Change multiple objects’ gain maintain their relative value?

Discussion in 'Samplitude' started by powerplay, Dec 17, 2017.

  1. powerplay

    powerplay Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2017
    Likes Received:
    I just wonder if there’s any way to change multiple objects’ gain maintain their relative value?
    In Cubase, it’s done by selecting events(=objects) and typing desired value in the filed called 'info lane' on the top of the screen.
    It would be great if somebody could help on this.
    Thanks in advance
  3. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    routing to a buss
  5. powerplay

    powerplay Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2017
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    Yes, samplitude.

    Thanks MMJ2017, but routing to a buss won't work 'cause I need object(clip)-level gain staging.
    I have to control each clip gain going into individual channel's inserts.
  6. You need something that supports VCA faders such as Studio One 3.

    Be warned - it's tricksy stuff. As well as varying the loudness of your faders it also inderctly varies the loudness of all the post-fader effect sends on them too, so you can end up with an evaporating reverb effect.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2017
  7. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Samplitude has VCA too, it has been a while. Pretty simple to use too.
    Anyway you don't need buses or vca to accomplish that in Sam and I think what OP describes, if I've understood correctly, is the default behavior when you select multiple objects. If you rise the volume fader of one of them in the object editor, they will all have the same amount of volume added or retracted all while leaving from the point they each curently are : so if Object A was at+3 db and you add 3 db with the fader it will be at + 6 db, and if object B was also selected and was at - 1 db it will end up at + 2 db, the same happens when you enter directly a value in the volume entry in the object editor : if you enter 5 db value and the object was at 3 db before you entered it will add the same 2 db to all objects curently selected starting from the point they are at, thus keeping their relative value still between each others, same if you select several obects and adjust their volume directly on one of the ojects. It keeps their relative value intact. You can change the default behavior regarding the volume of objects to absolute.

    My bad I see now OP was talking about gain, not the volume of the objects. For gain, I'm not sure you can do that, by default it's absolute and the menu doesn't propose relative change for gain. They align each others when you multiple select objects, you can exclude one, I don't know how to keep their relative value intact.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017
  8. powerplay

    powerplay Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2017
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    Thanks for your help, guys !!
    But..I already know how VCA faders wok!
    I've been using Pro tools/Cubase for 20 years and Studio One ever since it came out.

    In Pro tools you can use Clip line for that purpose, and in Studio one, it's easily done by using macro!
    In both DAWs it takes only 2 steps, selecting and executing.

    Probably I wasn't clear. Sorry about that.
    What I wanted to know was if it was also possible in Samplitude within a few steps rather than adjusting gain in every single object.

    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017