chord progression question

Discussion in 'Education' started by stav, Jul 5, 2024.

  1. ULX

    ULX Guest

    Everything to some degree can be interpreted anything and this causes vagueness and some people would see it as beauty of music. If there were no different interpretations, we might not have seen many things in music.
  2. Grape Ape

    Grape Ape Rock Star

    Jan 17, 2024
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    in Harmony
    basically the difference is between modal and tonal music - it makes more since if you think of chords as colors or a feeling

    like if you have a progression in like, idk Gmaj:

    Gmaj > Emin > Cmaj > Emin > Amin

    you can change the color and without making the progression sound off key; because a lot of the same notes are still in the chord/key, just flat. like so

    Gmaj > Emin > Cmaj > Emaj >Amin

    it will still sound in key, because majority of the notes are; just the color of the E chord changed. another difference is that chords rule over melody, you can play any chord progression that sounds good (debatably), build melody and rhythm around it and it will sound in tune, like:

    Gmaj > Emin > Emaj > Cmaj > Emin > Amin

    even thugh Ab isnt the the Gmajor scale, its still harmonic in a mode in a technical aspect. though im sure like Kurt Cobain wasnt thinking of that...maybe tho lol
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2024
  3. ULX

    ULX Guest

    This explanation is correct to some extent but let me just add that, talking about out-of-key notes is used when the music is established in the early times of its beginning and later is colored by the introduction of out-of-key notes. The music posted by the OP has no such status.
    What I mean is that the key isn't established at first and from the beginning, two chords that aren't in the same key enter the game and pass the ball to each other like a football game. And the listener cannot tell what key the music is in.

    The key is like the password of the safe to open it. When the key isn't specified, the safe won't open easily and will require a lot of effort to open.


    These passes between the E and C chords create an obscure space and the listener cannot tell what key the music is in. That's why I used the term Chromatic Mediant to explain this situation.
  4. Grape Ape

    Grape Ape Rock Star

    Jan 17, 2024
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    in Harmony
    @ULX : youre not wrong, im just explaining why it works, since as you probably know: keys arent always determined by the first note, there are tons of popular songs that fit in tune, but could apply to multiple scales with the chords used - but since the Emin was added in the chorus, it gives a better idea of the key and scale paired with the C major that was used

    that Emaj is probably just used as coloring/feeling
  5. ULX

    ULX Guest

    We have millions of colors in nature. It is the same in music. Colors must be used correctly. We cannot add any color to a part of music just because it is color and say that our music became colored.
    The quality and effectiveness of colors should be identified and we should know what color to use where. If music has a million notes, it should have a convincing explanation for each one, and the effect of each of our decisions in the choices should be clearly defined. To divide music into colored and colorless and stop at that, many of the beauties of music are neglected. The issue of colors should be discussed in detail and the effect and method of use of each color should be specified.
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  6. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Why do I have the slight feeling that you're trolling...
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