Cubase 9.5 is here.

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Von_Steyr, Nov 15, 2017.

  1. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Saffire pro 40 firewire. When I start Cubase 8 the cpu usage is pretty high for a blank template.
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  2. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    You are funny except bug fixes should be free. They are so not in Cubase. Even as much as I hate Microsoft they always are giving updates and improvements for free.
  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

  4. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    MY god.. just about the same posts as about a year ago.. same people bitching about the same thing, how bad cabase is compared to their DAWs.. some has even stopped using but still they have to go in here complaining about this and that.. why is that it makes me wonder.. i dont see Von_Steyr or any other cubase user going in as soon a new update on Reaper is realeased. Its the same war every time Steinberg do their releases.

    For me, its just annoying since i actually like to have info from time to time about what users think about it. Browsing through post claiming this or that just sucks. I even read post about others DAWs when they release something major/minor, in case it could be useful for me. Yeah i know this will not end in any way but it would be so refreshing to actually be able to read what users think about the release and not a bunch of "my thing is bigger than yours" crap..

    Not updated yet myself yet cause of the bugs stated on Steinberg forum but probarly will once they are sorted out and as a done for most of my musical life. Have to admit that ive been looking at Live10 casue of some changes in my creation in music but as long as my workflow is best suited for Cubase ill stick to it with a sidekick to S1 from time to time. But when the sales department for Reaper etc starts here on the forum it just makes me sick. But a i guess they have their reason for showing up when post like this comes up..

    Anyhow, to thoose already updated i wanna ask, is it stable as it is right now for you.. WIN or MAc dont matter just wanna know..

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  5. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Probably since this version 9.5 should sound not worse than reaper now, minimum the same)
    Cubase is pro, advanced standard for the world studios blahblahblah...not is, but was, back in early 00s...but now they want achieve the same quality and stability and features from the young daws, which appeared much more later.
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  6. KingRoy

    KingRoy Member

    Dec 26, 2013
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    I totally hope along with you

    Budget went to reason 10 from 7
  7. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Can´t you just create another thread for bashing DAWs and keep this one about the new version of Cubase. Nobody really cares about the little Reaper in your pants or your asS1hole. I hope MODs clean up the nonsense from this thread and make it clean...

    I just got payment and gonna upgrade tomorrow. I´m gonna try it first on win7, and later on weekend with win10 to see, if there´s any difference
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  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Im getting ripped of with the utility and gas prices every month, i can swallow the 60$ per year for what i get in return.
    I think the 8 inserts was usually enough but EDM and sound design producers probably need more.
    This update is quite big, people are mostly very satisfied compared to the v9 update.
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  9. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Share many
    Thank you!
    It's not that easy.
    First, it's a fact that it's not possible to produce bug free software if it has a certain grade of complexity. This is part of all EULAs. By this logic, software users are not entitled for free bug fixes and even versions with only bugfixes have to be paid. Problem is that most people just don't understand how much work lies behind these few buttons and sliders. In case of Cubase tens of thousands of of hours. And it gets more complex with every iteration. From this point of view updates must get more expensive one after the other. But they don't.

    Second, this release isn't only bugfix but it contains improvements.

    And my boss has to pay me even if I work a day with the only purpose to fix my own errors ;)

    BTW: I find this and most updates in the past worth the price. And I like this price policy much more than abonnements like Adobe.
    When you own a legit Adobe package you must accept any price Adobe dreams of, when you want to user your projects any longer.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2017
  10. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    Adobe is a nightmare.

    Nonetheless, great to hear an update. Hoping to have the best from both world working with S1 Pro. Tools offered for midi programming are revolutionary there. No doubt. :like:
  11. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Von this is not a Reaper pro thing either.

    First you are 100 % correct, bugs are a part of life with software.

    I have been down this road with Cubase, and to me they are mostly BS on some of the upgrades. That is my opinion and you should respect that, just as I do respect yours. I owned Cubase 7, 7.5 and 8. I have switched to Reaper since I got tired of the constant pay, pay pay. I have received so many updates on reaper for what I bought I am over whelmed at it. This is not to say Reaper is better than Cubase. Just a fact that I have revived updates and upgraded included in the price.

    Now for you getting paid and fixing your errors, you wont have a job long if you keep fixing your errors. I do know Cubase is fair as far a some other companies goes on upgrade pricing.
  12. Omman

    Omman Ultrasonic

    Apr 25, 2012
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    I have been using Cubase 9.0.30 on mac with OSX 10.8.5 and it has worked without a hitch even if they only support OSX 10.11+.
    I wanted to know if 9.5.0 upgrade would install on 10.8.5 and it did but there are a lot a little bugs and stuff that have to be ironed out.
    Can't run OSX 10.11 on my old macpro properly so will be running 10.8.5 for a long time and also I don't like 10.9 or 10.10.
    I tried Cubase 9.0.30 with OSX 10.11 and I get better performance and better cpu load with OSX 10.8.5...weird but true.
    Very happy that I will be able to have cubase 9.5 running well eventually with a couple of updates.
    For now and for my present needs 9.0.30 will do and what you get in this upgrade is well worth 60.$ even if I'm on the financial lower scale.
    Hope that people will stay calm and respecful to others because to each is own.. Peace
  13. luke2017

    luke2017 Newbie

    Dec 31, 2016
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    Hi, which kind of little bugs did you find? (I'm on 10.9 and I'd like to be sure it's ok before update!)
    Thank you!
  14. Omman

    Omman Ultrasonic

    Apr 25, 2012
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    I just upgraded like 5 hours ago and didn't play a lot with it. I tough I had spotted 2 bugs and one of them was me not understanding what I was doing. The other one was that at one point, I had a ghost wiper in the track window. Even if I rewinded to the start and the wiper moved to the beginning of the song, there was still another one staying at the bar where I had stopped the song. I tried repeatedly to replicate what happened but I could not. Maybe it was a one time thing?. We all know that there are always bugs with a new version of any software and it is to be expected and that was kind of what I was talking about. I'm very happy that 9.5 works on OSX 10.8.5.

    On another subject I have some problems in 9.0.30 when using Groove Agent 4 SE. When changing drum kits and when the GUI is open cubase freezes. The hole application just gets totally unresponsive and it is still there in 9.5. The wiper stops moving, the track meters don't move and can't stop the playing. Do you have the same problem in 10.9. I read somewhere that putting the buffer size higher would solve this problem. I have tried at 512, 1024, 2048 and at higher values it helps but does not solve the problem entirely. If I close the GUI and change drum kits on the fly while playing no problem but with the GUI is open it is almost unusable. Very annoying...

    I think you should go ahead. Before doing the upgrade I had changed the name of Cubase 9 to Cubase Pro 9 and I ended up with 2 version of Cubase. The upgrade did not replace Cubase 9 but created a new app called Cubase 9.5, I don't know if it is normal that it would do that because it was an upgrade but that was great because I can switch between the 2 versions to compare what is happening. Cheers.
  15. luke2017

    luke2017 Newbie

    Dec 31, 2016
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    Oh, thank you Omnan!
    No, I never noted those bugs on my 9.0.30.
    I'll update and I will tell yoy about 9.5!!
  16. je5009

    je5009 Ultrasonic

    Nov 16, 2017
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    Cubase 9.5 in windows 10 is stable. In version 9, i was having graphics issues and in C9.5 i haven't find a bug and it runs great plus i love how you can add now 16 inserts fx and i think is the best update for me i actually updated to 9 about a week ago from 8.5 and the c9 update was free.
  17. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Usually Cubase installer leaves old version on computer at least on Windows(which I think is nice, just in case of bugs)
  18. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    There was an update for Groove Agent 4SE, a while ago.
  19. Omman

    Omman Ultrasonic

    Apr 25, 2012
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    I did do the upgrade of GA4 to ( v. ) while in Cubase 9.0.30 which is the same version that is included with 9.5 .
    Changing drum kits and presets still freezes cubase when the GUI is open.
    If the GUI is closed, while it is playing, no problem.
    But if I open the GUI after having changed the presets while it was closed it freezes the hole app..weird.
    Wrote to Steinberg about this problem but never had an answer from them...?!?!!.as is often the case.
    Strangely, i have used EZDrummer 2, SDrummer 2, BFD2, BFD3 demo without any problem on my setup. Just downloaded Groove Agent 4 demo to see what would happen. Updated to and the problem is till there. The more I play with it and change drum kits the worse it gets and then total freeze for a few seconds and stuck there... What's up steinberg.
    2007 MacPro 3 Ghz, 8 cores, 24Gb ram, 256 SSD for system, 256 SSD for recording.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2017
  20. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    As Cubase owner since practically day one, i have to positively commend Reaper's creators on its price and update policy. It may not be better than Cubase yet but keeping updates at the current pace and listening to their community as they proven they do, who knows what the future can bring. I 'm all open for exciting new stuff always.
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