Confused between a MacBook Pro 2012 to a new MacBook Pro OR get a universal audio Apol

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Nehal, Jan 24, 2021.

  1. Nehal

    Nehal Member

    Oct 8, 2019
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    Hey guys. The title gives the basis of my
    Question which I wanted to ask y’all.

    Here’s A bit more details about my doubt:


    • I’m a bass guitarist primarily. I own an Ibanez SR-510 and NO external DI or PREAMP.
    • I’m also practising audio production as a whole
    Along with mixing and mastering as well.
    • I plan on setting up a mini home studio in the next couple of years and track vocals and guitars and drums.

    What I possess now:
    • A late 2012 MacBook Pro 13” with 120 GB SSD and Logic Pro X 10.4.8.
    • A Behringer UM2 audio interface.
    • My bass guitar.

    My options and wish to upgrade:
    a) Macbook pro to a newer version with a wider screen.

    b) Upgrade my audio interface to UAD apollo.

    Where I need the help is:

    If it is option a) that you think, which MacBook should I upgrade to? Used one.

    If it option b) which one among UAD apollo twin or solo you recommend I go for?

    Please let me know if there’s anything you didn’t understand. Thanks a lot in advance. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  3. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    i have macbook pro 2012 myself, soooooo
    i would "just" buy a UAD and a new screen (27inches or bigger) for the mac and it would be sweetlife from their (and low budget)
    maybe buy some more ram if ther is room in the budget .

    but i would dodge buying any newer model mac all together. Because there are To many reports and stories thats not flattering the newer models for my point of view.
  4. Scarlett

    Scarlett Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Wait for the 16" Macbook Pro (M1 Chip).
    Apollo Solo is trash.
    If you really want a UAD Apollo, get the Twin Duo at least.
    Be sure that if you don't like it return it right away.
  5. Nehal

    Nehal Member

    Oct 8, 2019
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    Right. The MacBook pro with M1 chip is said to have lots of issues with many plugins as of yet and installing K'd stuff on that is damn near impossible.

    If you had a choice of getting an interface in the budget of UAD Apollo Twin, which on e would you go for?
  6. cyrano

    cyrano Member

    Nov 8, 2020
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    All of my plugins are working on the M1, except two. Have to wait for an update.

    It's a hefty mix of plugins in all available formats, except PT.
  7. Nehal

    Nehal Member

    Oct 8, 2019
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    So you reckon I go for an upgrade with my mac over getting an UAD apollo twin?
  8. Scarlett

    Scarlett Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    I have an M1 MB Air.
    I bought an Apollo Solo from Amazon. Worked just fine. (be sure to buy a thunderbolt data/power cable).
    Headphone output is decent with 80 Ohms headphones (mine are HD599 SE) but highs are harsh.
    With my HD 820 (1900 dollars) it sounded like garbage. I never heard my HD 820 sound soooo bad.
    Apollo Solo's free guitar plugin sends the DSP from 10% to 95%, you can't add one more plugin to the chain...

    Tested some Softubes plugins, they worked mostly fine (I have almost them all legit).
    Fabfilters work "perfect" (I have the Total bundle legit).

    I have 70+ tabs opened in Firefox and counting... lol.

    My MB Air is the very base model. Into an OLED TV using this:

    Works perfect so far I love my M1 ( I wanted to wait for the 16" but destiny forced my hand).
    Probably will sell this so I can afford the MBP 16" or if we get lucky new imacs will come along too and I will get one of those (if the screen is mini/micro led as the 16" will be).
  9. cyrano

    cyrano Member

    Nov 8, 2020
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    UAD is very expensive for what it is. If you don't need more features, why buy another interface?

    If you get a new Mac, you could use the 2012 to run VST's remotely, via Reaper. I suppose other DAWs have comparable functionality? More power than the UAD.

    And if you're the DIY type, buy a used 100$ server, build a Waves SoundGrid server. Way more powerful than the UAD box.
  10. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I love when OP speak about second hand computer.
    And ppl talk about overpriced M1 :rofl:

    My advice :
    Sell your macbook
    Buy a second hand Mac Mini
    upgrade it if needed (RAM, SSD ...)
    Buy a BIG screen (W)QHD resolution
    Because screen size/resolution is a BIG help for DAW
    Example : i use a 32inch QHD (NOT WQHD)

    I use computers for 35 years.
    And i will NEVER go back to laptop for DAW
    Minimum screen size for me : 27 inch
    Keyboard is too near the screen anyway on laptop.

    And when you add a mouse, a screen, a soundcard ... WHAT is the point of laptop ?
    Just my two cents :wink:
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  11. Nehal

    Nehal Member

    Oct 8, 2019
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    Awesome advice. I agree what you said about UAD being damn expensive, but, the plugins of UAD are apparently golden and if they can actually help me take my production, mixing and mastering to a whole new level, it'd be better I go for UAD twin MkII right? And MacBook Pro 2012 is also super sweet. Somewhere down the line, I upgrade the RAM and connect a 27" screen, I think k It'll be good. What do you think about this thought of mine?
  12. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Unfortunately at Apple they are working hard to make the computers sold only 5 years ago obsolete, their strategy is quite clear: they want to sell us new hardware every time the new OS comes out. I don't recommend buying a used 2012 macbook: it's a computer that still works fine, but that will be cut out very quickly with the forced updates scam
    It's all very sad, I know
  13. Scarlett

    Scarlett Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    If you believe pipotron... then you're very green and all you will do is make him laugh at you for a while...
    I would suggest you better do nothing and do more homework.
    Pipotron doesn't want you to progress...
  14. Nehal

    Nehal Member

    Oct 8, 2019
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    What would you be your recommendation? Can I go with universal Audio Apollo Solo? As said above, it doesn't suck? Please do help me out. I am doing my research as well.
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