Can't load new AEON

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by boinky, May 30, 2013.

  1. boinky

    boinky Newbie

    May 30, 2013
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    There seems to be a misunderstanding; that IS the folder I deleted. I also tried deleting something that was in the "Install" folder I think. But none of this helped. So I'm going with your call; stop that crap and focus on your creativity :wink: So I recovered the "registry backup" (glad you gave me that tip!) and installed back v5.1. I'm done for tonight. Maybe I drank too much yesterday... :rofl: Let's hope for another release by R2R or AIR something.

    I feel you, man. That's exactly the way I think, too. I'm also oldschool. Focus in the main things and don't take anything for granted! I have to restrain myself sometimes, though. There are way to many possibilities nowadays. I also think, that mankind is overstrained by all these possibilities and technical inventions he created. People are losing focus of what's important.

    That's why I say now, screw AEON Melodic *yes* I have soooo many great libraries already!
  2. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You deleted from the hive HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Native Instruments > Kontakt. This one is HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Native Instruments > Kontakt. Also reread my previous post because I tend to edit and add information once it's posted in an effort to be more clear and helpful so there are some comments that you missed. If I were you I would wait until a new version of Kontakt is released because honestly the current library situation sucks for some users that experience the aforementioned issue. Whatever I could help you with would be like putting on a band-aid when you really need surgery.

    Concerning the plight of mankind you're absolutely correct and I've actually had the exact same thoughts at one time or other. There's too much choice to see anymore and that's why I'm all about getting back to basics. :wink:
  3. boinky

    boinky Newbie

    May 30, 2013
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    0 seems I overlooked something. It was definitely HKey current USER I deleted. But HKEY local MACHINE I didn't see. Gotta try that. Tomorrow. I'm too beat tonight *yes*

    Nice picture with the bandaid, btw. :rofl:

    Don't worry, I noticed that you like editing your comments later :wink:

    There are actually studies showing that the youth today is overstrained and confused. Maybe even burned out. And because of that they have no objectives, no dreams, no purposes, no principles. They don't take initiative. It's more like "Hm...I don't know what to do with my life. Let's study this for a while, then I'll try that..." It's very sad. Thinking that people like this might be president or secretary someday...

    But I'm afraid that's a topic worth talking about for days *yes*
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Delete the Kontakt keys from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Native Instruments > Kontakt as that is based on the computer not the individual user. If that doesn't work you could also start deleting folders but make sure you have a backup of the entire registry (when you get into regedit make sure you click on the top level folder My Computer before you do an export) and if you have ANY question as to whether it is safe or not ask me. Let me know how it goes.

    You're absolutely correct in what you said in your last paragraph. Don't worry about the presidency as we already have complete idiots in office so I can't imagine anyone could possibly do a worse job. :rofl:
  5. boinky

    boinky Newbie

    May 30, 2013
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    Nope. Still won't work. I give up. I resign :wink: Let's hope for another release!

    Well, that depends. Which presidency? Which country do you live in? Or don't you wanna tell? :wink:
  6. boinky

    boinky Newbie

    May 30, 2013
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    Fuck Fuck FUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I did what you said. But that didn't work. So I recovered the registry. Unfortunately the computer said it couldnt restore all of the registry keys since some of them were working in other applications. But there were no other applications open at that time.

    Now, I can't install any of the Kontakt versions. It says I have to uninstall kontakt first. But there is nothing to uninstall.

    Crap! Without kontakt I'm screwed. Really screwed!!! Isn't there any program that finds every key in the registry?
  7. boinky

    boinky Newbie

    May 30, 2013
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    Ok, thanks to system recovery I got kontakt 5.1 back. At least.

    But now all those fine libraries I had loaded into konakt 5.0.3 (like Damage which I use a lot) are gone. And I can't get them back into kontakt 5.1. Same problem as with AEON. Damn it!!!

    Is there any other possibility with some registry cleaning programm or something? I really don't wanna format and reinstall my whole system... :sad:
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Take a deep breath, it's going to be okay. I know it can be seriously frustrating but you have a whole forum of people at the ready to lend a helping hand. I was actually going to ask you whether you have libraries other than Aeon loaded but I figured you would have told me that particularly because you were installing, uninstalling, reinstalling and performing registry edits. In my mind I thought you were dealing with a blank slate. Now that I know may I ask if Damage is the only other library added or not? Also there is a utility called RegScanner but I'm a little nervous about you making the call as to what to delete and what not to not to mention that you're going to get one huge list of results to sort through. Answer my question and let's work from there. Really I see absolutely no reason for you to have to reformat and reinstall your entire system because of this one small issue and by that I mean in the grand scheme of things that can go wrong. In the future please inform whoever is helping you of the full extent of your situation so that they can figure out the best way to go about helping you. And I'm sorry if any advice I gave caused any problems for you. :(
  9. boinky

    boinky Newbie

    May 30, 2013
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    First of all, don't worry. No need to feel sorry. You warned me that deleting registry entries might cause big system failures. Sometimes you take a risk and get a punch in the face :rofl: I'm very grateful for all your efforts to help me. Much appreciated!

    But I'm afraid it's too late. I hate to disappoint you but I already reformatted my system. Actually I'm right in the middle of it. I'm sorry but I was sooo pissed at all of that. I tried everything; I even bothered friends to try figuring out, which program to use to clean up the registry. Nothing worked. So at one point I thought "Screw it!". Other than that, I wanted to reformat everything sooner or later anyway. I was still trying and sorting out: "Which VST do I really need? Which one can I kick off my system...?"). At least now I can try again installing the independence pro library. The first time I forgot to use the registry crack before opening for the first time :wink: Stupid :rofl:

    I don't understand the nature of your question if Damage is the only other library I use. I don't see any relevance... Of course I use other sounds than that. But I don't recall which one wasn't loaded either after the system backup. What does it have to do with the kontakt problem? Or is it just out of curiosity? *yes*

    Man, I'm telling you...I gotta earn enough money with my music soon so I can finally buy all that great stuff. This is gonna awesome! :wink: I hate using stolen goods!
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Wow that was quick, did I miss a day somewhere? :rofl:
    I think you should have waited for me to help you out because though it's frustrating I'm trying to teach you how to fish. That way you can get better at solving the issues that might arise in the future. You might run into this issue again and you won't always be able to just reformat your computer. I asked if Damage was the only library because I would feel extra horrible if you had a lot of stuff added into Kontakt that got removed too. I also understand your frustration with using cracked software because I'm sure you want to support the developers and have access to legitimate copies that work like they were intended. You seem like someone that will make an investment in the tools that you use in the future but in the meantime artists are poor and for some people music is actually saving their life or allowing them to find a healthy form of self-expression. The only thing I have a problem with is when world famous artists are using cracked copies of Sylenth...I mean give me a fucking break.
  11. boinky

    boinky Newbie

    May 30, 2013
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    Yes of course. You don't go into a store and start stealing bread oder cheese. Of course I wanna have the real stuff. But on the other's like you said; Poor artist! And it really is saving my life these days. I had some pretty rough times in the past. But now I'm finding my way back on the right path :)

    Yes, I know. I may have been a little too anxious. But as I said; I wanted to redo some mistakes by reorganizing my system anyway. So, maybe this was the time ;)

    What is Sylenth?
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Music saving lives is a lot more common than you might think. On another note if I were you I would write down a task list with all the steps that you need to take in order to get things operating smoothly. That way you won't find yourself in a tight spot because you forgot a step. Sylenth is a VST plugin that a lot of electronic musicians swear by because of the quality of sound. Some of the features are pretty basic but if you make electronic music it's certainly a good synth to have in your arsenal. Goof luck and if you have time drop me a line and let me know how everything goes.
  13. boinky

    boinky Newbie

    May 30, 2013
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    Well, maybe I will try that out (Sylenth). I think I've read or heard about that before. I'm basically into Hard Rock but I mix it a lot with electronical and movie sounds. I love that stuff. Arppegiators, smooth synths, warm and moving bass sounds, crashing beats... On the other hand, I'm still exploring Omnisphere. Man, so many sounds! It'll take years listening to them all! :D

    But I definitely will drop you a line or two :) It's always nice to be in contact with kind people with brains who seem to know what they're talking about ;) Even though I don't know you, it was nice meeting you. Well, we didn't actually meet, but you know what I mean :D

    Cheers, buddy! And thanks again for your helping hand!

  14. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I think that's really cool, it's nice to see rock musicians that don't have some elitist and ignorant view towards electronic timbres and production methods. Honestly Omnisphere is a real power house and I've had a lot of fun exploring everything that it can do. If you venture beyond the sample library you will find that you have complete control over synthesizing your own timbres as well. It has exponential envelopes, a powerful modulation matrix, 2 stereo filters per part, The Orb, iPad integration, etc. The only thing I wished was a little better was the FM section but really it already does so much that you have to just accept the fact that you're going to need more than one synth. It was nice to meet you too and I really hope that everything goes smoothly for you. It was my pleasure to lend a helping hand and let me know if you ever need anything else.

    Have a good weekend. :mates:

  15. boinky

    boinky Newbie

    May 30, 2013
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    Oh yeah....there are a lot bigoted people in the hard rock scene. The guys I played with in my former band for instance. They did like the way I mixed electro samples with heavy guitars. But other than that they were pretty judging. Sad.

    Talking about the omnisphere; Maybe you CAN help me with that one. Now that I installed everything again, I'm having troubles loading the patches I saved before reformatting. The win explorer does show my patches; folders "User > My Patches". But not the omnisphere browser. So I saved a new patch for testing, then the omnisphere browser showed that same folder (my patches), the only patch showing however was that new one. Not the old ones.

    So, is there a way to import those old patches or something? I didn't find anything.

    Ask me if I didn't explain the issue correctly.
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Are you sure you placed the patches in the correct location in the STEAM folder? Try pressing the refresh button at the bottom of the Omnisphere patch window. If you did those two things correctly your patches should show up.
  17. boinky

    boinky Newbie

    May 30, 2013
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    Man, that was too simple and too obvious. Didn't think of that :) Thanks ;)
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Sometimes we overlook the simple because our brains tend to overcomplicate things particularly in this day and age with all the information we're bombarded with. Lord knows I've been the victim of this many times myself. I find it to be a big issue in music production because we often tend to forget that a complex track is formed from many simple elements. I'm glad that I helped resolve your issues with loading your custom patches. It was my pleasure.
  19. boinky

    boinky Newbie

    May 30, 2013
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    I got it!!! :) I finally got it....I don't believe it. You have no idea how happy I am right now. AEON melodic is sooooo awesome!!! Thanks guys :)
  20. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    That's really awesome man! I've been meaning to check it out as I do like Heavyocity's other stuff but I am trying to limit my VST's and libraries right now in an effort to get back to basics. I find that I work more effectively that way. Enjoy. :mates:
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