cheesy 90s videogame sounds, for free

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by mk_96, Dec 18, 2021.

  1. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Your heart
    Just leaving this here in case any 90s kid goes on a nostalgia trip and decides to try some Sound Canvas type of sound without having to buy the actual thing and their DAW doesn't have a decent native option for that (WOW that was oddly specific).

    It's a free sampler, very kontakt-ish, it's available on all formats, and you can download some pretty good libraries a.k.a soundofnts for free (open to donations) here:

    It's pretty strightforward to use. Just load the vst, load the library from the plugin's browser and drag the sounds you want to the main window.

    It's not the only option but, this is the most hassle free, comprehensive, bug free, and compatible of all the methods i tried.

    Hope this helps someone, possibly in the future when synthwave dies and people turn to Seinfeldwave or something, i don't know. Have a good one.
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