Cubase 12: The Expectations

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by adsasdasd, Jan 5, 2022.

  1. tremor206

    tremor206 Newbie

    Jan 18, 2022
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    thats my problem tbh. I’ve never had an issue with the dongle & im a pc user so M1 support means nothing to me.

    The issue with cubase is anytime someone like me posts a feature request that would actually be a game changer for electronic producers & sound designers, like macros, native modulators that can be assigned to any VST parameter, or multiband fx wrappers, the whole composer, contemporary mixing engineer crowd jump in losing their minds, saying things like “let cubase be cubase. Buy Ableton if you want it to be Ableton”

    then there are hundreds of threads requesting crap like dongleless licensing & further updates to the score editor that a tiny minority of producers would actually use.

    steinberg listen to those requests and for like 10 years since I’ve owned a license, anything groundbreaking requested by the electronic producer crowd just gets ignored to add new native VSTs nobody asked for like multi tap delay. If Steinberg want to continue to be an “industry leader” they need to hire some more forward thinking devs & stop listening to mix engineers stuck in the past who still love the ancient console style workflow.

    cubase has become more of a scoring & mixing platform & completely lost touch with its roots as an electronic production workstation. It was people like Liam Howlett using it on STs & Amigas in the early 90s that made them successful. Now it feels like electronic producers just get the middle finger from both steinberg & their forum community, so I’m done.

    its the core DAW functionality that needs future proofing, not it’s native plugins. Most of us have a hundred EQ & compressor VSTs or time based FX from 3rd party devs, that do the job better anyways.

    considering steinberg developed MIDI & VST, it’s kind of embarrassing how far behind modern DAWs, Cubase is for functions that involve using MIDI & VST.

    when well established sound design YouTubers like Venus theory who do a lot of official tutorial work for Steinberg, actually use Bitwig in their own, more recent livestreams & vids, that’s pretty telling that cubase is falling behind in a big way
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2022
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  2. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Honestly, having any expectations in anything these days unless it is openly stated by a manufacturer is a recipe for disappointment and that goes for any manufacturer.
  3. Joe Crisp

    Joe Crisp Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2019
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    State of being
    Agreed, unless the manufacturer has a feature listed in the release notes, I wouldn't count on seeing it in the actual release, people can request and beg all they want, but it's ultimately up to the Devs as to what features will and won't be in it, that's why some programs are so buggy, hurried up features in the race to stay ahead of the competition, or at least on par with them, I would sacrifice features for stability......IMHO
  4. 8bits

    8bits Producer

    Dec 28, 2018
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    Milky Way
    You right, in my pro studio switching to studio one was the right choice with midi editing..and i was surprised by the audio editing…and not only…unfortunately still not a standard like PT, but soon it will be.
    I always used cubase since Atari ST…but honestly on mac for me is a no go, the code is not optimised. Period.
    Tons of Megabytes for nothing, (mac and pc) eating cpu when you just open ii with an empty project…shame. Tons of bugs..
    What I expect then? Rewritten code from scratch, better performance, like Studio One: light …just few MB and awesome features (channel splitter on S1 is simply genius), performing and powerful as it should be for every daw (Reaper and S1 are the most light and powerful daw, you can run em in every not recent pc/mac without issues and no need to update your fucking OS), time is changed…today Cubase must say thanks to lazy ppl that didn’t want to change their workflow like me and give money for every crap update, insane waste of money compared to studio one pro where you have a suite where u can get rid also from Wavelab.
    So: i still not sell my qbase 11 pro legit copy awaiting for the 12 but im ready to do it if the 12 will not meet my expectations.
    No more Steinberg here? Guess so…

    post editing… with the studio one pro i can run 5 copies at same time, time is changed…im ready to see steinberg failure if they will not really improve it at 360 degrees.
  5. blasterx

    blasterx Kapellmeister

    Nov 1, 2016
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    The Cubase site :woot::
  6. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    Yeah the site is not working at the moment they could be updating it
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
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