Cin3brass v1.1 update!

Discussion in 'Software News' started by allshallfade, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. allshallfade

    allshallfade Newbie

    Jun 15, 2011
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    The update just came out, and is free to registered users. Best thing about it is that you can play fast legato lines without it sounding like crap.

    Check out the bit at the bottom: they openly claim to have implemented watermarks in this update, which I.D. the exact purchaser. Hmm. Since it actually delayed the update by a few days I don't think they're lying through their teeth, but it remains to be seen just how effective it is (as in, they might not be able to tell just through your audio if Cin3br4ss is pirated, but only if they saw the files on your computer).

    I imagine there will be some discussion on whether the watermarking is actually effective or a good idea (or if it even exists :bleh: ), but check out the update video... a very nice improvement for a free update, props to them.

  3. Groover McToober

    Groover McToober Newbie

    Sep 3, 2011
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    CineBrass really needs this update. There are numerous issues that needed fixing with 1.0 so good move. Maybe I'll start using it more now.

    Everyone gets so scared shitless about watermarking....if they've told you up front about how they do it ( to identify the original leaker only) then there's nothing to worry about for the rest of us.

    I look forward to seeing it pop up somewhere soon.
  4. allshallfade

    allshallfade Newbie

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Agreed, I could never use the legato instruments at anything above a medium tempo... which is sorta a big deal considering how prevalent fast, "epic" music is for modern writing. And that's just one problem, although there's no denying that the tone is Killer. Up until Hollywood Brass (EW) came out a few weeks ago, there was no other way to get a -convincing- golden age score (Star Wars, Superman, etc.) Brass sound.

    Well. About the watermarks you're absolutely right in that if that is how they are going about it, initially the only person who would have to worry is the original learker. My concern is just that it implies the developer is much more likely to call out suspected piracy publicly, and ask for a blacklist on various sites (I'm hoping SAiNT wouldn't respond to such a request, but it's his call of course, and I'd respect that). The guys who made Lass (the string library) don't have watermarking yet, but they behave in the same way... while they haven't asked for a blacklist (that I know of) they are all over even amateur Youtube productions, calling out people who they believe didn't buy their product in the comments, even if the videos are the sort of fan productions that don't make money. Totally within their right of course, but just something I thought I'd bring up.