Couple issues w/ waves plugins undles

Discussion in 'Software' started by Cclcng, Nov 25, 2023.

  1. Cclcng

    Cclcng Ultrasonic

    Jun 19, 2021
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    HEy, So i've had this issue for years and am wondering if/what I can do about it.

    I have always disliked having the local server surreptitiously executing and running in the background? Just an anxiety thing due to having been a tester for 10+ years hah. Think I would have asked this earlier. So: Do I have to worry about that waves local server process? I know that some releases come with a .bat to kill it ut that is for installation / patching purposes I believe. But some do not. Is it benign? Or even necessary? Or is it haterware trying to set me up the timebomb?
    I've manually uninstalled it in the past and that has caused a couple of errors, IIRC when uninstalling. So, get rid of it? HOw to do it best?
    The other thing is that, upon scaning for plugins in (i.e.) audacity which is inned to my tastbar and Gets clicked accidentally sometimes and loads / scans plugins. When I am not quick enoufh to kill the process, when it gets to the waveshells, NX Headtraccker always tries to load and turns my webcam on. This used to freak me out when I was younger, less experienced, and unmedicated.
    So, just delete these jawns and go on my way? Or are they completely innocuous and just annoying?
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