Catalyst, can't we have a time limit on this?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by panther5, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Just my opinion...

    I'm with remix and McCookie on this one. Every serious hobby demands a bit of money. Ok, software is expensive, but if you can't afford a premium account, maybe you should look into another hobby. Maybe walk around the beach collecting seashells?

    I know I may get a lot of angry responses to this, with crap like "it's a lot more than a hobby, it's serious". Then stop spending money on whatever bullshit you spend money on and get a premium account. Everyone spends too much money on bullshit, whatever it is. In my case, it's wine. I buy about 12 bottles a week and I entertain a lot. And I buy some more wine for my cellar. If I stop (a tiny bit) I can get myself a month of premium with, say, I know so many people that spend money on booze, smokes, pot and who knows what and then complain about not having a premium account (or fucking food!).

    Anyway. That was my rant. And I'm having wine! (shit, how sarcastic is that).

    What also shits me is the "Catalyst" call. Like everything is up to him and he gets to read and respond to everyone's bitching. Give the guy a break. Like he says, he has gone WAY out of his way for EVERYONE on the forum. Even people that don't even know about it yet. That's the beauty about the man; not to count that he is very fucking well spoken. I admire that too. Haha.

    Your turn.
  2. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    It's simply crazy.
    It's like the PC/hardware forums. You will read millions of comments saying' I just ordered a nas','I ordered a mkv player','I am waiting for my media player', etc etc.
    But if you ask those guys to buy a 30cts bluray movie, they will say it's too expensive, they have no money for that! But they spend thousands of euros on 3Tb drives, to store those thousands mkvs and bluray rips. Again, no money to buy a single CD and give a few bucks to the artist.

    I am sure there are plenty of leechers on au..oz, many, with huge studios and plenty of expensive outboard gear, protools HD, expensive macs, doing music for the living, mixing, remixing, with released tracks..... and many, are whining and begging for free links.. and they will never buy a single sample library, or a 20€ vst plugin... nothing. Everything must come free and fast.

    Or the 'Mac version please' guys, who have spent 2500 euros on that Mac laptop, 1200€ on the latest iPad and iPhone, but won't spend 10 euros on a vst plugin and support a dev. The guy just registered to request his Mac version, didn't even read the forum rules, don't give a crap about anybody or anything excepting his own ass and inter'ass'st.

    It's just unbelievable.
  3. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Thanks for this info, McCookie. I'm going to check this out. Yes, sideshowbob, there is at least one person who didn't know about Paysafe Card. Me. Like I said before, I can afford to buy a premium account, even though I'm basically dirt poor and haven't been able to buy any computer stuff in a very long time. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to replace my computer which is 10 yrs. old. I can't afford to spend what little funds I have on anything but the basics and a couple of luxuries (internet service being one of them). However, as some suggested anyone can scrape up 10 bucks, and I'm no exception.
  4. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    what is wrong with people? wanting stuff for free, who do not have the patience to download stuff, for free, FFS it's freeeeeeee, why does it matter it takes 2 days to download the latest sample pack, you haven't paid for it. Let's all go back to the dark days of dial-up and spending 2 weeks to download 500Mb! peeps you all need more patience, if you want it fast then spend some spondoolies and stop complaining. rant over :wink:
  5. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    oh man,
    i remember downloading a simple mp3, with my 33.6k modem, and being super happy because:
    -i didn't hear the little "relay" clic sound, which just meant the connection was lost and the internet went down
    - it only took like 43 minutes

    that doesn't make me younger, for sure :wow:
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I was going to bring up PaySafeCard but you guys beat me to it. There's also debrid services that give you access to multiple hosts and there's always sharing as was brought up as well. People make it out to be SUCH a big deal when it's the epitome of triviality. You always end up paying in some way at least some of the time. Even on private trackers you're paying and it's called a ratio, it just happens that it doesn't cost you money but it costs you work and if your internet is slow then you actually are paying when it ties it up. Either deal with the fact that sometimes you'll get ideal links and sometimes you won't or pay for an account. Even Firedrive lately is slowing down and eventually that will suck as well because of another point that wasn't mentioned: infrastructure. Masses of free downloaders aren't supporting the hosters infrastructure and eventually it will slow to a crawl no matter what is the fast server right now.

    Thanks a lot for your post man because not only was it hilarious but I also really appreciated the sentiment. I completely 100% agree with you, the cost of an account whether with 1 hoster, multi-hosters or sharing is quite reasonable especially when you factor in the value. Or just accept that since you didn't pay for an account you won't be having a great download experience all the time. You'll still have it sometimes because there are PLENTY of contributors using excellent links especially lately so it's really not that big a deal.

    I have a 1 month coupon here as a little token of gratitude on behalf of AudioSex and AudioZ. Interested?
  7. clamz

    clamz Newbie

    Jan 16, 2014
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    I don't think there needs to be additional mirrors from other posters, but a requirement to use a hosting site that allows better access. When I get tv shows or movies at other sites, they have links from 180upload, bitshare and kingsfile, which not only have fast speeds, but allow you to DL multiple files without waiting for it. I just got a 900kb DL from Rapidgator and have to wait 2 hours for another. At this point, I use audioz as a "coming soon" catalog, then get the DL from torrent sites that follow audioz. Do RG and UL pay well while those other sites don't?
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    We use plenty of good sites (BitShare, Firedrive, HulkFile, Mega, ZippyShare, etc.) you just can't have them on every post because it is up to the discretion of the uploader. I wouldn't upload 80 gig files 7 days a week for people either without getting at least something in return for it as well as having a little dough to invest in new releases. We really don't care what movie sites are doing or even other audio sites, they do what they do and we do what we do. Somehow AudioZ is still number 1 with releases and a community that aren't equaled anywhere. Basically what you're saying is you don't mind using our services such as tech support, information about new releases, being able to ask questions about anything, freeware, coupon giveaways, exclusive releases, wallpapers and nicnt's and about a million other things but supporting us in any way is a real drag so you look for ways not to. That's really great, thanks for stopping in to let us know. [​IMG]

    Get me off this planet. I can't take it anymore. [​IMG]
  9. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    hey, I used that in my last topic, "please stop the world, I want to get off", I copyrighted it, that's it . . . where's my lawyer?!!! :snuffy: :wow: :rofl: :mates:

    (damn, I forgot he's down at the whore house, getting a rather large cuccumber shoved up his arse whilst being whipped by a ladyboy. He told me to never phone him on a friday evening) :wink:

    Seriously, if peeps are not happy with what is provided here (or it's doppelganger), there are plenty more sites available, you are not forced to stay here :mates:
  10. clamz

    clamz Newbie

    Jan 16, 2014
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    hulkfile went out of business

  11. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    erm . . . not yet they haven't, just created an account :excl:
  12. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    You definitely got the point of what Catalyst said *no* :sad:
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    It's like I'm speaking English and other people are speaking alien. [​IMG]
  14. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    english is very complicated, it fecks me up all the time (and I'm a native) :rofl:
  15. clamz

    clamz Newbie

    Jan 16, 2014
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    If this were Mars, yes it's exactly like that.
  16. clamz

    clamz Newbie

    Jan 16, 2014
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    oh and btw I've had uploaded accounts for most months of the few years I've been on audioz and offered many coupons. I'm just going through hardship at the moment. So what's that about me looking for ways not to support? You see what a presumptuous, judgmental prick you can be?
  17. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I'm not the only one that made mention of this so perhaps you should worry less about how judgmental I can be and focus more on how you're coming across. Nobody said that you have to support us 24/7 but when I'm telling people that this is how we get support and people are coming up with ways around that then how would it sound to you? I've already brought up that we provide a plethora of mirrors that are convenient for free users, if you want fast speeds on every post then you have to buy an account. What else do you want me to tell you? In your mind you not having money means that we should bend to your whims to facilitate your downloading habits but if we do that people won't have money for releases. There are only 2 choices here...

    I'm not rich and there were plenty of times I couldn't afford an account, however I made do with what I had until I was able to afford it. You never saw me asking for the site operations to be changed for me right? I don't think I'm that important. And in fact I'm one of those guys breaking the law just to post Firedrive mirrors for people like you that can't afford an account so perhaps you should ease up on your offensive and misguided language.
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