culture, heritage or personality to them. I personally can't wait til these artists and sample companies stop fractioning music and creating these self serving nonsense genres to capitalise on people trying to make music (who you then shit all over) so we can get back to real music with real personality, soul, heart and stirs up the emotion.

    He then banned me within minutes. Petulant children who can't handle being criticised or having their perception of music questioned, all 4 years of music history!!!!
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  8. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    @Bunford your banned facebook comment sums up exactly how i feel
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  9. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    You already know how I feel. Companies like this are everything thats wrong with the EDM music scene today. Capitalizing off the kids and turing them into cookiecutter clones.
  10. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    We could also speak about SSO IndustryKit and more ppl like this.

    With years of experience, i feel those ppl one miles away : stealing other ppl work, using "big" words but with NO real name dropping, telling ppl they sampled this/that and discover they stole obscure Ebay samples to avoid any lawsuit...

    When should create a thread called : "scammers with big mouths" and put evidences in them.
    I have a bunch already collected against SSO/IndustryKit ;)
    And Steven Slate, who simply stole Acustica Audio work by buying (at least) their consoles banks, and recapturing them digitally.
  11. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    salient point well made.
    their stuff is bloodless and anodyne. i am suprised they sell anything at all.
    i got on their mailing list and was unable to unsubscribe so have to direct stuff into the junk folder instead. this kind of relentless promotion is so tiring. anywayz... dot dot dot..

    ps. did i say tiring? i meant tedious of course : ]
  12. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Agreed. It seems like an unethical and immoral marketing strategy in that they don't care what they do to get money, whether it's stealing other people's content to sell as their own; bombard you with emails about this, that and the other that spam the fuck out of you til your mailbox feels violated; kill off anyone who dares question them or disagree with them; have a sense of grandeur about themselves that music is their way or no way in the way they slate other companies and methods....I just really dislike them and totally baffled why people spend tens and sometimes hundreds of bucks on their products that seem solely about quantity of GB rather than quality as I've heard 40MB 808, 909 or LinnDrum sample packs sound better than the majority of what they offer. Yes, some of their stuff sounds good, but they are like little nuggets within their packs with the majority just being novelty and unusable filler to pillage and rape uneducated and vulnerable customers of their money before they realise what the company is really like and the quality (or lack of) of what they have just bought. And then when them customers are rinsed and come to their senses, they create some other new "genre" to rinse and repeat on a new set of young, vulnerable customers just looking to make music and express their creativity!
  13. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    just zone out of all these trash companies and focus on the good guys whose stuff you like!
    and use freeware samples ;)
    there is too much stuff out there its a good idea to stop loading everything.
  14. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    For me Vandalism,Vengeance,Singomakers and Mainroom Warehouse are best ever libraries...To all others thumbs down!

    8DIO-UKULELE ,SANTOOR,KANOON,MAJESTICA ETC....worth $1 if i have to pay for them all sound awful like their size LIBS are 10 mb instead tons of gigs as they make them!
    Cymatics -Maybe for piling trees good for my PC ,YOK!
  15. TIXH

    TIXH Noisemaker

    May 4, 2017
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    Just came here to add my voice. Cymatics is shit. Everytime they releasea pack its shit. Honestly I've never bought any of their stuff. I'm just mad i wasted my time with it.
  16. oldskoolproductions

    oldskoolproductions Producer

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Who uses ROKIT monitors??? Isn't that the old Radio Shack brand..... LOL
  17. Ceja

    Ceja Ultrasonic

    Sep 17, 2013
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    I got some Rokits when I started out producing and I think they were really holding me back. The Lows and Mids are so mushy and there is almost no proper stereo field. I use them as hifi speaker now this is what they are okay for. But thats it.
  18. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Best thing to do w/ Cymatics is ignore them! DItto 8Dio et al. Wish there was a filter to get rid of all hybrid trap future maybach bass serum posts on sister site XD

    Does not compute. Weren't you saying "use MIDI drums", which w/ Melodyne et al amounts to the same thing nao? I mean, best advice when starting out is to simply try to copy the muzak u like, recreate it in a DAW & learn.

    Yeah, tbh drums are the most frustrating part, for me. Programming is dull spreadsheet hell!

    Well, I agree with everything except the "pain" part, it's lovely, simple joy learning a new scale or instrument or way of thinking or style or process or effect or etcs...

    I kinda used to think lil bit that way, but some shopkeeper dude got chatting recently & he said he does Trap production, and I expected "omg Cubendo / Ableton & Spitfire libs just released wow" sorta conversation, but he just said Music Maker Jam; oh it's just loops. I thought it was some mobile DAW or something, but it turns out there's a whole industry catered to loopers nao, basic "DAW" & loop packs u can pay for. Bit like Plants v Zombies: DAW edition. I'm trying to steer him into "proper" music production, but I don't wanna dissuade anyone by being condescending. Also, I think he wants followers; he's got loads moar than me! Heh. Anyway, everybody starts somewhere, right? Where do (good/bad/ugly) new musicians come from? From ppl interested in being musicians.
  19. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Cymatics, I don't even bother downloading their stuff for free. Tells you how good they are :)
  20. FadedShadows

    FadedShadows Ultrasonic

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Washington, DC
    I was wondering when I was going to see a post in the Audiosex community about Cymatics horrible business practices and Soup-Nazi Antics! It's about F'n time.

    IMHO, Cymatics is a total company tool. About 6 months ago when he came out with that Titan BS and offered it to certain producers to try out for free, I got the email and I thought who is this, never even heard of this guy, so clicked on the linked - out of curiousity and BAM! I got slammed with his endless piles of Sh#t. I had to create a special spam rule in my email app to block his dumb ass!

    And the funny thing is: If you have a semi-decent ear, you can tell where the samples truly come from, b/c true sample companies carry signature sounds and EQs. And sometimes are very easy to identify. And when you hear some of these signature sounds in his sample packs, you are like: What a total F'n Looser Newb! This dude has a stick so far up his arse, he has no idea, or he dose know and that makes him that much more of a douche bag; that the samples he steals, carry signature sounds. Buy hey, this just my opinion! I am glad you are spreading the word about him, this world has enough a-holes in it and it is good to know that others see him for who he really is.