Change of staff, Releases and some other explanations

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by SAiNT, Oct 3, 2015.

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  1. I joined here and the other site not long ago. I had come by both sites for awhile but finally joined when I read the umpteenth post by Catalyst and wanted to make a post about how much some of what he did pissed me off. I did that on the other site a couple of weeks back.

    Some may not like me sayin so, but I'm real happy about this. Dude was just bad news, + now everyone gets chance to see just how bad. Probably best stuff that ever happened to the 2 sites.
  2. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Catalyst, I don't get it, was any of this necessary? :dunno:
    Yes I downvoted your post, but gave you a dislike, not dumb or disagree, so that your rating stays in the positives.
    On one side you warned disrespectful commenters, but when they started rant on you, you replied with the same amount of disrespect. That's why I gave you the dislike. Instead of removing it twice, you should have contacted me so that I could explain. :yes:
    I have been given dislike recently by remix, without explanation, but I wouldn't go that far as to remove it or file a complaint with SAiNT. It's the user's decision to give me such rating, and I respect that.
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  3. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    You say you're not flip flopping, yet on that Little Snitch thread (you know, the thread where you up-vote hardlock at every possible turn because he's harassing me--the one where you referred to me as being a "prick"....) you went to great lengths to let me know that what you had to say to me was perfectly okay. Somehow now it's changed to not being civil. You're a funny guy. Real funny. Let's see what you downgrade that to when you actually get real.

    Let me put this to you as clearly as I possibly can: I have nothing, ZERO, to learn from you or any 'model' you subscribe to. Nothing whatsoever. After your demonstration on that Little Snitch thread on Z, as far as I'm concerned your just a kiss a$$ punk I want nothing to do with. Got it? I hope so. You choose your friends and your affiliations, and I think it fair to say you chose wrong.

    P.S. This is Rico88 from Z. Your friend Catalyst changed my password here without telling me, but left the name registered so that I couldn't post under my own nic.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
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  4. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    @Catalyst Has always been nice to me and made me feel a part of the community of both AZ and AudioSex, nothing but encouragement. Never felt crossed or punished or otherwise antagonized by the man. I know I saw him working on many projects for audiosex, he was always cordial and friendly to me, Of course my attitude was also always cordial and non-offensive, never agressive, or entitled. Don't know what goes on in the dark spaces behind the scenes, as well I'm sure alot of you don't. We are only seeing the bits and pieces of this play out on a stage in public view, we will never see all that took place behind the scenes. and until we do, I for one cannot make an informed opinion on the entire subject. Not this He said, She Said scenario that is playing out right now. I respect @SAiNT for the sites that he has provided us i.e. AudioZ, and AudioSex. Both are Wonderful.

    I started with AudioZ a few years ago, Downloading and learning, and interacting on a limited basis. Creating music was and is my passion, more for pleasure than Profit. about the middle of last year i pretty much quit downloading, as I had more than any sane person could use to make music, I do not need 500 plugins, or 1000's of sample packs or 6-7 DAWS to become a PRO. I have learned, that if you want to make music you will make music. If you need the latest released plugin to make music, you are not a musician, period. If you need the latest anything to create and make music you are not a musician period! Music comes from within, you are either a musician or you are not. nothing you receive from any warez site is going to make you such.

    For me the scenarios that I have seen play out are the greed and entitlement that is such a disgrace. Partly why i believe the teams, or R2R in particular decided to quit releasing publically. just like the Mac please/windows please arguments that used to flood the releases all the time. if it was available it was posted, all the negativity that was directed at the posters demanding was rediculous. How many of the users here actually use what they download versus collect like a hoarder who just has to have everything? How many of you would actually answer that honestly? probably very few.

    Catalyst had a problem with all of the entitlement crowd, that felt like they deserved to have everything, regardless of whether it was truly available or not. they demanded it, and bashed the threads to their dismay that it wasn't available. To what purpose? did the world stop working because of it, were they unable to create their million dollar album because they didn't have the latest release of Serum, or Were they unable to go on tour with the band because they didn't have the latest Cubase 8 to write their tracks? What is it about todays society that makes everyone think that they are owed something. this forum as SAiNT stated was made to share information and whatever else. that to me means it is a two way street. if you have something to share give it back, don't come to just leech. when it all becomes onesided, we lose sight of the objective of the free sharing of knowledge and community, both of which I beleive are CORE pillars of what SAiNT was wanting to build here.

    I'm not going to jump on the Bash @Catalyst Wagon, and you can throw me in with the Cata-Clique for calling him Friend, but the way i see it, is that @Catalyst was a good person in my eyes, based on the interactions I had with him, He is the one that got me interacting on the AudioSex forum, made me feel like I was a part of the community, To open up, and led to me completeing my first complete album. Wouldn't have happened if it were not for the forum that SAiNT provided and the Encouragement and Support that @Catalyst Provided along with other members in the forum.

    Those of you that were kicked or banned or mistreated by @Catalyst, I do not know the specifics and facts behind you particular issues, i do know that I have always acted like a civil human being and have never had any problem with any mods or staff on either of the sites here, AZ or AS. so as to what your problems were about I can not make an informed opinion. No matter how this goes down, @Catalyst has done alot for many people on this forum, and has done alot for the Forum, @SAiNT, will admit that. Where it wrong, I don't know, but there is a deeper story than what is playing out on the surface now, and for all the people jumping on the bandwagon to burn the witch "Cat" so to speak, goes against the good vibes and feel of what SAiNT, wanted AZ and AS to stand for!

    It really saddens me that this has come to this, for this truly was a hangout. AS in particular, i have literally spent 2-4 hours per day on Audiosex for the past few months, while only spending 4-5 per day minutes on AZ, Everyone always in a ruckus that has permeated the 2 sites, kinda kills the coffee house vibe, always able to drop in chat with friends hear some new music, chill. that vibe is gone right now because of whats been going on lately. I hope it changes, because I definitely miss it. It's all about the music for me, I want to Make it, I want to Share it, I want to Listen to It.

    - Respect Is Earned Not Given, No Matter Your Rank Or Position, If You Cannot Respect, You Will Not Be Respected-​
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  5. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    jks jks...

    but no in all seriousness I'll admit to complete ignorance regarding to exactly what is going on with all of this, mainly because I haven't really been on here in a long while and I come here on and off.

    My way has always been, just respect the guys who are in charge unless it is against you. And to be honest, even though Catalyst has turned out to be a fake, I really was never affected by anything he has done mainly because I've changed my purpose here. For me, it's no longer about downloading and warez but just mainly chatting with some audio guys because right now this is the most active audio forum I know where there is actually decent people...

    Catalyst has always been and has seemed very nice and caring over here on chat so I don't want to say anything bad about the guy, even if alot of what he claims is a lie. But then again I don't even trust my self on the internet sometimes. We can all have the potential to do fucked up shit here and I'm no different.

    What ever happened on the other site regarding Catalyst I am unaware of because I barely go on there anymore or keep up with whats happening in there. If people were affected by him including SAiNT, then of course there is a problem there that I have to respect and leave alone since I haven't really been invloved or paying attention to the political/administration side of this whole entire ship that's being run.

    As One Reason kinda said, in the end, for some of us, we just wanna chill and chat with some good people and have a good time and not get too deep into all this shit...cuz thats what forums are for :)

    I'm a little sad that this is the true side of Catalyst and this is the reality, but at the same time, there has always been something in my head that wondered how real or truthful most of us are here... myself included...
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
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  6. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Cat had his ups and downs!

    I think he did put much time and efford into his work as a mod both here and in the sister site, and perhaps thought all that work and efford allowded him to run the sites as if it was his very own private sites! It needs a very strong charactor to be a good mod and its easy to stumble along the way.

    Best thing is that both sites seems to exsist in the future, and that´s good!

    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
  7. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, all audio love maker fellows,

    first, thank you, SAiNT, for this form of communication chosen, which even if contains very saddening things, indeed is appreciated. :sad:

    might one just hope still that all the grudge repositories, opening up now, will not be able to become opinion leaders? :sad:

    this here present self of mine chooses to feel, chooses to think, no one of us is infallible, just perhaps, even despite the gravity being unerringly constant as it is, might fall in differently held positions, some of us head first, some of us like felines using their paws. :yes:

    perhaps this is, might be seen as, one of those occasions, possibly causing every one of us just trying to be better than before, trying to surpass our former beings... :bow:

    wish all of us the best of the best, remaining, as always, besides being the court jester of the emperor of utopia, just one audio love maker... :bow:

    later edit, post scriptum, got my very first dislike rating today, this might also be useful as an indicator who tries in what direction to progress these times... :bow:
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2015
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  8. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    You know I read your post with great interest. I'm one of those people that had a difficult time with Catalyst. In fact, truth be told, I really kind of despised the guy. Yet, at the same time I have complete respect for what you're saying. No one is completely bad, no one completely good. I think its fair to say, particularly based on the responses to SAiNT's post here and on AudioZ, that he certainly rubbed a number of people the wrong way. But I'm glad it worked for you, and admire you standing up amidst the gunfire and saying what you have to say. I admire it when some one stands up and speaks what they believe to be the truth even when knowing they may come under fire for the effort. I hope you will stick around and pass what you felt was the 'good stuff' to the next guy, cause like I said, no one is all bad.
  9. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Interesting revelations. Sometimes I wonder, why all that drama over audio software that was set out to be helping one to be creative and liberating. But it seems like there's more politrickin' going than in House of cards...
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  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I never doubted you man.. ummm .. tits don't lie !!?
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  11. phatboy303

    phatboy303 Ultrasonic

    Mar 28, 2015
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    I rarely post here but lurk a fair bit, in my opinion the constant negativity and anger I've seen in Cat's posts has put me off of joining in more.

    I understand why there was so much hate for ungrateful freeloaders and such but i felt (mostly from Cat's posts) there was a generalisation that anyone not contributing would be lumped into the same category. Even though i've spent a fortune on software over the years and now only use warez for demo purposes, i felt like my newbie status here would automatically put me in the same perceived group as those receiving so much hate on this forum. Perhaps it still will, but hopefully this will lead to a friendlier site where new members like myself won't feel so unwelcome.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
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    TUREVARSKI Noisemaker

    Dec 17, 2014
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    Thanks for the clarification SAiNT. I feel that Audioz and Audiosex have become hostile and a bit unfriendly during the last year, mostly due to the actions of Cat in the comments on Audioz and forum posts here. Sure there are members who act stupid, but never have I come across a public website where that isn't the case. It's a low price to pay to keep it open! Thanks again SAiNT!
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  13. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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    I hope this is not the beginning of the collapse of the Πύργος τῆς Βαβέλ
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  14. asad12

    asad12 Platinum Record

    Dec 4, 2012
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    I was hoping that this thread won't go the direction it had taken.

    I see many participants find this as an opportunity to take revenge, bash, name call and humiliate some people that were at one time part of our community and close friends for some us. Let's not forget that the rules are still in effect and some of the people that are been in the spot light are still members here.

    Trust me guys, it's not worth it. I know some have experienced disrespect and that's not what I mean by not worth it at all.
    Let's put everything behind and move forward if we want to prevent the same reasons this thread was made about. Let SAiNT deal with it and settle the matter like he always does, as a gentleman.

    Let's not think of this as a victory for those that were oppressed, but look at it as a way to solve the differences as peaceful as possible and have a safe place for all.

    I wish you all the best of luck:mates:
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  15. Speaking as an inveterate leecher, what about all the stuff we missed, huh, huh? :metal:


    OK. So where do we go from here? Because the wall is coming. iLok 3, eLicencer, it's all getting harder and slower to crack on every generation. So the point will surely come where what there is already is all there is. This has to be a free space. Free to give, free to take. And driven by music, not the scene alone.

    I think these issues are so much bigger than a nine day wonder with the mods. Who are generally OK. Even Cat on a good day. Gotta raise your eyes over the horizon at this time, or this time will be gone. And we end up with crackers hacking the cracks of other secret communities, and we'll all end up at war with each other.
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  16. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    I never had any problem personally with catalyst, maybe i dont agree with some stuff he said but i never had arguement with him.

    Internal releases, private sharing, this stuff i dont care about. I dont care about tier of users either, not until tiers make community work against eachother.

    Like i wrote in R2R thread when they stop release to public, i am happy for them, i hope they find happiness. I say the same to Saint in this choice he has made.

    I never recieve any private internal stuff, i never argue with cat or saint, i dont choose any side except audiosex community as whole.

    I hope this (whole story) does not make community split up to different sides or worst to different sites.

    Peace & love to all.
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  17. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Wow, it's a lot to stomach on a sunday.
    But thanks @SAiNT for clearing this up.
    All the best and thanks for your work!
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  18. Bandit

    Bandit Producer

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Life is all about change. I like just reading a lot of stuff on here, lately the hate and negativty spoiled the fun for me. I hope things get back to normal(ish). People that enjoy producing and music making come together through internet and discuss. There is no right or wrong, just an opinion from somebody behind a keyboard. Keep up the good work.
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  19. Axioz

    Axioz Noisemaker

    Mar 8, 2015
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    SAiNT if you need any help with the sites im always welcome to help in whatever you need done ! hope everything gets settled soon and smoothly :like:
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  20. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    dark side of the moon
    I've been gone for about a year and a half, and on my first day back I see all this..

    Before I was abducted by hyper-dimensional beings for that year and a half, Catalyst worked hard to make AudioSex what it is now.

    Remember the AudioSex album? That was the height of the community, and I suppose today is the lowest.

    I was almost embarrassed to read the posts at AudioZ on this topic. I thought we were musicians, not immature teenagers. It's like 4chan /r decided to move into AudioZ.

    A sad day for AudioSex.
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