Cheap Cubase 8 Pro offer

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Von_Steyr, Jun 11, 2016.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    You can automate VCA faders, saves time and trouble.Also adds some other options vs groups.Go to mixer vca link channels and right click in the mixer on that vca channel, now its opens additional options.
    Now that the VCA fader issues have been resolved its really nice to work with them.
    Though be careful to unlink certain functions after you set them so you dont fuck it up during the production process.

    Some guy posted this on the steinberg forum.
    1. VCA's have no signal passing through them they just control track faders they are linked to (thus DCA makes more sense - digital controlled amplifiers) the name VCA harks back to analog consoles (voltage controlled amplifiers)

    2. The big deal to remember IMHO and to understand is the advantage of VCA's
    is they don't destroy your FX balances, because ....

    When you normally use a track FX send it is normally post fader, meaning when you lower the track fader the amount of signal being sent into the FX send is proportionally raised or lowered.

    So if you then sum ten drum tracks to a stereo group and use the group fader to control their overall level you just made all those track FX sends PRE FADER.

    So now as you lower the group level the FX are still being sent out of the individual tracks at the same amount and your FX balance is destroyed.

    VCA's prevent this from happening, by controlling a group of tracks faders linked to them before they are summed into a group.

    It is worth remembering if you do insert a compressor into a group and set it's threshold, when you use VCA's or any individual fader to change the level feeding that group that the threshold will have changed.

    Therefore personally I tend to avoid using groups at all and simply use VCA's and insert compressors on a per track (mono or stereo) basis.

    For instance I'll put a stereo compressor across my drum overheads and say an 1176 on my snare and an optical comp on my kick(s) but not an overall insert compressor on a group being fed by my drum tracks so I don't need to worry about group inserted dynamics thresholds as I mix.

    Yes you can just link the track faders using a simple link function but that won't let you easily change an individual track level without constantly bypassing that link.

    Plus you can nest VCA faders, another cool feature of VCA's (a VCA's controlling other VCA's)

    Also and importantly a simple track link function won't allow you to trim already written track automation the way a VCA fader will.

    VCA faders allow you to trim already written automation which is a "BIGGIE" of huge proportions.
  2. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Well, I think it's time to tell a secret. After Notator on Atari I was unsure where my path should lead me to. I needed to decide between Mac and PC. I had to work a lot with Macs in my daily work. So I decided to go with a Mac (paid the equivalent of € 6700 back then) and -tataaa- Cubase. It was the very first version that offered something new called VST, Cubase 3.0. I even updated it later to 3.5. And I still have the complete package, which is a box that weighs about 2 kg and contains a printed manual that really deserves the title. From the backcover:
    "The Cubase Virtual Studio Technology offers up to 32 tracks of CD-quality digital audio, 128 automated realtime EQs, a complete and fully automated mixer with 4 effect sends and pro quality effects!" That's 1996. 20 years ago.

    I know that Cubase is a cool software, and they have a lot of experience. But I also see what other software offers for way less money. For me it means no Cubase anymore (don't know if it is still the same, but I had to pay for each update, 3.0 full version was something like € 800, 3.5 update another € 300).

    But, if you have the money and want to spend it, you won't buy crap. It's a solid DAW with many tricks and shortcuts built-in.
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