G'day, I'm new here so, HELLO! I was wondering whether I could run a Mac OS 10.6 or later distro on my laptop, it is an Acer Aspire 5536G. Also, what distro would I need? Any prerequisites? Specs: CPU: AMD Athlon X2 Dual-Core QL-64 GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4570 Mobility RAM: 4GB Thanks.
hello, NO1ZE, mac boxes (nowadays) make use of intel processors exclusively. *yes* have not tried anything in this regard (using so called original hardware), but have seen information on different sites (http://www.hackintosh.com/ comes to mind), as far as this drying gray sponge in my hardened skull recalls, they have compatibility tables, or at least, some recommendations. *yes* hope it helps, keep trying (do not give up, but do not waste too much time with it)... do some good music instead (available on all existing, hopefully all future, platforms)...
just run windows n be happy. i mean it'll still be a normal laptop @ heart. plus logic yeah sure all mac users rave about it. but i've been on a PC all my life and even prefer Reaper/Studio One/Reason and now OHM Studio what i bought for life, it's shaping up to be a real winner. *yes* i bet u would say mmmm it's not as good as i thought, to put a hackintosh on your laptop.
I have assembled a Hackintosh PC for a customer out of curiosity, and to make some money of course, and my feelings are with dan01 on the subject. It's an underperforming OS in comparison to Winodws XP and even Win7, and you lose about 20-30% of CPU power due to plugins using more CPU in OS-X. The OS is also not more stable as Apple PR drones would want you to think, and certainly not more efficient than XP. GUI does work smoothly though, but that's not important, eh? *no* Installing a Hackintosh OS on a laptop is rather complicated, too, not to mention AMD CPU based laptop, and you won't be able to utilise every device you have in your laptop due to lack of drivers. You would be better off installing it on a desktop PC with an Intel CPU and chipset, with Nvidia VGA, as I did. However, it's not really worth it in the end, in my experience. XP all the way... or XPx64, that is if you want a smooth working OS for music and video making, doing some serious "stuff", not being just an amateur hipster. Cheers!
I was very happy when I bought my first Mac, and won't come back on Win ever ! But all of this is a matter of taste ! A friend told me to buy Logic, but at that time I was into Sonar, I thought everything else was crap Now I can't live without Logic *yes* So if you feel more comfortable on OSX and Logic, do so (Some people say OSX is more stable, but I don't know... But I guess a hackintosh won't be as stable as a Mac, or probably a regular Win computer. But I'm not really into computers so... :dancing: ) But be careful about what you do ! I never tried to do any hackintosh (I was hesitating to do it on my Win laptop but keeping a Win computer around is a smart choice too...) There's great DAWs on every platforms, hope you'll find the perfect one for you
Hmm, I guess I'll stick with Windows 7. I just thought it'd be a great novelty to have a PC dual booting with MacOS just so I could have the best of both worlds without cleaning out my bank account. Oh well...
alternatively run OSX in Virtualbox - nobody has found a way sadly to bypass appples QE graphic acceleration. when someone is able to - its possible to run Logic inside VB/VM. havnt tried Ableton so far inside VB ) its my next try - when downloading snowy again. but without an INTEL CPU/Nvidia it a pain - to install OSX. got it working 1 time on my notebook ATI/AMD but i could do anything. no WLAN/LAN; No audio, low resolution - i couldnt even open the DVD Drive. its a shame how APPLE has locked the whole story - OSX users are able to run WIN via bootcamp and we cant run it on windows systems.
@ NO1ZE, Nothing in particular to comment about previous comments apart perhaps : Why ? Who can say that 'Intel' is better than 'AMD'... apart the personal choices of everybody. If an OS is written (coded) correctly and in the right way to run properly with a certain CPU, why will it not work properly ? It was a time (long time ago), where 'AMD' CPUs were recognized to be a little more performant than 'Intel' CPUs, particularly with audio processes, and I'm witness of this fact, but as told, it was long time ago (about 6-7 years ago). Here you have some Links that I hope will be helpful for you and related to 'hackintosh' your PC (mainly with an 'AMD' CPU) : Hackintosh.com h t t p://www.hackintosh.com/ AMD Hackintosh Dual boot Windows 7 and Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.6 or 10.6.7 h t t p://suhastech.com/how-to-amd-hackintosh-install-dual-boot-windows-7-and-mac-os-x-snow-leopard-10-6-6-or-10-6-7/ Install Snow Leopard 10.6 on AMD PC Hackintosh h t t p://www.ihackintosh.com/2009/09/install-snow-leopard-106-on-amd-pc-hackintosh/ 'OS x86' Installation Guides h t t p://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.php/Installation_Guides Good luck in your 'Hackintosh' quest !
@Marju: If it was only a matter of taste, I would be running OS-X, actually. It's a matter of using CPU to the bone, and a matter running 20-30% more plugins at low latency on an XP OS. So no, it's not just a matter of *taste*, only if that taste is taste for speed and efficiency. My taste. I would be running Windows 8 or OS-X already if it was only a matter of taste in looks. On the other hand, if it's a matter of taste in how your OS looks, and you're not bothered by the numbers... then you've got the point. Everybody has a choice, and my choice is performance over looks. Cheers!
I use a PC mainly now, and have used OSX in the past, but my suggestion is to not use OSX unless you have a good reason. This applies to non-audio fields aswel. If you need to use mac-exclusive software (such as logic, garageband, others) then it could be a good reason. I have a few legacy projects in logic/garageband. If you want a more solid audio framework (coreaudio, coremidi) then it could be a good reason. On the PC, i've had trouble with a few apps needing ASIO, and not being able to use sound in other apps, switching soundcard settings frequently, etc. If you're using it for live performance where stability is critical, this could be a good reason, but ask around to see how people handle this scenario. Maybe windows is "good enough" nowdays. Others have said software on OSX consumes more CPU. This might be true, but in the past when I have been using plugs, I haven't really found this to be a problem. Maybe I use more plugins on PC now, but also, at the moment, I am running a few shootouts to see which manuf's plugins use the least CPU while still sounding good.
Get a new cheep hard drive for your lap top (dosen't have to be a big one) Put the new hard drive in and put the current hard drive some where SAFE Install a pirate version of the things on the empty hew hardb drive see how well it gose If its bad put the old hard drive back in. If it's good ether keep it as it is or put the old hard drive in and set it to duel boot (or what ever you had planned) By doing it this way, you can find of first befor risking doing any damage to what you work with. This is my way of testing stuff (I'm sticking with windows to be honest) Remember pirate stuffs for trying out. Not for working on
two years ago i had a pentium quad core 6600 cpu and i hackintosh it. the osx runs smooth but in logic after i put some plugins in i was suddenly at the limit: so it's really true that you lost 30% or more on the cpu-speed. i would say it work but if you want to work seriously dont hackintosh.
That is complete bullshit. I made A/B tests with a real mac and a hackintoshn, both same specs they performed exactly the same way. If your hackintosh is lacking speed then it's badly done. A few year ago plugins used to be more CPU eater on OSX than windows but it's not the case anymore for most of them. But hackintosh vs real mac = same deal !
Totally agree with tomazzi. I build a Hackintosh last year, 8core I7, 32 gig RAM and several SSD's built in. If i wanted this same power i had to buy a Mac Pro which would cost me 3 times more. And my Hackintosh just flies ! I have it dual boot (Mountain Lion and windows 7) and Geekbench comparison between these 2 systems give me more or less the same Geekbench results. Indeed, you really have to dig into things to make your Hackintosh work properly. A great resource for that: www.tonymac.com, which is a great HT community. If you don't want the hassle to dig deep into things to make your HT work 100% than i certainly don't want to recommend to build one. But i like fiddling around and learn all about making a hackintosh, that's just me. Tip: There are 100% working HT builds on tonymac ! I even certainly will upgrade my HT next year cause i need Thunderbolt, so i can use the UAD Apollo as my main audio interface, which i really want. Just my 2 cents..