Coming back from the dead and moving to MAC

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by webshark, Mar 3, 2022.

  1. webshark

    webshark Member

    Oct 2, 2013
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    Hey guys,

    Its been a minute 4 years out the game... Im in the process of moving my old cubase project files and my sound library to a new mac.

    While I try to stay legit for the most part of course I still use a few software from here until I can afford etc..

    Anyways since its been 4 years I'm wondering if there is anything I should know have methods changed, is there ways to do things in terms of installations etc?
    Also any tips greatly appreciated in terms of speeding up the move over to mac.. Trying to get all my essentials loaded and updated while moving files over etc.

    I was wondering if nexus is avail and if it can be used with the old sound library I had for the PC? so I don't need to re install sounds?
  3. ayudigital

    ayudigital Guest

    learning to codesign, chmod, xattr, unpkg might be helpful
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  4. recycle

    recycle Guest

    The most striking event in recent times is that R2R has managed to defeat some of the protections considered unbreakable (God bless them) and yes: Nexus is available
    Another event is that mac has changed its processors: from intel they have changed to M1 and the security systems have evolved a lot. If you have a new Mac M1, prepare your desk in advance with Red Bull, doritos, weed, and all possible comforts: the installation of warez will be much longer and boring.
    For more news updates ask @Deceptive
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  5. webshark

    webshark Member

    Oct 2, 2013
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    lol! Glad my home system is an intel!!!

    codesign, chmod, xattr, unpkg wth lol in English? unpkg I think I know!
  6. SpatialAnomoly

    SpatialAnomoly Member

    Oct 21, 2019
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    Codesign: open terminal, enter:

    sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - "drag plugin or app here"

    (remember the space after the last "-")
    Type password, hit enter

    lost the others in my notes now sorry..
    Ps not on mac just a windows user with a mac friend I gotta help out:rofl:
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Skip the terminal commands for code signing. Get . You can browse to files, or drag and drop. It is *much* faster than terminal when you are installing multiple items especially.

    BatChmod and Permissions Reset 2 , get both. Usually one is sufficient, but sometimes one works and the other doesn't.

    download OSX Validate ALL AU's. Ever had a plugin Logic would not "See" even after rebooting? This forces the issue. No reboot required for 95% of things you will install. (unless the installer does it).

    shoot me a pm if you need a hand with anything Intel Mac. no m1 here yet. This stuff is all easier than PC warez. mostly :)
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2022
  8. webshark

    webshark Member

    Oct 2, 2013
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    than you I’ll probably have to take you up on that offer! Appreciate it!