Cubase Pro 8.0.10 maintenance update now available

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Guillermo Navarrete, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Guillermo Navarrete

    Guillermo Navarrete Kapellmeister

    Feb 19, 2014
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    Hamburg - Germany
    Hello all,

    The wait is over, today we have released Cubase Pro 8.0.10 maintenance update for Cubase Pro 8 and Cubase Artist 8. This update resolves 50 issues, including metronome click problems, Mackie Control remote issues and 3rd party plug-in issues.

    This is a free maintenance update which you can find as always on our downloads section:

    Cubase Pro 8

    Cubase Artist 8

    For detail information about the bug fixes please read the Version History.

    Best regards,
  3. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Plan 9
    thanks for sorting out the Mackie issues :wink:
  4. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    A series of tubes
  5. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Wow Nice. I wounder if they fixed all the bugs or just created more bugs. Steinberg support is crap. Sorry moderator I have had it. Bought 7 and update to 7.5

    They never fix the bugs and just keep releasing new stuff. They can go to Hell if I will spend another $99 on this crap. I used to think Microsoft was crap but they did straightened out there ways and really try and address problems. Steinberg just covers them up. I can say stay away from them yes I know Cubase is great you think. I came from Cakewalk in fact I used todo beta for them and I can tell you they were dead serious on fixing bugs.

    Here is a good bug import a video file open it up and see if it lines up with the markers. It will a little for say the first 2 measure then it gets further and further out. Yes I reported it to Steinberg and it went to German programmers. I guess they can not say they confirmed the bug. That would be to mush to ask from a support call.

    Oh I tired it in version 5 till 7.5 and the same results. Next lets blame my pc oh wait it works fine in reaper, X3 and a few others.

    Ok lets be logical Do you think it's my pc if 4 other program can do it right?
  6. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    A series of tubes
    Cubase 8 runs perfectly for me. X1, X2, and X3 were all total bug-testing nightmares. X1 was essentally a beta. X2 was X1 with about half of the bugs ironed out. X3 crashed if you imported an X2 project. Actually, X3 crashed with several 3rd party plugins on all 3 of my machines (same plugins--take Poise for example). Don't get me wrong, X3 has my favorite UI of any DAW. But in my experience, Cubase 5, 7, and Pro 8 have all run great. Pro 8 actually runs better than any other DAW I've used other than Reaper.
  7. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Yes I have been playing with reaper and I agree really fast and great. for the price it can not be beeat. I did beta on Sonar I dropped out when the DAW was heading toward the Fruit loops stages X1,X2and X3. But when we submitted bug Cakewalk adressed them I know this was before Gibosn bought Cakewalk and before Yamha bought Cubase.

    X1 X2 and X3 run fine on my pc I can say. I really am no fan of skylight.

    Trust me I love cubase but for $599 is should be better than good and support should be first rate. I do IT as a living and I know when people are BS me and trust me Steinburg support is BS people they are just coveing up bugs and making people pay for the next upgrade to hopfuly get fixed.

    They fixed the heavy ISO letancy in 8 and release it like it it is a feature. You know reaper is 80 percent fast than Cubase and did Reaper sell you everytime there release a upgrade that the fast loading is a feature. Like it should not be loading fast and have a minimum load on your PC.
    I hope you get what I am saying.

    Load up a video with audio in it, in cubase try cubase 8 and then open up and view it via the messures you will see wha tI an talking about.
  8. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    A series of tubes
    Asio guard 2 actually is a new feature. At the highest possible buffer settings, I'm at about 28ms on my pc (which granted is fast). It is on par with Reaper 4.5+ if just a hair slower. Runs stable as all get out for me. I love the workflow on cubase and have never had a plugin compatibility issue. I love Reaper's performance but hate it's workflow.
  9. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Plan 9
    I've done at least 18 films with Cubase, i can't replicate the problem you are having, but in all fairness i read the manual :dunno:
  10. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Is your Cubase Mac or PC. Also you meed to import a video file into cubase with video and audio.
  11. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I love the work flow on Cubase also. That is why I switched from Cakewalk to Cubase. The work flow is not my issue. The bug and piss poor support are.

    I will do a screen shot on my pc and upload it so you can see what I am talking about.
  12. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    A series of tubes
    Yeah, out of curiosity, how often do you format your machine?


    BTW, I should mention that I have yet to contact their customer support. So I can't comment on that aspect. :dunno:
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