Console 1 Update

Discussion in 'Software News' started by vexd, Dec 14, 2021.

  1. vexd

    vexd Producer

    Mar 3, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Seems like they've added a bunch of new stuff

    Change log for 2.5.24 (Released on December 14th, 2021)

    Console 1
    • Completely new design of the On-Screen Display!
    • Added Load Drive functionality to Console 1 (Shift + Track selector 6).
    • Added the possibility to load a strip with filters-only by pressing Shift while loading a strip.
    • Making it possible to adjust Width control from Console 1 (Shift + Input Gain)
    • On-Screen Display settings are now saved in a more controlled manner. Adding “save current position as default” option.
    • Track Colors now supported in DAW:s with DAW control support.
    • Temporary fader modes (Sends, Input Gain, High Cut and Low Cut) in Console 1 Fader can now become persistent by Shift-clicking them.
    • Fixed an issue which would cause the On-Screen Display to hang if you disabled all view modes.
    • Fixed an issue which would cause Console 1 Fader LED:s and On-Screen Display output meter to become stuck when going to Layer mode in Cubase Pro.
    • Changed Auto On to behave the same in Normal Mode and Layer Mode.
    • Adding font support for special characters (Cyrillic, Japanese, etc.).
    • Solved an issue in Console 1 Fader that could result in a crash of On-Screen Display while rearranging layers.
    • Fixed a rare issue causing the wrong controller type (Mk 1 vs. Mk 2) to be detected when Console 1 hardware is connected after the DAW has already started.
    • Fixed an issue preventing the Change Order logic for Console 1 Fader to not work properly.
    • Made it visible in the On-Screen Display which compressors and shape units that do not support External Sidechain. Requires updating of the units.
    • Decreased memory usage.
    • Fixed an issue where parameter values from DAW was not read back to Console 1 when in Group/All/Layer modes.
    • Changed how Volume and Input Gain scales in non-DAW Control mode.
    • Added knob modes (Accelerated, etc.) for DAW Control knobs.
    • Fixed an issue where gain values from DAW got rounded off.
    • Made DAW Control volume knobs (Volume, Send Levels) scale almost the same as C1 internal volume controls.
    • Fixed an issue causing the On-Screen Display to consume CPU even when it was closed.
    • Adding Show/Hide option to On-Screen Display application menu.
    • Fixed wrong initial value for Weiss Gambit Series Compressor Threshold.
    • Improved precision of Console 1 knobs in "Accelerated Smooth" (default) mode.
    • Added support for the following UAD plugins for Console 1:
      • UA 175
      • UA 176
      • SSL E Channel
      • Tube-Tech CL 1B mk II
      • Century Strip
      • Avalon VT-737
      • API 2500
    Console 1 Fader
    • New Fader firmware with the following changes: Added another calibration run to increase the fader precision. This also mitigates an issue where certain faders could get "jittery". DAW meter data is filtered to remove unnecessary noise.
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  3. tchouangtseu

    tchouangtseu Kapellmeister

    Jan 4, 2021
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    Looks nice, just grabbed the hardware and runnin the r2r version from last christmas. Hope they'll throw that update to us these coming weeks!