Chord of chords?

Discussion in 'Education' started by Seckkksee, Nov 29, 2021.

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  1. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Funny that other people completely understood what I said and questioned you. everyone must be wrong eh? And I am the strawman? :rofl:

    Dm7/C in an F triad over a C triad? Its an embellishment not part of the chord. Basic harmony . Insult someone who is easily fooled. No D in that polychord, only an addition to it with many other notes that could also be added if that was the question which was not what the OP asked.
    You have been questioned regularly and you still do not get it. Remember when I pulled you up for saying G Lydian was part of the G Major scale? You even said it was a typo because you write without thought first. You even said it should have said C Lydian. Me a strawman Hilarious.
    Think whatever you wish. Enjoy your lunchbox.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2021
  2. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    I never mentioned any F note or F triad, (even tho Dm7/its inversions may have one..)
    and much less talked about superimposing it with a C triad, ever.

    That's just stuff you're making up, it never existed other than in your head.. :yes:

    And the Lydian thing was a simple typo,
    I was talking about what.. G Lydian tonality you say?

    And for whatever reason I spelled the notes wrongly,
    misspelling the Tonic.. the flipping TONIC, how can that not be a Typo, if we're talking about G Lydian/whatever.

    Do you think I was born yesterday? :no:

    It's probably somebody else who was mixing Major/Lydian tonalities,
    but you will nonetheless take it and deform it in your sick head, creating an imaginary reason to believe whatever you want to believe..

    And why not,
    use it as a strawman argument against me, in whatever way and moment you deem adequate.. :wink:
  3. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Man you are such a LIAR.
    You do not even own your own posts.
    READ the OP thread title

    You never said this you sick puppy and LIAR
    This has nothing to do with prior posts that were on topic or where its started for the third time DUH!
    You even earlier in this thread attempted to add a Bb and were corrected there too - see your own posts.:rofl:Anyone can see it. I was nice about it to start with but hey you know more than people who were doing before you were an itch in your daddy's pants.

    Go away fool back into your delusionary guitar hero mind you ill human being. You do not even remember what you say in the past.
    Go get a brain checkup LIAR and FOOL. The Lydian comment you made you know you said, and you lack the integrity to own it which makes you a total LOSER.
    I reckon if your teacher could see you now, they'd trade you in for a pet monkey you FRAUD.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2021
  4. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Csus2-4-6 is not a C triad..
    And I certainly wasn't talking about supermiposing a *C triad over a Dm7 chord, or anything remotely similar..
    *(commonly understood as 1-3-5, rather than in that decorated Sus Chord form..)

    You're again Imagining things,
    and twisting/deforming them in order to fit your narrative, and be Right about something/whatever..

    Good luck with that :wink:

    Likewise, I never mentioned any Bb note,
    I donno wtf you're talking about.. :dunno:

    I could point you to many examples where you did the exact same thing in other threads,
    imagine/invent something, and create a shitful argument, big as a mountain about it,
    derive the topic of discussion, and entangle other users in endless/pointless discussions and ego battles..

    That is if I was as Sick as you are,
    and tried to even remember the multiple times where your dirty, low-ball and fallacious lying techniques where put in use..

    But what can I say.. I'm not that kind of person, :no:
    and I don't give two fucks about your mental demons, ego problems and shortcomings..
    and the stuff is there to be seen/read by everyone.

    But yeah, by all means.. keep on going mate,
    your portrait is almost Complete.. :wink:
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  5. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Oh.. and learn to distinguish things for what they are mate, you're doing a disservice to yourself..

    Are you seriously mistaking a Csus2-4-6 Chord for a C Major Triad?

    (Or is it part of your Strawman argument,
    I don't know what to think anymore..)

    But I think we've got here another PRETENDER,
    just like that George/Mike Moreno shithead of a doodle..

    Like father, like son..
    one would ever think you're actually related! :rofl:
  6. bassmandro

    bassmandro Newbie

    Feb 27, 2012
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    C Eb G
    Eb Gb Bb
    G Bb D

    C Eb Gb G Bb D
    no idea what chord would be

    I'm high too
  7. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    C Eb G = C minor
    Eb Gb Bb = Eb minor
    G Bb D = G minor

    C Eb Gb G Bb D = Cm7-9,add#4
    (or however you want to call it Cmadd#4,7-9, Cm7-9-#11..)


    (sorry for the mistake,
    had to go and I wasn't even reading straight..)
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2021
  8. F.L.O.W.

    F.L.O.W. Producer

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Which was my example from the start.
    And which was why I said it would be a mess.
    (Okay; maybe as a passing chord)
    You have a Gb and a G next to each other.
    The op would obviously not play that chord with his note of one chord, three times.
    Which is why I gave the example of C Eb G and D F A together.
    Without using lingo, was easiest example I could think of.
    He would only need to hold a C and a D to get this.

    And at above person, that's not Cm7/9
    What's up with your Gb there?
  9. An hexachord, pretty much a C Dorian #4 without the 13th = Cm9#11 ( C Eb G Bb D Gb )... one of the beautiful oddities derived from G Harmonic minor.

    At first sight ofc, 'cause if you pay attention to the existing intervals / tones, you can go way beyond this initial perspective.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2021
  10. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    How's it going?

    So when you create the audio quality of a instrument it is called " Timbre "

    ( changing the sound aka finger print of an instrument)
    What gives it , a unique texture and tone .

    But then building a chord with a instrument is a different level of detail .
    ( because that is independent of any particular instrument timbre texture or tone )

    Think of it as audio quality ( sound)
    Vs music quality of ( harmony )

    Now , you can do tons different things that are experimental like that , have fun :)

    Here is a example

    Build some chords by stacking 5ths

    Build some chords by stacking 6ths

    Its very open .

    ,( why we call it " playing music " :)

    Do the things that give you excitement and always try new things out .

    ( just a note , when we build timbre for an instrument
    We deal with ratios of the root , however when we build chords we deal with equal spaced note divisions.
    You can even experiment with changing those as well depending on what settings you instrument has for tuning files :)

    Its all open for your imagination.

    Try things out , if you really like the sound then you can dig into how it works more.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2021
  11. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Guys, I'm definitely fed up with your fights ...Sorry but thread closed.
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