Cymatics: Put them out of business like 8dio

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by subGENRE, Nov 29, 2016.

  1. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I use Rokit 5s :sad:

    I know they are far from great but it's a budget thing really. I don't care what peoples opinions about speakers is, really. As long as you can make them work for you it's ok.

    As far as Cymatics Products are concerned, well, they do what they think works for them. Funny thing is, there are far better content creators out there that get less recognition for their presets and samples. Cymatics is just in-your-face distorted bullshit for dubstep dudes most of the time. Making a sound distort – big fucking deal (not really). That makes me wonder even more why it seems everybody's on their Dick at the moment?!

    I don't even know why you were frontin' about the giveaway, when you think dem shits is whack, cuz? I always see their lame giveaways at FB and I feel like "word, ya want me to promote your shit for this price which probably is not even real? I ain't havin that" and then I bounce. Why would I even try to argue with them cats who do free promo just to get some shit for free. It's an arguement you can't win.

    If you would put a raffle up and somebody came along and would hate on it, you would probably ban him, too. Facebooks Groups of developers and artists are only for YES sayers and fanboys. There's no balance and no room for criticism. It's not good for the brand/band whatever.

    So yeah. Just leave the shit alone and focus on positive things like creating some dope ass beat or somethin.
  2. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    If you're ever looking to upgrade for roughly the same price, look into the JBL LSR305s.

    In the interest of full disclosure, i have no frame of reference, since I've never used Rokits. But gear enthusiasts the world over regard the LSR305s as a standout in its price range, pretty much unanimously
  3. Placeholder

    Placeholder Ultrasonic

    Apr 28, 2016
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    Wow. I unsubbed from them because I got sick of emails every other day about them making super awesome Serum Dubstep patches that will take my productions to the next level, but I didn't think they were assholes. Btw, Rokits ARE shit and have too much low-end, and don't sound as nice as Yamaha HS series.

    And yeah, I heard the 8Dio Percussion thing and it's literally just congas, bongos, and crap that shouldn't be 33gigs lol.
  4. OneChainz

    OneChainz Newbie

    Dec 5, 2016
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    I have pretty much bought all the Cymatics packs to date only to realize they have made me a shittier producer cause now that I want to stop using presets, I do not know what the fuck I am doing.

    Oh and yeah, those emails are annoying af.
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  5. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    HAHAHAHA !!! exactly.

    Serum = great synth, basically a step above the TI Virus, but still you need some good ideas to make a good song, no matter if you start with good presets.

    what they mean for the "next level" has nothing to do with the presets, next level means being near the point where your product sounds good and has commercial potential.

    8Dio's concept (shared by all the other sample pack crooks) is totally wrong, to make a good song you need good ideas first, and only after that you will pick up the rights sounds, the right editing, mixing and all.

    bad ideas = bad songs !
    bad ideas + good sounds = still a bad song, no matter what !

    if all i need to become the next Hans Zimmer is a EWQL or Spitfire library i would be already rich.

    because problem is, i don't have the talent of Hans Zimmer, he can make a grammy-award song even with just a broken piano and some 8-bit strings .. good luck compensating for lack of talent buying 10K $ of libraries and sample packs, at best you'll learn an expensive lesson.

    i say, fuck it .. if i had to start from scratch i would invest 3000$ in a Yamaha Montage, there;s almost nothing you can't do with it, fantastic sounds, crips FXs, just run the whole machine with your DAW and invest some time learning all the internals, squeeze the machine to the limit, once you're set you can mix everything with pro tools and the final product will sound great !
  6. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    of course, with loops you're stuck with loops, no matter how much you filter those loops.
    loops teach you nothing because they're a shortcut, they're not a musical instrument.

    i've met hiphop producers who are top in the game of loops but they can barely play a few notes of piano by themselves.
    they can claim to be good musicians but they know they're a joke.

    however i must admit there's some skills involved into using tons of loops and finding a way to sit them all together in the mix.
    The Orb is the best example of this, they can barely play piano but they're in biz since the 90s ! they even take pride of being thieves see their interviews and moral of the story their music is good, it's an assault of ambient loops and stolen beats, i wonder how the fuck they manage all that mess so yeah it's not as easy as we think.
  7. OneChainz

    OneChainz Newbie

    Dec 5, 2016
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    Not the loops. It was mainly the patches and after I got bored of the sounds in it, I still don't know any sound design to do it myself
  8. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Syntorial. Check them out. Good stuff.
    Once you learn the basics of synthesis it's pretty much the same no matter what synth you use.
    The demo synth teaches you subtractive synthesis. They have an addon lesson for Massive. That will teach you other types.
    Ive seen Syntorial as well as the add ons for z3ta 2+ and sylenth on the sister site. These will help you get where you want to be
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
  9. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    and here i was worshipping them as gods....

    good thing i dont believe in gods
  10. atreehaseyes

    atreehaseyes Kapellmeister

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Elsewhere and otherwise
    Hey, bro
  11. Montgent

    Montgent Kapellmeister

    Jun 22, 2014
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    Just to throw my two cents in here, I have a family member that produces Trap EDM. He was approached by them 6 months ago to make a preset pack (I don't think he even bothered, though it paid.) He told me that the guys are nice enough, but the only thing they are about is making money. I've never subscribed to them, so I've never seen their email BS, but at least it holds true to them being all about the money.
  12. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    there's nothing wrong in a company making money, but buying sample packs in general will never "push you to the next level", at best you will get a rough idea of how to assemble a copycat song in your specific musical genre and in the meantime you wasted 200 bucks.

    moreover they sell these synth sounds as if they were something exclusive and hard to find but in reality any modern soft synth is packed with them, they just need a little tuning here and there to make them "trap" or whatever, i would focus more on the FX chains instead, pretty much any decent synth can do everything today and with good FX you can make an old Juno 106 scream if you know the score.

    the essence of this is : kids want a big shortcut to music, they can't afford to invest weeks or months studying synthesis, but they end up with nothing more than glorified presets all sounding the same as any other Beatport top-100 song.

    what they think is used in beatport top-100 ? yes Serum, Spire, and the rest, but they know how to squeeze them, buying loops with never teach you that.

    i keep reading about the next 16 yrs old kid making a Hit on beatport with his clunky laptop and a cracked copy ableton and spire, yeah he might have been lucky or maybe he's very good at it but most of the case he had to jump hoops and use samples and loops and preset packs .. and galvanized by his lucky hit he will keep doing that over and over with zero improving in his skills .. one day he will forced to give up as he can't keep up with the evolution of music or gear, and while he was the lucky one there are thousands of other who bought the same preset-pack and got nothing out of it, they're all there with their dick in the hand and 200$ less in their pocket.
  13. Montgent

    Montgent Kapellmeister

    Jun 22, 2014
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    I couldn't agree more. I've been playing guitar for about 26 years now, and there's still always something to learn.
  14. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Surely based soley on library content alone "the masses" shall we say ,will soon enough go elswere!
    To my ears "im sorry to cymatic lovers if there are any" but pretty much every preset pack sounds like the other or another in the range.
    Yes ok So whilst i find the vomit pack utterly unusable "
    it is indeed "original and quite creative"
    But overall Very very "samey samey" is how id describe the overall range of patches.
    "Some" of the drums samples can be quite good though."oh and one chord preset for serum i find usable but thats my lot"
    But still my opinion was formed way before id heard of these goings on and just enforces the way i feel about it all!
  15. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    exactly, it's a never ending learning and we must accept it, no pain no gain !
  16. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    while there's many ways to skin a cat i think we reached the point where's it's almost impossible to invent something even just a bit different from the norm using a synth or a drum machine.

    innovation can only appear elsewhere .. composition, FXs, mixing.

    we will never witness again brand new astonishing sounds that alone make people say "woww" ... last time it happened was in the 60s with the early modular synths on stage and we're still stuck with synths in 2016 !
  17. RedThresh

    RedThresh Producer

    May 26, 2016
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    Yeah at the point where Mixdown said "With loops you're stuck with loops no matter how much you filter them", he just lost me forever. Like others people said things arent that much black and white and your lack of knowledge about what you're "crusading" against explains everything. There is so much possibilites nowadays, that being "100%" against samples today is just being a complete conservative extremist. You just dont have a clue about what you're crusading against.

    Oh yeah just read your last post, I thought the 60s annoying hipsters were all gone. Yeah it was cool. I still listen to some 60s tracks but damn get over it. Music is evolving, there was bad and good music in all eras. But the simple fact that you analyze things like "last time a new astonishing sounds happened was in the 60s" tell me that you just won't ever make nuance to your point of view. I may understand your fully linear point of view about samples, but this?

    Just please go listen to some music and stop arguing, this is becoming annoying right now...

    EDIT : Have to say I completely agree about what you say about newer producer that just are lazy learning synthesis etc, dont get me wrong. It's just sad to me that you are saying very right things but also have a complete one way thinking about more global things.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
  18. vladdrac

    vladdrac Kapellmeister

    Dec 20, 2015
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    WTF is going on around here? Are some of you turning into special snowflakes millennials triggered by the most stupid things?

    Going on a rant because you got banned from a Facebook group YOU clicked to join in the first place? Pissed off about emails YOU subscribed in the first place? And now using this nice forum to stir this ridiculous shit up? All this crying, 3 pages later and all you've accomplished was free advertisement for Cymatics lol

    Regarding 8Dio, you may not like their business model, but when you click that buy button and give them your credit card info, there's a xxx page long contract you agree to saying they don't need to give you shit back. Yeah it sucks, but that's all on you. Contrary to Cymatics, 8Dio actually make pro stuff used by many people in the industry, like it or not, they do deliver quality stuff.

    This witch hunt is nothing but childish. Stick to the music, guys. Don't like it, don't buy it. Simple as that.
  19. OneChainz

    OneChainz Newbie

    Dec 5, 2016
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    I''ll be honest. You just reminded me that i have syntorial and I need to finish it.

    Did not know about the Massive lesson.

    I'm guessing once I finish, I'll know my way around something like Harmor, Massive, and Serum better right? Without having to do trial and error for hours on end?
  20. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Well, you'll understand Serum and Massive, anyway... lol

    On another note:

    All this nonsense about samples and loops... Look, I love to do sound design, so I have no horse in the race here, but shitting on people for using presets is retarded. It's like saying "yeah that guy can play guitar, but he didn't build the amp he's using so I can't respect him"

    Sound design and music composition are almost opposite pursuits. If you can do both, great. But there are lots of people who are good sound designers and mediocre or bad musicians. Composition is a flowy, creative process that you would ideally just "feel" your way through. Sound design is a much more logical process that that, at any level of proficiency, requires some understanding of the nature of sound, waveforms, and a gang of other, somewhat mathematical shit that has very little to do with music.

    I have a suspicion that dudes that are snobbish about stuff like this, act that way because they know they're not very good at the creative aspect and they need something to raise their standing.