Cinematic Rhythms - 2 Week Sale Kontakt Library

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Pete22, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. Pete22

    Pete22 Newbie

    Mar 22, 2014
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    i made an account on this forum because i was looking at an old product that centralcomposers (a ghost company basically) released called centralpanflute.

    I managed to find a new website of theirs and had a look around and noticed they had some more products out so I bought cinematic rhythms for kontakt 4. i thought it was an alright product as their first release but i wanted to also share some free downloads which i think are useful.

    (not really relevant but why isn't the website

    EDIT: (I thought I would share some more facts about Cinematic rhythms as i have looked up some demos):

    there are a few free downloads which are like percussion and synth patches. other than that, the cinematic rhythms is on a 2week sale so I thought i'd buy it.

    I also hear that they are working on a new piece of library called section b, I plan on buying that when it comes out to support them and see how good the sounds are

    I thought i'd share this with people incase anyone knows about centralpanflute. would be good to try and use it.

    (p.s. would it be rude to email them and ask about the library? i don't want to sound like a dick to them)

    centralcomposers has also released a bunch of patches for Zebra 2, this is what it says on the website:

    "The newest bundle that you can downloaded named "Zebra 2 - CC Bundle is a collection of Patches I have created. The whole bundle is split into 3 main folders being:

    Percussion + FX
    Tonal + Rhythms

    To install these patches, drop the folder inside the RAR file into your Zebra 2 Patch location. For windows users, the default location is:

    C:\Users\*YOUR NAME*\Documents\u-he\Zebra2\Presets\Zebra2

    If you would like to create a demo to feature on this page that show these presets mainly, please feel free to do so and email me. I will feature your song and put a link to one of the websites you want, you'll also be mentioned in our blog."


    for anyone who has zebra 2 and wants some free presets, i like them and I think they fit well for underscore for adding detail with electronic elements.

    brandon has posted a update on the KVR forums :

    i've been looking at the forum post and noticed some other people liked it when they bought it, post on the kvr topic include:

    "Just wanted to say that the library is great! A nice complement to Evolve, which i own... I was hesitant at first, thinking i wouldn't really need it as it seemed to be covering much the same ground, but it's a nice addition rather than "just the same". Keep up the good work!"

    "I bought it too, and at this price it's unbeatable. What I read about A/D control, makes sense. E.g. the heavy guitar chords need some pruning, in my opinion. My favorites are the "LOST" pianos."

    "Very nice instrument! I purchased it earlier today. Wonderfully crafted."

    I read those comments on the forum and thought i would post them for people who are curious, I would be if I never checked it out..


    does anyone script kontakt instruments? I was looking for a kontakt scripter to work on a kontakt instrument with me... if you are interested, my email is [email protected]

    pete again,

    thanks for a mod that put my replies into the topic to make it neater, means a lot!

    I've emailed centralcomposers and they said they might put Central Piano up for free download again, the reason they took it down was because the service they were using had uploaded the size at 1gb and they had to pay per week for the download to be active, but now they have released a few products I guess they will put it up again.

    I came here to see if anyone knew were I could find Central Piano but hopefully they upload it soon, i will post on this topic the link to the piano download because I feel like making a new topic again would spam the forums.

    be back soon!
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