Creating music using illegal content

Discussion in 'Education' started by angeldummy, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. guy incogniyo

    guy incogniyo Noisemaker

    Jun 28, 2012
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    actually if daw makers and plugin creators got together they could hide all kinds of data in the high feqs ,and unless i'm mistaken the only way to strip such info from the signal would be thru certain a/d d/a converters. That sure would save allot of cycles/ram that the current anti piracy methods use .
  2. meow

    meow Guest

    I was to reply about U-he "being shit" (?!?), but all your comment is a creative nonsense :)
  3. dashfiss

    dashfiss Kapellmeister

    Jan 30, 2014
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    There is so much confusion and hysteria about watermarks here, it's funny :)
  4. The Observer

    The Observer Guest

    Everyone knows they technically should not use someone else's music no matter how short or long a sample is if it is illegal. But some people do.
    You could likely forgive a 12 year old, but an adult should know better.
    Hip-Hop started using other music in refurbished samples before the year 2000 and with streaming now, the lines these days are pretty blurred as to what is illegal, especially when some streamers take 95%+ of the profits for something they had no part in.

    So almost anyone could be forgiven for not finding an answer what the correct moral compass should be. The only way that anyone might find the right answer, is to ask the source and read up on copyright, because it seems to change often.
  5. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    All my tracks are illegal because they kill it:headbang:
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  6. indianwebking

    indianwebking Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2018
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    well I'm late to the party. but I can't afford it. but I am lying on my streams that I do use borrowed version of FL of a friend. and also in no way I can afford anything. that's my shitty life. so I am pretty much okay with warez at the point. but now a days I'm not able to make any music whatsoever. but I will support them for sure whenever I get enough money. it's just that I can't afford it right now. I can barely pay for my shitty internet and not even having enough money for a good GPU. and yeah I've had few tracks in Spotify & music stores. but I think you can get away with drum samples way too easily and it's all about you. if you can tweak a sample to your best ability you can definitely use it. I lied to my distributor and used a vocal sample in one of my song. so yeah it doesn't make much difference. just don't be hard on yourself.
  7. Erin Bloke

    Erin Bloke Noisemaker

    Oct 2, 2019
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    Other users have said it pretty well - you may or may not get caught. However, it is definitely breaking copyright/fair use laws. If you're just playing around in your basement and having fun making music, you're probably all good. But if you're trying to make money off of this music without properly crediting and/or paying for the samples, that's no bueno.
  8. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    What did someone else make that you love so much , but cannot capture what you like about it in your own original way ?
  9. SoundLanguage

    SoundLanguage Member

    Oct 17, 2019
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    Pirating is unavoidable, warez is a reality, a fact. Perhaps, instead of fighting against windmills, waste their precious energy in useless, CPU-hogging, performance-crashing and aggressive protections, companies should do more musical philanthropy. I explain:

    When i was young, I dreamed that someday a gal/guy from a hardware (instruments) or software company watches me playing guitar and sing and decides to believe in me, in my potential.

    The deal could be something like that: you have a project, a good song, a venue? We lend you (almost) anything you need to achieve your goal, even if your goal is modest, non-ambitious, local-only.

    It could take the form of micro-credit: helping modest people to develop themselves, gain self-assurance, express themselves and (why not?) acquire a certain form of economic independence, if they decide to work hard on their Art and become (more) professional.

    And, at the end, the company could be beneficial: in term of image (helping poor musicians and artists), but also in financial terms: the micro-credits have to be repaid one day, one way or another, with interests.

    It's very different from sponsoring: what i'm talking about is a far, far larger scaled action, not based on commercial relationship, but more focused on (personal, cultural, artistic, economic) development.

    One last benefit, still from the company point of view: create a real artistic, cultural, enthusiast community all around the world, community that will talk freely (not constraint by a commercial contract, but spontaneously) about you (company) everywhere, that will vehicle your values and philosophy, all that in sincerely positive terms.

    At the end, you will sell more, convince more, and for longtime.
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  10. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I think part of this is how we value music . It's a time when modern music does not have a strong improvisational element .
    People focus 90 percent on timbre ,
    The way things sound More than the structure underneath from which what you play comes from
    Not only has this led to much more lazy much, it makes it difficult for people that never met to play together or for people to play in the moment
    Instead a very contrived music , very nursery rhym based . The public vocabulary for harmony and melody and rhythm is fragile and weak as a result
    This has led to very generic music identity .
    All the equipment in the world but people can't even do what was done 100 years ago or 50 years ago
    People can't speak in the moment .
    Music is thought of as a cheap art now.
    The general public does not think music is worth anything . Why should they when what we call modern music has nothing compared to a feature film or tv series.theres no development .
    I like your ideas I feel like we have to make the category of music feel valuable to society .
    Part of that is getting a higher quality of music out .

    How can people invest in " people that play music "
    ( I say that because how many are musicians ?)
    If the people that play with music, have not yet invested in themselves long enough to understand how " happy birthday" or " here comes the bride" work?
    People dink around with sound and stuff but that's not quite the same .

    I can prove it compare what I have just written
    To this

    Hcrhkffj ihgbkhsry 76f4ehioh frh uom wahj
    Yghkn uihgk rdfj ouyvt jjfukb wecjk ijcdjlb fhj

    I can come up with excuses like " it's all about the shapes of the letters and what they look like when next to each other sequentially "
    But that's pure bullshit.

    Language is not about shape if letters or the sounds we make with our mouth . It's about communication on a deeper level of meaning itself.

    Music is identical. It's not an analogy I mean literally and actually.

    Music is not about the sound you hear sequentially in time . The sound transmits the deeper meaning.
    Exactly like how in a tv screen a film tv show or movie is not shapes and colors changing on the screen .
    Shapes and colors are transmitting the deeper level of meaning . We see a round circle and 2 little circles as a head of a person not just that a certain character in situations overcoming obstacles .
    Once we stop treating music " as if" it was the sound itself and invest into the deeper level than others will care about it .

    Last edited: Oct 27, 2019
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  11. SoundLanguage

    SoundLanguage Member

    Oct 17, 2019
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    ...This Jacob Collier, for sure, is a pure wonder! :thanks: :goodpost:

    Even if I'm essentially a hard/metal/cold/prog rocker, i do appreciate pure music like that.
    And it makes sense with what you say, MMJ2017.

    One day U2 was asked about illegal dl/stream during a french tv show. I love what Bono answered: "All I can say is: Music, for us, is sacred".

    Mixed with your comment, it could gives something like that: "Music is a sacred moment of communion with an audience"

    ...So the musician have to work hard to make this moment a special, significant moment, a moment of Art.

    ...without taking her/himself too seriously...
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2019
  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    That's right,

    The musician shouldn't take themself too seriously
    But, should take music too seriously. Lol
    ( Well maybe not too.)
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2019
  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    There is a hard reality , we have to face in this day and age.
    Nobody gives a sh*t about someone doing a more generic version of what's already been done.
    Nobody cares about music that's a worse version of something that's existed already .
    This is tough. But acceptable when you think about it. I know I will listen to the best version of a music even if that means a 1920s or 1960s version.
    The bar is high as it should be.
    The tools and access we have today like no other time period means we should set the bar high not low.
    Here are the areas of music which have to be on point.
    ( In each song)

    1.harmony ( the basement floor structure
    The weakest part of modern music , and the hardest area of music that takes hard work for most to get )
    2.melody ( the lead instruments have to invite to a story that goes somewhere )
    3 rhythm ( each layer has to move us physically
    4.Timbre ( the area over focused on modern music
    But it does have to be very good)
    5 Production ( like never before we have a way to make clarity and artistic expression reaching the entire range of human hearing ) ( goes with above clarity and lows to highs)
    7.Storytelling ( this has be apart of each above aspect like never before in history our entertainment such as TV shows films video games have set a high bar we have to match with music )
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2019
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  14. The Observer

    The Observer Guest

    Technically this is correct.
    Part of the great thing about encouragement is making sure that the bar is not set so high, that anyone starting out is not so daunted they run away in fear. In other words, set the goal by all means, but set it in such a way so people can see it is attainable with practice, diligence and determination. :)
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  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I can kind of see where your coming from , but in a way I don't know what you mean by setting it too high. We still differentiate between good and bad right?
    Not everyone is cut out to be the best at music same as football or the best parent or the best painter or the best accountant.
    I just feel in society right now the bar is set so low , people actually mostly don't know what good music sounds like. What they consider " good"
    Is worse than a week of music school gives a person.
    We should def still keep on mind the best of the best . People have different goals.
    And above all else bring yourself is important. If your not very good at music but good at having a message or a unique perspective that's going to be valued also. It's kind of a complex issue because it all depends what criteria you set .
    To not have any harmonic development is shit music no matter how you slice it.
    Just like any other area , missing a big chunk of it makes a difference .
    Like I grew up a strong metalhead , I hadn't had access to better music than metal yet.
    But what I saw was that compared to The rest of popular music ( metal is popular music also)
    They at least cared about development improving themselves and a type of skill.
    So it spoke to me but once I got introduced to professional music ( Jazz, Chamber music, classical music ) it just demolishes metal so badly .
    I still love metal as much as I always did but I love a fully developed music like chamber music and jazz
    So much more I stopped listening to metal vomplelty and playing it except for the rate occasion or this one project I'm working on for orchrstra metal.
    My point being there's lot of variables.
    The non musicisn general public are just going to go by what is put out there .
    That's why music is dying . The modern genres are poor. To be in a rock or metal band takes 2 weeks of your time. To do hip-hop or electronica takes a couple weeks time.
    To be in a jazz band or orchestra takes a life long dedication , professional music is in another stratosphere. Part of this is the goals and pursuits of the music. Popular music ( Rick, metal, rnb, hiphop, electrobased)
    It's just a drum beat with little bit added a vocal line.
    Pop music pursues enough talent to play a little song to write an album.
    Professional music pursuit is to explore every possibilitie of music itself.
    Popular music is just write a beat and melody be good enough to write anything at all
    Professional music is pursuit of knowing every melody .every chord progression. Every beat
    Millions of variations to memorize And fathom to select the best thing for composition or provisation
    Anyone can play pop stysles in day 1.
    If you learning rock guitar or how to rap
    The first day I can teach you to play a Metallica song or to rap a hit song.
    Day 1 to learn jazz does not even get you to enough to do anything. You need 30 days of study to even comprehend the idea of the music let alone do something with it.
    Day 1 of learning how a 50 peice orchestra works
    You might learn a tiny bit .
    But the biggest difference is modern styles remove music from music .it's just a cultural thing.its not about music itself and the music gets removed .
    James hetfield from Metallica the multi millionaire cannot name the guitar strings let alone which fret numbers are which notes let alone how the note in music work , but since his " music" I'd just fattening up the drums beat and say his vocals it hasnt stopped the music being a cultural success .
    But when you look at all Metallica songs it's one chord per song and a few notes . The guitar solos are pentatonic which means 5 notes ( 1 chord 5 notes) their music has nothing happening in it except a beat and vocals of a type.
    Yet it has not hurt their success.
    ( It's just a whole generation thought that was music, myself as a child included )
    We have been robbed in recent generations of what real music is.
    Music is not just a beat .music is not the way things sound music is not sound from speakers
    No more so than if someone claimed .
    A tv show or movie film
    Was only lines and shapes and colors on a screen changing over time .
    No it's not.
    Those visuals transmit the meaning underneath that's the tv show or movie .
    Music is the same way.
    If your portion of a song of your is on a Fmaj7 chord
    ( Because its it's the best fit for what your expressing )
    There are many millions of melody s that express that 1 chord .
    But if you don't know how music works you cannot select from the melodies and harmony that exist.
    Rhythm is very important aspect of music
    But it's not music on its own .
    Great music needs a number of equally important components.
    When their missing , the things that are not missing cannot be good enough to compensate.
    If you have no harmony but insanely great rhythms .
    And great melody your total music is just good.
    If you have poor harmony poor rhythm and superb amazing melody the music is just okay .
    You need all the peices of the puzzle.

    We have to ask what you want out of music the area of music as a whole, what does society want or should potentially want as a whole.
    Right now today do many millions of albums were released online you couldn't spend the rest of your life every second of life downloading them.
    99 percent of these albums are people hitting a couple buttons with the same sounds as everyone doing same things as everyone , with no knowledge of music itself and having no music , just generic beats that the otherv500 million albums have released that day.
    It is because of this happening society views music as worth nothing.
    Imagine if every area of life was like that.
    From sports to Drs to engineers all these professions
    Taken up by people no knowledge of it and so medicore as to not accomplish anything what would happen.
    It all depends on your personal view of music the area itself . Myself I want to hear the highest quality by the most skilled and studied and talented .
    That's all I care about. I won't listen to any album 5 times that's worse than what I can do myself , would you?
    Do you want a car mechanic or Dr that's worse than you at that job?
    Music at one time was treated like becoming a Dr or a engineer in society all the way up to the 1940s.
    Then the " music industry" deleloped and it was like
    * Hey we can just sell this idea of a lottery anyone can become rich and focus by not knowing what they are doing , that was what switched over to being sold .
    Fame fortine attitude getting rich looking good a public figure , all opposite qualities if what it takes to make superb great music. The music was removed and what replaced music was game seeking groupy seeking becoming rich and famous.
    Get what though .
    Those are dead now.
    Like 10 people get that in the world now .
    Because it's a different world .
    Nobody wants to hear a shittier version of what's been done.
    And because that's all people want to do is generic boom click boom snap
    Or a shittier version of can Halen or black sabbath or pick your genre a more genric version of Tupac a more genric version of somebody.
    In order to create original music you have to pluck out your original voice.
    It's just like the spoken language.
    A person not fluent in English can only speak generically .
    A person who cannot speak Spanish cannot say anything meaningful to those people.
    Music has a way that itself works .
    But you'd have to be interested enough to care , then once you did spend your 10,000 hours deep study of how it works then another 10,000 hours putting it to use them your starting to be able to do anything at all
    To be as good as Bach you need a lot more hours
    ( Because if your not as good as Bach I'll just listen to him instead )
    Modern " music"
    Focuses on timbre.
    The way things sound .
    But there is a fallacy with this.
    Whether you play " happy birthday"
    With a down tuned heavy 9 string electric guitar ,
    Or a cello or piano or human voice
    The way any different instrument sounds
    Has zero impact that " happy birthday"
    Will sound and feel like it does do to the music portion of what it is deep down at the level of meaning .
    Do we consider 2 people one a high pitched voice and one a deep voice both saying the same sentence back to back , do we consider that different languages? No. Do we consider the meaning of the sentences different?no.
    What do we care about in that circumstance above all else?
    The meaning of the sentences not the timbre of the voice speaking them. It is the the deep level that matters above all else.

    1931 listen all the way through.
    Listen for the deepest level
    ( Yeah of course almost 100 years ago the production and timbre wasn't as good of the recording )
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2019
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  16. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    If what you say is true then a person who has been blinded by popular music is sat in front of whatever your idea of good music is, would be in awe and make the switch instantly. I think there are many different genres because people gravitate to what they like.

    Also you're not allowed to talk about Metallica anymore :banned:
  17. The Observer

    The Observer Guest

    Ok it took me a little while to go through all of that but simply... the bar.

    It's about how the bar is 'visualised'. That is, ensuring that it is made clear to everyone and anyone that it is achievable.
    I can see where you're coming from and that's cool. I am approaching it not only from a musical point of view but also sociologically and anthropologically.

    We humans are pretty amazing creatures. We have the capacity to reason anything if we allow ourselves to. The only time humans walk away from something is when they put it in the too-hard-bin or it completely goes against the understanding or sensibilities and what they are presented with completely removes their comfort zone.
    (As a fictional example, if Superman actually did exist as much as anyone that has ever liked the comics or movies, it would still make many people refuse to believe it is anything other than a crazy person telling them he exists - their reasoning refuses to accept it).

    The point of that illustration is that whatever we decide to present to people as in the degree of difficulty, has to be ensured that it is done in such a way that it does not make people 'afraid' to learn it because they find it too convoluted/complex to grasp.

    Sure, we both know anyone can get to wherever any other human has been whether that is Herbie Hancock, Loius Armstrong, or climbing Mt.everest like Sir Edmund Hilary. But to make sure anyone viewing or wanting to know what 'The BAR' is, the most important thing is? To make it accessible, or at the least make it a comfortable experience, not a fearful one. :)

    I hope I explained myself better this time.
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  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    The thing that comes to mind.

    This is what makes a champion.
    Anything that your life is meant for , that you have no choice but to be.
    You never say it's too hard even in impossible odds.
    The more " hard" I find out music, is the more fight I have to dig down and fight. In any particular showcase, you want the champion.
    It's like those mother's that try to do everything for their children and they have no fight in them
    The world is a harsh reality you have to fight and struggle you will love and loss.
    The story of every man and woman is the story of a champion .
    You have to have strength , you have yo have determination .
    Nothing is easy ( that's worthwhile )
    If you have no choice but to be who you are and your life is dedicated to music , it's a lot of sacrifices you must give up a regular life and dedicate to becoming a champion. ( As with any thing non medicore)
    All things easy that require very little hard work are discardable .
    And that's what we see in modern music
    The dollar store version caricature of the least common denominator .
    It simply will not stand the test of time.
    To be a champion takes sacrifice .
    Do you want what you makes that's called music to be alive 300 years from now or not?

    Those seeking easy to obtain medicore goals, there's millions of those tight there for you and you will 90 percent acheive them no matter what.
    But for others they don't have a choice it's just in them to be a champion.
    Whatever field of study they have no choice but to be dedicated to because it's in their dna .
    Whether music or science or inventor whatever it 8s some seek to revolutionize to change the world to make an impact thatvechoes thrpugout history forever changing the landscape of human life from that moment forward .
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2019
  19. The Observer

    The Observer Guest

    Encouraging the human qualities that make a good person can only make any music they learn better and their life as a whole.

    We are both saying pretty much the same thing, just in different ways :)
  20. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Some writing tips if you get stuck.
    Figure out if you are writing tonal music or modal music .

    If it's modal music the song will fit over a 7 note chord
    Say D Dorian song


    1 DFA
    2 FAC
    3 ACE
    4 CEG
    5 EGB
    6 GBD
    7 BDF

    All your TRIADS will work in high register
    While DFA is low in bass ringing out.

    Flip through your inversions of the triads

    DFA, FAD, ADF,. Over D
    EGB, GBE, BEG, over DFA etc.

    If you are writing tonal music
    Say in the KEY of C major .
    The most important chords are

    Your other 4 chords are just flavors of those 3


    Are Tonic relaxed peaceful
    Can be swapped out each other .


    Are Subdominant a little edgy good for a feeling of motion .


    Are dominant very tense a lot of motion .
    The music is moving .

    Here are how to build chord progression s

    You have 3 master formats .

    Subdominant/ tonic/

    A little edgy to relaxed ( can flip it around to be )

    Tonic/ Subdominant/ Tonic.

    Next is

    Dominant/ tonic/
    Very tense to relaxed.
    It creates musical motion like
    A hero defeating the villian at the end .
    ( Can be flipped around to be )

    Tonic/ Dominant/ Tonic/

    And lastly you have

    Subdominant/ Dominant/ Tonic/
    A little edgy to very tense to relaxed
    A very powerful movement .
    ( Can be flipped around to be )

    Tonic/ Subdominant/ Dominant/ Tonic

    These are your Lego building blocks from which song sections are made . Let's see some examples of plugining in the chords of the KEY of C major

    Subdominant/ Tonic

    Fmaj/ Cmaj/
    Dmin/ Amin/
    Fmaj/ Emin/

    ( Flipped around now (

    Cmaj/ Fmaj/ Cmaj/
    Amin/ Dmin/ Amin/
    Emin/ Fmaj/ Cmaj/
    Amin/ Fmaj/ Emin/
    Emin/ Dmin/ Amin/

    Next our second form

    Dominant/ Tonic/

    G7/ Cmaj/
    Bdim/ Emin/
    G7/ Amin/
    Bdim/ Cmaj/

    Flipped around now

    Cmaj/ G7/ Cmaj/
    Emin/ Bdim/ Amin
    Amin/ G7/ Emin/
    Cmaj/ Bdim/ Amin/

    And our last form
    Subdominant/ Dominant/ Tonic/

    Dmin/ G7/ Cmaj/
    Fmaj/ G7/ Cmaj/
    Fmaj/ Bdim/ Emin/
    Dmin/ Bdim/ Amin/

    Flipped around now

    Cmaj/ Dmin/ G7/ Cmaj/
    Emin/ Fmaj/ Bdim/ Amin/
    Amin/ Dmin/ Bdim/ Emin/
    Cmaj/ Fmaj/ G7/ Emin/

    And a bonus one
    Cmaj/ Amin/ Dmin/ G7
    Emin/ Amin/ Fmaj/ Bdim/
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