Current cracked NI's working in Catalina? / Best current free options to make DnB? (2020)

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by kaos13, Jun 15, 2020.

  1. kaos13

    kaos13 Newbie

    May 10, 2020
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    Hello to everyone!

    This forum is one of the last "resorts" we can freely talk about this stuff.. (If not let me know other similar ones please!!)
    Basically, and resuming, I fucked it up upgrading long time ago to Catalina.
    I am able to keep Kontak 5.6.0, and a bunch of libraries, so, good enough.

    The problem I am finding now is when I am trying to open my mind with other instruments and Synths, which Im a totally noob, I like to play, and invested my time in playing itself a nice regular VST piano, but now I want to invest the time, in finding solutions for my proposes. After the little history, to the point:

    1- I have cracked Kontakt as I said. Which other from Komplete, are working as cracked too?
    I tried Battery 4, till found is not doable, I dont want to lost the same amount of time for nothing with Reaktor and Massive, which I have them, and seems to work, but maybe I can not add anything to them without service center.

    2- I dont want to make Music for living, just hobby. Best options to create decent drum and bass with iMac + Logic + Kontakt in the free way and cracked, working in Catalina?

    3- What else I should use to do proper DnB, as Battery 4 and Reaktor, and Massive X, the ones i started seeing on Youtube, can not make them work? I have Ableton too, but never used, not sure if by itself can make something in Logic Pro as DAW and Ableton as instrument/s.

    Thank you very much in advance, I hope we can create a proper thread about this questions that I suppose others they have too.

    PD:I tried searching in the forum, but majority of results, not pointing to this.
  3. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Any decent wavetable synth can make D&B sounds - Serum, Dune3, Massive, Ana2 just for starters. Alchemy can also make D&B sounds theres a template/tutorial from Reso where he makes a track with just Logic stock plugins using Alchemy for all the sounds in it.
  4. Kira2001

    Kira2001 Newbie

    Apr 2, 2021
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    Hay I try to install battery 4 on Catalina but every time I run the installer (I try a lot of installers from different sites included the audioz one) but everytime I run installer it says "installation failed" its driving me crazy. Can anyone explain how to install correctly. I spent more than 2weeks now and I don't get it. Please help me. Thanks for every help!