continuing where we the topic got locked

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by paraplu020, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    He deleted my post, it's not allowed to show private messages... okayyy north korea :dunno:

    I really think it's because I pointed out he's not always fair in his judgement and his 'punishments', I also strongly believe he just deleted my posts because it showed him swearing like a 'm'fucka' just because he misunderstands me and then blames me and threatens to ban me forever... All of that after he posted above here "Be nice to eachother, if you swear you will be banned"

    That's a bit contra dictionary, right? That's what going on IMO...
    He's also changing the state of the conversation, he blocked the topic and then deleted the ones not positive in his eyes, so what you see now is pure manipulation... Where is my and so many others' their posts? Deleted because they called him out, pointed him to his faults... That's what's going on IMO...

    For me this is just abuse of virtual 'power', but I'll let them play...

    "have a good time kids!" :bow: *yes*

    P.S. very generous to take some away from my warn status... :beg:
  3. Bluespiral23

    Bluespiral23 ex.mod

    Sep 3, 2011
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    You can post,you can make topics,stop foolish about audio and music..will be better
    Topic closed
  4. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 21, 2011
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    well, what can i say... when something like this happens, you should always make a screenshot for a proof. :sad:

    Bluespiral is our first moderator and he's been helping this forum a lot. So I don't see any reason why all of a sudden he would start acting like you described :dunno:

    We all should always keep in mind that AudioSEX is an international forum and for many people (including me) english language is not primary;
    therefore m'fucka can be as much funny as it is offensive depending on the comment's context, which not everybody may understand correctly.

    I'm decreasing your warning level, but i want to make one thing very clear for everyone:
    if you publicly insult our members, you will most likely be banned. it doesn't matter why and how.
    you will be banned for insults!
  5. Burg

    Burg Newbie

    Aug 16, 2011
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    I think both Kook and The Eye should have a chance to redeem their status by composing a track with lyrics that apologize for breaking the rules.

    For all of us to listen to and comment on.

    Awesome punishment and would be fucking hilarious to hear.

    *** That is a ridiculous idea. I'm not really the smartest person here.
  6. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    LOLz! Definite +1 for Burg`s idea. :mates:

    We want a sing song apology from both camps. :rofl:
  7. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    Private messages are private (to both parties). It's pretty rude to disclose them before both parties agree to do so (or warned of this eventuality in before).
    It's not a forum rule, it's not netiquette. It's basic adult respectful behavior. (+ in France it's illegal)

    (From my experience of being a moderator on a very large IRC channel for several years)
    I read "mustache guy" and North Korea all around, topics getting locked...
    Folks should know : webforums (and irc, and bbs, newsgroups, whatever internet community) are not countries. They are private stuffs. There's no democracy!!! (Nobody pretended there was, the fact everybody can sign up might mislead you, but the rules remain here)
    Internet is democratic (as in my IP has same status as BBC's, FBI's, ... in global IPs pool). Communities aren't.

    It's not a right to be able to talk here as in "free speech"... it's a privileges.

    Are moderators elected? No it's all meritocracy (merit in the eye of older moderators) and co-option.

    You can point out some "weird" stuff : no warning, strange relation between AudioZ and AudioSex. But please, guys, keep it gentle and stand by the rule.
    AND ABOVE everything : being banned is no big deal. And it usually can be avoided (or lifted up in few minutes, if there's stuffs like apologizes, reason, humility, ...)

    PS : My 3 cents, The eye is just some kind of RSS bot (I thought so till today), Kookaboo's skins are ugly (with all due respect to the work done otherwise), creating a new account to flame is reason for unlimited ban, IPs blacklisting and all.*

    * if you end up in such situation, mails, pm (if possible), with explanations and kind words are a 1000x better than flaming from a brand new account and breaking in.
  8. hfeuhfz7342hf724

    hfeuhfz7342hf724 Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Well if some guy pm's me like "fuck you you fucking fuck" for me it's like s.o. slaps me in the face - and my "basic adult respectful behavior" to this is taking the guy down no matter what. *yes*
  9. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 21, 2011
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    private messages are a different matter.
    We cannot and should not protect you from those. The best way to treat those is to ignore them. :sad:
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