Creating music using illegal content

Discussion in 'Education' started by angeldummy, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. Peter Verity

    Peter Verity Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    one point i feel was not really touched on is the paranoia aspect, regardless of wether or not you can or will get caught is partially dependant on if your paranoia puts you in situations that would get you caught in the first place or if you can handle the stress of the idea of being caught while using samples/VSTs. Take recreational substance dealers as an example, the casual, confident and prepared entrepreneur doesnt usually end up caught, unless of course they have the motive to be the cool kid so everyone knows, then they are in fact snitching on themselves, from my perspective that specific breed is born into that life, that have no other option, so if they are doing it for the right reasons like escape poverty with the only tools they have, and not out to kill anyone with something hardcore than whats wrong with selling a little bit of pot? so just switch the drug related words with music and ask yourself if its worth it and if you can handle the stress without a 100% clear answer, and like mentioned before from others, once you get your confidence and cash flow why not start to purchase VSTs and samples since they are what helped you get where you wanted to be? Also look to an example, Kanye West recently was pretty much caught with a screen shot on pirate bay stealing Serum, Deadmau5 taunted him and jokingly prompted people to raise money for a copy of Serum for Kanye, so just take that situation into account also ^_^
  2. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    we gave the promise to RADIUM back then, try out and buy if you really use it, esp if you can make money from it.
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  3. magentaappearance

    magentaappearance Noisemaker

    Oct 6, 2016
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    The big question for me since years, why do they not make a need of a usb dongle as it refx did with nexus 2.2.1?

    massive multi usb-hubs would make sense. And Microsoft....
  4. evilfart

    evilfart Newbie

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Someone mentioned the "Home Call" Plugins. Which companies do you mean? And which firewal do you use for mac to stop these Home Calls?
  5. Sarawak_Sam

    Sarawak_Sam Ultrasonic

    Apr 16, 2013
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    none will know. not like you steal from a shop wirt camera. you don say... they wont know. best is they guess. but guess not proof.
  6. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    what's your point?
  7. Sarawak_Sam

    Sarawak_Sam Ultrasonic

    Apr 16, 2013
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    English not so good... nevermind

  8. orgcha

    orgcha Ultrasonic

    Apr 8, 2014
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    Jackass Flats, Arizona, USA, earth
    Any cop or prosecutor will tell you that the BIGGEST thing that gets people caught is their own mouth.
    Very simple:
    However, the fact that you thoughtlessly posted this question shows you won't do that. You have already put out enough information to draw attention to yourself...and, yes, that IS a bad thing.
  9. turntablebeatz

    turntablebeatz Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    let me answer this with a bit of reality... for the most part you aren't going to get sued for stock sounds... you are not going to get sued for using a VST and hopefully you're using effects and or creating your own presets which makes the sound you modified yours anyways as it shouldn't sound like the original sound and again if you're using stock sounds that are 100% royalty free like you wouldn't get sued for using a hardware keyboard/synth with stock sounds (common sense folks).

    now as mentioned before sample packs are different as many use jacked samples of copyrighted material and or come with a license... you can listen to the bedroom producers and garage musicians that have a renegade attitude and or don't plan on their music getting that far just like underground 12inches that used uncleared samples all the time... the problem is if what you're producing ever reaches the airs or attention of something that can bring a lawsuit for copyright violation... they will so in general anyone using stuff for commercial/professional use... should make sure nothing you're using could bring a copyright lawsuit but again not to be funny... bedroom producers rarely give a crap about this as their music isn't on billboard top 100 or running in some commercial ad on radio or tv.

    just my two cents
  10. savadious

    savadious Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2012
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    Why you LITTLE SNITCH !!!!

    Dont mean to be rude... but thats the name of a mac app that can be used to control outgoing "calls".

    Sarawak_Sam has a point. NOBODY WILL KNOW .. usually... but I personally saw someone go to hell for using cracks so I swore them off of ALL production related systems.


    his PC sort of blew up and it was HELL for him.. as that was his only DAW.

    YEARS ago we had some nice music shops in California that would let you actually LISTEN TO SAMPLE CD's and PLAY WITH VST's before you buy them... IN THEIR STORE !!!

    When shops like that vanish it becomes a little bit easier on the morals to "sample" a product before you buy it. So the next time you think about throwing a few bux in the church collection bin.... just remember...

    paying for your OWN goods... can be just as good as throwing cash at the church coffers !
  11. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    i think best option make your "scratch tracks" the way you mentioned, then IF you really put out something out re-build the music from scratch using real recordings, or just free stuff or stuff you bought, then down road you never get the cia kicking your window in pshahaha
  12. JonnyRich

    JonnyRich Member

    May 9, 2017
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    Blackburn, England (UK)
    The only way you will get caught for having cracked software is if one of your close friends dibs you in... And even then it will cost them more to take you to court over the matter (thats if you dont have grands and grands of cracked software)
  13. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Your only obligation is to make good music & try to learn how to improve each day. It doesn't matter much to me (or anyone?) whether Charlie Parker's instruments fell off the back of a lorry, or were replicated on a 3d printer by a nerd from the future. Certainly, being on the receiving end of paranoiac devs obsessions means that I don't feel at all guilty that Tone2, u-He, reFX et al haven't got any $ from me since. That, and their plugins are mostly shit.
  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    ask this guy .haha

  15. Zikkk

    Zikkk Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Between A and B♭
    I believe this is more of an ethical issue than a legal one. Getting caught by the law is one thing, honesty and integrity have sometimes nothing to do with that. I'm not happy with using illegal stuff (and I do use it), because the people who made it deserve to get paid. I console myself considering that I don't have enough money (the hardware is expensive enough) and that I don't earn a penny from this activity. (I create music just for fun). If I were rich, I would pay for everything.
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
  16. peyman_3320

    peyman_3320 Newbie

    Sep 3, 2014
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    when you earn money with software you have to pay the software price. its ethic
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  17. Obo

    Obo Noisemaker

    Feb 17, 2018
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    I can recommend ZDS zombie disco squad tutorial on toolroom academy on this topic. he is talking about using uncleared samples (for example the "americano hit" guys from a couple of years ago.
  18. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    It comes down to a personal morality.

    Many people say there is no honour among thieves. If anyone downloads anything pirated that is what people in an oxymoronic fashion call a "reputable" distributor, that distributor often says: "if you use this software often, then buy it".
    Many hackers and crackers are genuinely giving you the opportunity to learn and try the software for a longer time than 30 days because many people have jobs and not enough time to try all of the features. They do believe that if you use it all of the time then you should do the right thing.
    In saying that, there are many who do not. It is simply a different morality. There is a sense of what is right and wrong with some people that distribute what is pirated software and do not kid yourselves that it is not. The only difference is unlike the true definition of piracy where it is resold, it is free.

    I will only speak for myself. If I use a piece of software on more than 50% of the total of every project in a 3-6 month period, I buy it.
    I do not expect anyone else to think this is either good or bad in practice, nor do I expect anyone else to have the same philosophy, because it is only my own sense of morality and everyone must have their own.
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  19. XImpalerX

    XImpalerX Ultrasonic

    Sep 14, 2018
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    Lots of good stuff here

    imo though, learn all you can and take advantge of the digital age we are currently in. Pay when you can. I am not innocent, but I have purchased some VST's that offer monthly payments like here

    I can afford 10-40 a month, just not hundreds all at once. You could save though, but better to have it right away then have to wait lol
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2018
  20. It comes down to who’s paying for the recording. If you’re little Joe Fish in a big iTunes pond pulling maybe a few cents off the web for your beatz, nobody is going look twice at you. If you make it to a genuine Label, particularly a sensible Label with Lawyers, then you’ll have problems. Most Labels will require you to re-record your tracks under their control and budget, however good a job you made of them in your home studio. That’s so they have incontestable first dibs on the Sound Recording rights when it comes to selling it. That’s when the trouble will start. The VSTs, maybe they’ll turn a blind eye, but the samples, that’s a big no-no. The Lawyers will want a copy of your title to use those samples, unless you can prove you recorded them yourself, and then you’ll have to sign them over.

    Then there’s the studio staff. You may be quite at ease with working with crackz, no studio professional will work with you, because they don’t want a crack user on their resume. The Label will make you an artist’s advance, with which you’ll be expected to pay for the entire recording, including proving ownership, renting or buying all the plugs you use. You can nick Andrew Schepps Flatulent Particules or whatever it’s called, but you can’t expect him to work with you unless it’s legit. It’s a small world after all.

    So, you need to ask yourself a question. Are you trying to go pro, or are you just in it for the love of it? If you want to be a pro, even a small-scale pro, you have to start handling money like a pro. And it’s a good discipline. If you have 400 soft synths, you’re never going to amount to anything on any of them. If you have just the three you can afford to buy, then you become an expert. So, you must ask yourself that question, dude. Are you feeling lucky?

    Skin in the game or it’s just a game.
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