Couple of questions about Cubase

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by DonaldTwain, Apr 23, 2022.

  1. DonaldTwain

    DonaldTwain Producer

    Mar 4, 2020
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    I'm coming over after several years of using Studio One, so I wanted to know if Cubase has 2 things that S1 does:

    1) Is it possible to have more than one project open at a time e.g. to copy/paste MIDI between projects? I've just tried to do this and it seems to just crash or become non-responsive.

    2) In the S1 editor/piano roll window, you can click on the bar/ruler at the top and drag it left and right to move to different parts of the track. Cubase doesn't seem to do this by default (except with the scroll bars at the bottom obviously). Is there any way to replicate this because I personally find it more natural to grab and drag rather than use the scroll bar?
  3. Method69uk

    Method69uk Member

    May 9, 2020
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    Hey LordSin

    You can have more than one project open at a time, but only one activated. You can copy midi from your currently active project, then in the WINDOW menu, select the project you want to past to. At the top left of the project window you'll see like a lightning bolt icon. Click this to activate the project, then you'll be able to paste. If you already have an instrument track set up for pasting onto, the midi will paste straight over. If not, Cubase will take a few seconds to load whatever plugin/instrument the original was recorded with along with the midi. Hope that makes sense?

    As for scrolling though the track in the piano roll editor, I find to use the + and - keys on my keyboard. this makes the cursor line scroll through the track. Alternatively you can grab the cursor line with your mouse near the ruler and drag it through the track, but I've always found the keyboard shortcuts much easier.
  4. Benno de Bruin

    Benno de Bruin Kapellmeister

    Nov 11, 2020
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    You can also import tracks from other projects wihtout opening them, through the File menu (Pro only i think). If you copy/paste like Method69uk describes, you can choose whether to copy CC data or not. You can also only copy CC data, just make the CC tracks first, in the project you're pasting to. When a project seems to become non-responsive you need to activate it as explained above.